Week 10 wb 15.11.21
Week 10 wb 15.11.21
This week Year 1 worked well to understand what is meant by bullying, how to stop it from happening and how to be a good friend. Anti-bullying week had the theme of ‘One kind word’ so we worked hard to ensure we all said at least one kind word to our friends everyday. We designed our ideal friend and wrote the qualities that we would be looking for.
Year 1 learnt about adjectives this week and used them to describe each other and then Farmer Duck.
In maths year 1 revised their knowledge of part, whole or cherry diagram to show one more and one less. They also worked really well accessing resources independently and to generate their own numbers which they then ordered from fewest to greatest.
Year 1 really enjoyed their Karate this week and learnt how to do sit ups and press ups safely and with control. They also learnt how to greet each other and their first defence move.
Enjoy the weekend,
Miss Lambie
Home learning
- www.spellingframe.co.uk
The phonemes we have been revising this week: ear & air. Tricky words for this week: are, was & called. - Your child has an additional English activity in their bag too.
- Your child has their Christmas play lines in their reading record.