Autumn 2 Week 6
Another week has flown by in Year 5.It’s hard to believe it’s Friday again! Today was very exciting and it was wonderful to see the children in their festive jumpers! They really looked the part for meeting Santa!
Also this week, we made angels of hope from clay. We will paint them next week and I’m looking forward to seeing the results.
Have a wonderful weekend.
Mrs Lines
Home Learning:
Research how Christians in another country celebrates Christmas. You can make a poster or a PowerPoint. We will be sharing these with the rest of the class throughout the week. You could include the following:
Are gifts given? When? By Whom?
· Which special foods are eaten? Do certain foods hold any symbolism?
· What season of the year is it? What will the weather be like?
· Do Christians from around the world go to Church on Christmas Day?
· What rituals will be part of the liturgy for Christmas Day?
· Is there a Father Christmas?
· Customs regarding decorations – trees, cards, wreaths
· How to say Merry Christmas in the local language
This is due in on Wednesday 16th December