Tuesday 30th June 2020

Good morning Year 2,

You will find today’s learning activities in the table below.

Wishing you all a wonderful day!

Miss Davey

Subject Activity
Prayer Prayer for Tuesday 30th June
Loving God, your Son Jesus knew the experience of hatred and violence and responded with justice and love. Help me to follow his example and be a clear witness of your Kingdom of justice and love.
Spelling &
Copy the following sentences into your handwriting book.

The cat’s water was empty and needed filling.
The boy’s tooth fell out when he bit into an apple.
He found the man’s key in the door.
The dog’s tail wagged with excitement.
She saw the woman’s coat on the back of the chair.

Reading Continue to read daily and discuss what you have read.You can access plenty of wonderful books via the Harper Collins website: https://connect.collins.co.uk/school/Portal.aspx

Username: parents@harpercollins.co.uk


Use the Teacher Login area.

Maths 30-06-2020
Morning Challenge

WALT: Present data

Use the pictogram to make up and answer 3 questions about the cookie shapes.
English Tuesday 30th June 2020
WALT: Use conjunctions

Compose sentences about Jacques gadgets using the following conjunctions.

When        If       That      So       Because      But      For     And

Example: Jacques had a diving suit but it was very heavy.

Wider Curriculum This week is our Virtual Sports Week, so afternoon learning will be focused on the theme of the Olympics. Click here for the powerpoint that will take you through the daily events and cross-curricular activities. Please remember to send your scores to popepaulolympics@herts.sch.uk

Tuesday, 30th June 2020

Dear Year 4,

Thank you for continuing to keep in touch and sending us photos of your learning.

It was William P’s 9th Birthday yesterday…so Happy Birthday from all of us William!!

Free Birthday Clipart - Animations

We look forward to seeing a picture of you soon!

Have a wonderful day of learning.

Ms Varga and Mrs McNamara

PE Click here for your Active June worksheet.How many gold levels are you up to?

If you enjoy the Joe Wicks workout, please continue to have fun with his daily activities.

Morning Prayer

Find a quiet place to sit and reflect…


Jack’s family cat Tabitha passed away a few weeks ago. Please remember Jack in your prayers.


Following Jesus

Thanks be to you, O Lord Jesus Christ,

for all the benefits which you have won for us,

for all the pains which you have borne for us.

O most merciful Friend and Brother,

may we know you more clearly,

love you more dearly,

and follow you more nearly, day by day.











Read Theory


Reading Log

Did you enjoy the book link from yesterday? Read this version of the traditional tale today.


Log onto Read theory and complete at least 5 exercises


What are you reading?  Have you been updating your reading log?

Post us a picture of your reading logs!!  We would love to hear about the current book you are reading.

Spelling https://spellingframe.co.uk/spelling-rule/47/29-Word-list-years-3-and-4—fo–to-h

Word list: forward, fruit, grammar, group, guard, guide, heard, heart, height, history

In your neatest handwriting, write a sentence or a paragraph with each word.




Fluency: Recognise and Describe 2D shapes

Video:  Click here

Click here for the worksheet and here for the answers.

Main Activity:  Comparison sum and difference.

Video: Click here

Click here for the worksheet and here for the answers.

English Click here for today’s learning. You are going to use a picture prompt today to practice writing a dialogue.
Wider curriculum

This week is our Virtual Sports Week, so afternoon learning will be focused on the theme of the Olympics. Click here for the power point that will take you through the daily events and cross-curricular activities.

Please remember to send us your scores!


Tuesday 30th June Learning

Good morning Year 1. I hope you had a lovely day yesterday.

Here is your learning today. Please email me photos of your learning and if you have questions about the learning. year1@popepaul.herts.sch.uk

Today’s prayer – click on the link  Tuesday Prayer





Practise counting in twos, fives and tens. Can you count backwards in twos, fives and tens?

Watch the video clip and then complete the activity on the sheet or in your book



Tuesday’s Maths



Write the date


Read the story Norman the Slug with a Silly Snail again.




Write some sentences about the story.

Use adjectives and conjunctions.

Draw/paint a picture of Norman.


Spelling/Handwriting  no    go  so    by   my


Fill in the missing words and write them in your handwriting book.


I said _______! shouted dad.


_____ to the shop to get some milk.


______ mum is kind to me.


Walk _____ the river.


Be careful _____ you do not fall over.


Phonics https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCP_FbjYUP_UtldV2K_-niWw/


Letters and Sounds lesson at 10.30am for Year 1  – Today’s sounds are se


If your child would like to revise the Phase 3 sounds – 10.00am

Reading  Read for 10 minutes and talk about what you have read.  Record the books you have read in your reading record. Write a sentence about each book read. Did you like it? Why? Would you recommend it to someone? What was your favourite part? If you did not like it, why? What would you change about the story?



Username- parents@harpercollins.co.uk

Password- Parents20!

Click on Collins Big Cat.

Click on the colour book band.  Remember to read the book a few times over the week and talk about the book. Click on resources for some activities on the book.

Wider Curriculum Choose an activity from the Olympics page.




Year 6 – Tuesday 30th June learning

Subject Activity
Prayer Click here for today’s prayer.
PE Miss Pringle has put together a timetable of activities for you to do each day in June, with different levels of challenge. Open it here. You’ll see that there are also tasks and activities to do at the weekend, so do have a go at those too.
Handwriting Visit https://spellingframe.co.uk/spelling-rule/57/57-Word-list-years-5-and-6—g-to-le-, click on ‘Spelling Tiles’, then begin ‘Segment Puzzle’ to practise this week’s spellings.
Reading 15 minutes of https://readtheory.org/
English WALT respond to poetry.

Click here to open today’s English activities.

Times Tables http://timestables.me.uk/
Maths WALT solve problems.

Open today’s questions here and the answers here.

Wider curriculum This week is our Virtual Sports Week, so afternoon learning will be focused on the theme of the Olympics. Click here for the powerpoint that will take you through the daily events and cross-curricular activities. Please remember to send your scores to popepaulolympics@herts.sch.uk


Good morning Y3,

Here is today’s learning 30.6.20

I hope you are enjoying the Olympic tasks, please remember to email your scores and other olympic tasks to popepaulolympics@popepaul.herts.sch.uk

Take care,

Miss Pringle

Tuesday 30th June 2020

Good morning, Year 5. I hope you are all well.

Here is your learning for today:

Morning Prayer Follow the PowerPoint for your daily prayer

Tuesday Prayer

Maths WALT- Measure with a protractor

Questions:Measuring with a protractor

Answers:Answers_ Measuring with a protractor

English Find your learning here:Year 5 Day 2
Reading and Spelling Complete 10 read theory tests

Read your own book for 20 minutes

Use spelling frame- rule 37


Virtual Sports Week

Take a look at today’s task. Have fun!


Year 6 – Monday 29th June learning

Good morning, Year 6. Remember to tune into Mass this morning at 9:30 to celebrate our patron, St Paul VI.

Subject Activity
Prayer Click here for today’s prayer.
PE Miss Pringle has put together a timetable of activities for you to do each day in June, with different levels of challenge. Open it here. You’ll see that there are also tasks and activities to do at the weekend, so do have a go at those too.
Handwriting Visit https://spellingframe.co.uk/spelling-rule/57/57-Word-list-years-5-and-6—g-to-le- to find this week’s words. Click ‘view words’ then copy into your handwriting book.
Reading 15 minutes of https://readtheory.org/
English WALT respond to journalistic writing.

Click here to open today’s English activities.

Times Tables http://timestables.me.uk/
Maths WALT solve problems.

This week, your Maths learning is going to feature lots of problem solving across a range of topics. Please see the last page of the PDF as a guide to the levels of each question. I hope you enjoy challenging yourselves!

Open today’s questions here and the answers here.

RE Click here to find your RE learning. Learn about Saints Peter and Paul, whose feast day it is today.
Wider curriculum This week is our Virtual Sports Week, so afternoon learning will be focused on the theme of the Olympics. Click here for the powerpoint that will take you through the daily events and cross-curricular activities. Please remember to send your scores to popepaulolympics@herts.sch.uk

Monday 29th June Learning

Good morning Year 1. I hope you had a wonderful weekend.

Here is your learning today. Please email me photos of your learning and if you have questions about the learning. year1@popepaul.herts.sch.uk

Today’s prayer – click on the link  Monday Prayer

Mass is at 9.30am for the Feast of St Peter and St Paul.







Practise spelling the days of the week.


Monday’s Maths

Mathletics activities set



Write the date



Watch this story or if you have the book at home read the book.


Can you think of things Norman could use for a shell?

Make your own snail and decorate the shell. Then write some sentences to describe the shell.


SPAG activities set.


Spelling/Handwriting Write these words 4 times each in your handwriting book.

no    go  so    by   my


Here are Year 2 common exception words.  Practise reading and spelling some of the Year 2

words if you know all of the Year 1 words.

Common Exception words

Phonics https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCP_FbjYUP_UtldV2K_-niWw/


Letters and Sounds lesson at 10.30am for Year 1  – Today’s sounds are oa, o, o_e, ow and ou


If your child would like to revise the Phase 3 sounds – 10.00am

Reading Read for 10 minutes and talk about what you have read.  Record the books you have read in your

reading record. Write a sentence about each book read. Did you like it? Why? Would you

recommend it to someone? What was your favourite part? If you did not like it, why? What

would you change about the story?



Username- parents@harpercollins.co.uk

Password- Parents20!

Click on Collins Big Cat.

Click on the colour book band. Remember to read the book a few times over the week and

talk about the book. Click on resources for some activities on the book.

Religion Choose an activity from the St Peter and St Paul Blog.

The feast of St Peter and St Paul

Please log onto the live stream at OLSV  church for Mass  at 9.30 am as we celebrate a school Mass for our school patron St Paul VI.

Yesterday  we celebrated the twin founders of the Church in Rome. Both St. Paul and St. Peter proved that they were committed and faithful disciples by laying down their lives for Jesus and His Gospel.  St. Paul was beheaded and St. Peter was crucified upside down.

Read about their lives in the link below


Read the Gospel that is read in Church on the feast of St Peter and St Paul

Gospel: Matthew 16:13-19

Jesus went to the territory near the town of Caesarea Philippi, where he asked his disciples, “Who do people say the Son of Man is?”

“Some say John the Baptist,” they answered. “Others say Elijah, while others say Jeremiah or some other prophet.”

“What about you?” he asked them. “Who do you say I am?”

Simon Peter answered, “You are the Messiah, the Son of the living God.”

“Good for you, Simon son of John!” answered Jesus. “For this truth did not come to you from any human being, but it was given to you directly by my Father in heaven. And so I tell you, Peter: you are a rock, and on this rock foundation I will build my church, and not even death will ever be able to overcome it. I will give you the keys of the Kingdom of heaven; what you prohibit on earth will be prohibited in heaven, and what you permit on earth will be permitted in heaven.”

The Gospel of the Lord

Why did Jesus give Simon Peter a new name and the keys to the kingdom?

Simon Peter recognised and believed that Jesus was the Son of God. He had great faith and was willing to put that faith into words but also into actions.

Because of Peter’s great faith, Jesus gave him the keys to the kingdom of Heaven. What are keys usually used for?

Keys lock doors, but they also open them. As a disciple, Peter spent his time sharing Jesus’ message with other people. He opened their hearts to God’s love, just like a key opens a door.


We can open our hearts by taking some time to stop and listen, to pray and to try to hear what Jesus is asking us to do. We can show our faith in our prayers and in our actions. We can try to follow Jesus’ commandments to love God and to love our neighbour. We can be kind and generous to others and we can try to make the world a fairer place where all people get what they need.


Can you think of some key words that show us what Jesus asks us to do? (eg. love, believe, forgive, give, share, hope etc)

These are just like the keys to God’s kingdom – which open us up to God’s love.

This week let’s try to be more loving, more forgiving and more generous to others. Let us try to bring hope to others. And let’s try to open our hearts to welcome Jesus in.

What will you do this week to show your faith in Jesus and to welcome him into your heart?

Draw a large outline of a  key and write  or draw what you will do to open your heart to Jesus in the coming week or the “key words” that sum up what Jesus asks us to do.

Key pattern. Use the printable outline for crafts, creating ...

Monday, 29th June 2020

Dear Year 4,

We hope you have had a lovely weekend! Thank you for those who shared their learning with us last week; you are all doing really well!

This week, we are going to be focusing on a virtual sports day in which you take part in daily PE tasks.  Please click on the power point below that will explain the week to you.  On Thursday, we are asked to dress in fancy dress…..as you do your PE task.  Can’t wait to see you in action!!

Mass at OLSV is at 9:30am and it is a special mass with Pope Paul VI being the focus.  Please log onto the live stream mass.

Ms Varga and Mrs McNamara


PE Click here for your Active June worksheet.How many gold levels are you up to?

If you enjoy the Joe Wicks workout, please continue to have fun with his daily activities.

Morning Prayer

Find a quiet place to sit and reflect…


Join us at 9:30am for  mass live streamed from Our Lady and St Vincent’s Church with Fr Shaun to celebrate St Paul VI.













Read Theory


Reading Log

Did you enjoy the book link from yesterday? Have a look at this one today!


Log onto Read theory and complete at least 5 exercises.


What are you reading?  Have you been updating your reading log?

Post us a picture of your reading logs!!  We would love to hear about the current book you are reading.




Word list:

forward, fruit, grammar, group, guard, guide, heard, heart, height, history

In your neatest handwriting, write out these words 4 times.




In Maths this week, our main activity is on Reading and Interpreting Graphs.  You have shown your understanding of graphs in your Science lessons in class during the Autumn and Spring Term.
Our FLUENCY work will be revising our understanding of measures.

Fluency: Day One    Drawing Accurately

Video Link:  Click Here
Worksheet  click here and answer sheet click here.

Main Activity: Focus is Interpreting Charts

Video: Click here
Click here for the worksheet and here for the answer sheet.
English Click here for today’s learning. This week you are going to base your learning on the story of Peter and the wolf and look at speech as your grammar focus.

Click here for today’s PowerPoint on speech.

Wider curriculum

This week is our Virtual Sports Week, so afternoon learning will be focused on the theme of the Olympics. Click here for the powerpoint that will take you through the daily events and cross-curricular activities.

Please remember to send us your scores!
