Spring 2 Week 5
There have been any Lent and Easter activities happening this week. On Tuesday we walked to Church to pray The Stations of the Cross. We also enjoyed reflecting on Holy Week and eating our snacks in the Church garden.
On Wednesday we went on a Lent walk with Year 5. Luckily, we dodged the rain and were able to enjoy squelching our boots in muddy puddles, spotting signs of spring and looking for, water snails and frog spawn in the pond.
We applied all of our ball handling skills in PE.
The class have also enjoyed an Easter egg hunt, card making and gardening. Next term, we will be planting cress, lettuce, runner beans and sunflowers next term.
Please continue to read over the holiday and return any reading books you might have at home next term.
Thank you for your support this term and well done to the children, who have worked very hard.
Have an amazing Easter break.
Miss Pringle