Tuesday, 19th May, 2020

Good Morning Year 4!

We hope that you have enjoyed a good start to this week. As always, we love to see what you have been doing. Alice, William, Lola, Sami, Sandro, Darcie-Louise and Mia  have kindly shared pictures of their hard work.

Let’s see what they’ve been up to:


Well done on all your fabulous photos- it is LOVELY to see what you have been doing!

Also, congratulations to those of you who managed to get the resources to do the Science experiment. It has been lovely to see some of your photos! If you have not already been in touch, let us know how you got on. Did any of you manage to bounce the egg that was in vinegar? Those eggs became very soft and rubbery! You will find out why, this week, if you do not already know. If you were unable to do the experiment yourselves, you will be able to see lots of pictures on the PowerPoint and you can let us know what you think.

Spirituality week got off to a wonderful start yesterday. Thank you to William and Darcie-Louise for your sheet of hearts showing all the special people who belong to Year 4.

Today’s task for Spirituality week includes audios of different prayer stations for you to listen to that have been organised and composed by Year 6 House Captains and Liturgy Leaders. We are sure that you will really enjoy listening to these. Let us know which is your favourite!

We want you to share your learning with us and tell us what special things you have been doing at home on your own or with your family.  Keep posting!

A reminder: you can keep in contact with us by sending an email to: year4@popepaul.herts.sch.uk.

Continue to try your best in doing your learning each day. Remember, read through each activity for today’s learning and keep your handwriting neatly presented as you complete each task.

Click here for the answers to yesterday’s learning.

Click here for today’s learning.

You need this information today to help you:

Poetry Links

Science End of Egg Experiment

Spirituality Week : Focus 

Prayer Stations