Reception Week Beginning 7.12.20
It’s safe to say, that this has been the most exciting week in Reception so far this year!
On Monday, the children were filmed performing their Nativity play. They were absolutely brilliant- true professionals, who did us all proud! Please see your child’s individual Tapestry account for their individual photograph. The class watched themselves perform on the big screen on Wednesday afternoon, when it went live on the school website; it was very exciting, especially as they had popcorn, just like in the cinema!
The children spent most of the remainder of the week role-playing the Nativity and trying out the different characters, writing about the story, making angel wings and using different materials to build the stable that Jesus was born in.
Today, the class couldn’t believe their eyes when, during the school virtual assembly, Father Christmas walked right behind Mrs Heymoz while she was talking to the children and unbelievably, she didn’t see him! When they told her afterwards, she was in complete shock! When they met Father Christmas later, he explained to them that he had travelled a long way to see them and he had just been looking for a mince pie to eat, because he was hungry.
Yesterday, we received hampers from you all. These have been put into quarantine, so we haven’t opened them just yet, but thank you so much for your generosity. We really do appreciate it!
Wishing you all a lovely weekend,
The Early Years Team