🌸Spring Term Week 1 wb 11.01.22

Happy Friday and welcome to our first full week of the Spring term.

This week we have continued reflecting on the feast of Epiphany and added the Wise men into our own version of the Christmas story. In our new R.E. topic ‘Being a Sacramental People’ we discussed our knowledge of Jesus and the things he achieved.

In art we painted our Kandinsky inspired clay circles and have left them to dry before we glaze them next week.

We completed our ‘Animals and Humans’ Science topic by learning how to identify mammals and how to classify animals according to what they eat. We learnt some rather long scientific new words which were very tricky to spell and read! See below for consolidation home learning activities on carnivore, omnivore and herbivore animals.

As we have already learnt about adjectives and nouns we discovered verbs cause an action- this was a very energetic lesson! We used verbs to write a set of instructions about how to look after the farm as Farmer Duck has now gone on holiday and left the work to us! He left us a letter to explain that we was so fed up and needed a holiday!  The children worked well to hunt around the classroom for the verbs and then used time conjunctions to order them.

In Maths we finished our topic by learning about compass direction, there was a lot of movement involved!


P.E. days are now Monday and Thursday. Children should continue to come in their full P.E. kits on these days. 

Enjoy your weekend and keep warm ❄️,
Miss Lambie

Home learning

  • Science-  Please use https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/z6882hv/articles/zp92xnb
    and https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/z6882hv/articles/z96vb9q to consolidate the learning in science
  • Phonics- We have come to the end of phase 4 phonics and will soon begin phase 5 sounds. Please use Spelling frame to secure and Phase 3 and 4 sounds and tricky words that your child finds challenging. The common ones are the ‘r’ controlled sounds that the children are mixing up: ar, or, ir, er, ur, ure there’s so many!
  • Reading- Can you now spot any verbs in your reading books? Don’t forget about adjectives and nouns too. As you are reading you can act out the verb when you read it- we’re very active this week!
  • Maths- I wonder if you have a compass at home or can use a compass app with your parents to discover where the North, East, South and West directions are in your home or garden.
    Year 1  enjoyed watching this to see them draw their own map. Some said they would like to do it for extra home learning. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_4b9tVmmFJE


❄️Week 14 wb 13.12.21🎄

Week 14 wb 13.12.21🎄❄️

Year 1 were fantastic in their Nativity shows this week. We do hope you all enjoyed it.

We all had a very festive lunch on Wednesday and looked fab in our outfits.

🎄❄️The Year One teaching team wish you all a

very Merry Christmas and

look forward to welcoming you back in 2022! 🎄❄️

Please could you save any Christmas cards depicting Mary and Jesus on the front, The Three Kings and bring them in after the holidays.

Week 13- w.b. 6th December ❄️

Week 13 wb 06.12.21 ❄️

🕯️In the second week of Advent Year 1’s Advent promises were to say please and thank you, tell someone they loved them and to let someone go in front of them. 🕯️

In Science the children were learning to identify and name common birds. The home learning for this week will continue with our learning on birds and the children can bird watch at home or in their local area. They can record their findings and share it with the class next week. They can record in poster form or a tally chart. Please use the links below to identify birds, hear bird songs and look at the wildlife guide. I am looking forward to seeing how many birds we can identify.




In Maths the children were learning all about positional language so I have attached the PowerPoint which contains our song we learnt.

1_Put Your Beanbag Song

Year 1 were full of Joy all week as we moved towards the third Sunday of Advent. They were particularly joyful on Friday so I do hope they tell you all about it.

We had paper chain creations, snowflake making, Christmas bangles and key rings and let us not forget a visit from jolly St. Nicholas and a disco party!

⭐We are looking forward to seeing you in the audience on:⭐

Monday 13th December at 2pm


Tuesday 14th December at 9:30am


Enjoy your weekend,

Miss Lambie


Home learning

  • Santa was using the reading book area for his Grotto today so we were unable to change any books. We will do this on Monday instead.
  • Mathletics has been set to support the positional language we have learnt this week.

Week 12 wb 29.11.21

Week 12 wb 29.11.21
This week was the first week of Advent and Year 1 were able to open the Advent calendar each day to see what their mission was. Their promises this week were to pray more, smile, say hello, pick up litter and to be kind.

In art the children continued their clay modelling based on the work of Wassily Kandinsky and also sketched their own interpretation of Kandinsky.

In English Year 1 were identifying nouns around the classroom. There was a lot of post-its!

The children enjoyed their first week on Winter and made our seasonal area into a winter wonderland. We collected adjectives to describe Winter and hung them on our tree.

All children in Year 1 are narrators in our Nativity.
Please may all children bring a smart/ party outfit into school in a named bag from Monday 6th December so we can use them for the dress rehearsal before the play. It’s important that the children are confident in changing in and out of their outfit independently.

Enjoy your weekend,
Miss Lambie

Home learning
• An English Noun hunt sheet has been sent home today. Please continue to encourage your child to spot adjectives and nouns in any reading this weekend.
• Mathletics has been set to support the addition, more/less, and patterns that we are learning.

Week 11 w.b 22.11.21

This week Year 1 continued their learning on the season on Advent and on Friday they worked well to prepare the prayer space to mark the change in Liturgical season.

In Religion they learnt about the Advent Wreath and how the candles help us countdown to Jesus’ birth.


Year 1 drew and collaged their own Advent Wreaths to support their understanding of the 4 weeks of Advent.


Year 1 worked really hard as a team to come up with lots of different Advent promises before writing their chosen one onto a star and presenting it at assembly.

In our art topic on ‘exploring colour’ the children had a chance to apply their skills in modelling clay into concentric circles based on the work of Wassily Kandinsky. The clay will take some time to dry before the children can apply their paint colours.

Year 1 also showed their amazing scissor skills to cut concentric circles to make a tile to add to our whole class display which is inspired by Kandinsky.

To support the children’s science learning on animals we had a visit from a vet, Dr. Barbara, who spoke to the children about her role and they were very enthusiastic in their questioning.

Nativity Preparations

  • All children in Year 1 are narrators in our Nativity.
    Please may all children bring a smart/ party outfit into school in a named bag from Monday 6th December so we can use them for the dress rehearsal before the play. It’s important that the children are confident in changing in and out of their outfit independently.
  • Your child has their Christmas play lines in their reading record to learn.
  • Please see the latest newsletter for Nativity dates and timings.

Enjoy your weekend,

Miss Lambie


Home learning

  • Your child’s tricky words quiz has been sent home today. Please revise the unfamiliar words before writing the words in sentences and completing the word search.
  • Thank you in support the children’s learning on adjectives by completing the home learning. Year 1 continued learning about how adjectives can add extra information to writing and adjectives make it more interesting for a reader. Please encourage your children to spot adjectives in their home school reading book or any other books you read over the weekend.

Week 10 wb 15.11.21

Week 10 wb 15.11.21

This week Year 1 worked well to understand what is meant by bullying, how to stop it from happening and how to be a good friend. Anti-bullying week had the theme of ‘One kind word’ so we worked hard to ensure we all said at least one kind word to our friends everyday.  We designed our ideal friend and wrote the qualities that we would be looking for.

Year 1 learnt about adjectives this week and used them to describe each other and then Farmer Duck.

In maths year 1 revised their knowledge of part, whole or cherry diagram to show one more and one less. They also worked really well accessing resources independently and to generate their own numbers which they then ordered from fewest to greatest.

Year 1 really enjoyed their Karate this week and learnt how to do sit ups and press ups safely and with control. They also learnt how to greet each other and their first defence move.

Enjoy the weekend,

Miss Lambie


Home learning

  • www.spellingframe.co.uk
    The phonemes we have been revising this week: ear & air. Tricky words for this week: are, was & called.
  • Your child has an additional English activity in their bag too.
  • Your child has their Christmas play lines in their reading record.

Week 9 w/b 8th November

Week 9 w/b 08.11.2021

Thank you to Year 5 who led the school in an assembly all about kindness today. It has prepared us well for anti-bullying week next week.

We continued our learning on Remembrance to understand the significance of marking Remembrance Day. We learnt about the signs and symbols we might see, what happens at the Cenotaph in London and then finished our learning by making our very own poppies.

We really enjoyed our first Karate lesson this week! We learnt four different poses and are looking forward to our next session.


As our new Religion topic is titled ‘Advent to Christmas’ we decided to record what we already knew about Advent before we start our preparations next week. We came up with lots of ideas!

This week we were revising the ‘oi’ (Spoil the boy) and ‘ow’ (brown cow) phonemes. The children enjoyed teaching each other the sounds and some were really challenging the other children by seeing if they could spot the sound upside down!

Enjoy the weekend,

Miss Lambie


Home learning

  • I have set Mathletics activities to complete.
  • www.spellingframe.co.uk
    -The phonemes we have been revising this week:
    oi, ow (cow not the vowel sound in snow)
    -Tricky words for this week: are, all

Week 8- w.b 1st November 2021

Week 8 w/b 01.10.2021

Welcome back! It was so lovely to see the children return from the half term refreshed and ready for their autumn 2 learning. Today the children were very enthusiastic as we welcomed a new child into our Year 1 family. They were able to share their knowledge of our routines and supported well in exploring our classroom environment. We also watched Year 2 lead us in a Remembrance assembly this morning. They taught us some important facts which we will be exploring further next week.

We began the week by having a reflective class worship where we thank God for keeping us safe during our half term break. The children were respectful and peaceful with their prayer stones when placing them in our special water bowl.

Our new Religion topic is titled ‘Advent to Christmas’. For our first lesson we invited our Seminarian, Dale Cutlan, in to talk to us about what it is like to wait to become a Priest. In this topic we will be learning about Advent and how it is the period of waiting we experience before Christmas.

The children were excited to learn about our new English text called ‘Farmer Duck’. They were so inventive when creating role play props and a class farm. Our Farmer Duck puppet kept sneaking into our pictures- can you spot him?

This week we were revising the tricky ‘r’ controlled phonemes for ar, or and ur. The children worked well in groups to complete different activities to apply their knowledge. We even had a mini school going on using the resources to teach the other children and I even caught them on the teacher chair! Farmer Duck was also keen to learn his phonics.



The children continued to explore colour in their art learning and used their skills to produced some fantastic displays of fireworks.


Thank you for attending the parent consultations this week. Your continued support is greatly appreciated. I will be sending home the photocopied notes and any other resources requested next week.

Enjoy the weekend and stay safe at any firework celebrations.

Miss Lambie and Farmer Duck


Home learning

  • I have set Mathletics activities to complete.
  • From Monday your child will have an individual user for www.spellingframe.co.uk so please log on check it all works. You can play the games for: ar, or and ur. We have used this resource in school and the children are very keen to try at home.
  • For now, I have included some phonics links below to try at home this weekend until you get the log on on Monday.
  • Any  R.E. learning projects- they are looking amazing!

Additional links to support your child with their phonics:

Free-Mr Thorne has a lesson on every sound on youtube
Free-Letters and Sounds started to record lessons during school closures on you tube
Free-Letters and Sounds provide downloadable flash cards but not lessons or games
Free-Topmarks provides interactive spelling and phonic games which are suitable on tablets/phones.
A few free without subscription- Phonics bloom provides interactive games
Free- DfE Past Year 1 Screening papers
I will add these links to the Year 1 class page under ‘English’ for your future use.

Week 7 w/b 18.10.2021

What a busy half term! Year 1 have settled into their new classroom and routines well and are showing amazing efforts in their learning.

Year 1 joined the whole school this week in exploring the big question:

Who does the world belong to?

The children worked well to come up with lots of ideas and concluded the world belongs to all living things and we are all responsible for it.

Thank you to the Liturgy leaders who led us in a class worship. We enjoyed drawing pictures of what we want the world to look like.

The children made their own pledges on about how to look after the world and presented them during Friday’s assembly.

The children enjoyed learning about their wider world this week and worked well to locate the Amazon Rainforest from an atlas. They were great at quizzing each other on which flag belonged to which country.

We finished our first half term with guided meditation in Religion this week. We reflected on peaceful places where we can be calm and present with God. The children were so respectful and peaceful as they shared their ideas.

The children enjoyed their last week of the Doctor’s Surgery role play area and were very inventive when creating new resources for our Vet role play for after half term. They collected all the patients and gave them their name tags, used pompoms to create food and medicine trays and even made a pet ambulance! Although they chose a monkey as the driver so they are not sure how reliable it will be…

The children are continuing to explore the season of autumn and have made autumn crowns with their collection of leaves.

Home learning

  • Please see the latest newsletter for the R.E. school learning project

I wish you all a safe and happy half term and look forward to seeing you again on Tuesday 2nd November.

Miss Lambie