
Good Morning Y3,

Thank you for your emails I love hearing about what you have been doing and seeing your wonderful learning. Keep in touch.

Miss Pringle

Here is today’s learning;




Play some of these games using words with a short u sound, spelt with o.


English and geography

WALT identify compound noun place names in London.


Many place names or tourist attractions are made from compound nouns, for example London Bridge or Brunt Oak. Using a map of London or a tube map list at least 15 examples in your writing book.



Log your daily reading in your reading record and complete this activity in your writing book please.



Make a list of as many adjectives and verbs as you can from a chapter of a book you are reading or have recently read.







Today I have set you a Mathletics activity that revisits the time activities you completed online this week.

Get creative for the NHS at 8pm I know you have created wonderful art to display in your windows for the NHS or written thank you letters to your post and recycling people but I thought that it might be a nice idea to dress up for the 8pm clap for carers this evening. You could wear clothes that are the colours of the rainbow, dress as a key worker or maybe customise one of your old t-shirts or shirts (remember to ask an adult first) like this;

Don’t forget to send me a photo!