Friday, 20th December 2024

The last week of the Autumn Term has been a busy one in all classes, Year 2 no exception!
On Monday, we had a great time at the Panto, watching Aladdin. Thank you for Freddy’s, Fiona’s and Jacob’s mummy for your support.
On Wednesday, we enjoyed a lovely Christmas lunch:
before watching some amazing performances during our Pope Paul’s Got Talent Show:
Well done for our finalists, you were brilliant!
We spent the rest of the week making Christmas cards and other crafts whilst solving Christmas Maths Mysteries and writing acrostic poems inspired by the festivities.
It has been a great term and the children  did really well settling in and doing challenging learning!
Thank you for your continued support, the cards, and your very generous presents. They were much appreciated by all members of staff working in Year 2!
Have a fantastic Christmas and a happy and healthy  New Year !
See you in 2025!
Ms Varga