Year 2 Blog 11-12-2020
Children of the World.
It has been a joyous week in school. It was lights, camera and action for our KS 1 Christmas Nativity.
Every year, Gabriel and the angels celebrate the birth of Jesus by bringing children from around the world to visit the manger. Travelling from as far afield as China, Australia, Ghana and the Philippines, each group is brought to the stable where they tell of their special Christmas customs, singing songs and presenting gifts.
Year 2 along with Year 1, acted, sang and danced brilliantly and they should all be very proud of themselves.
The premiere of our KS1 Christmas Nativity film takes place on Monday 14th December at 2pm on the Year 2 Class blog! Don’t forget to tune in then!
There was great excitement in school today as we had a very special visit from Santa Claus! Everyone looked very festive in their Christmas Jumpers!
Well done to all the children for their hard work this week. No Home Learning!
Have a joyful weekend,
Miss Davey