Week 8- w.b 1st November 2021
Week 8 w/b 01.10.2021
Welcome back! It was so lovely to see the children return from the half term refreshed and ready for their autumn 2 learning. Today the children were very enthusiastic as we welcomed a new child into our Year 1 family. They were able to share their knowledge of our routines and supported well in exploring our classroom environment. We also watched Year 2 lead us in a Remembrance assembly this morning. They taught us some important facts which we will be exploring further next week.
We began the week by having a reflective class worship where we thank God for keeping us safe during our half term break. The children were respectful and peaceful with their prayer stones when placing them in our special water bowl.
Our new Religion topic is titled ‘Advent to Christmas’. For our first lesson we invited our Seminarian, Dale Cutlan, in to talk to us about what it is like to wait to become a Priest. In this topic we will be learning about Advent and how it is the period of waiting we experience before Christmas.
The children were excited to learn about our new English text called ‘Farmer Duck’. They were so inventive when creating role play props and a class farm. Our Farmer Duck puppet kept sneaking into our pictures- can you spot him?
This week we were revising the tricky ‘r’ controlled phonemes for ar, or and ur. The children worked well in groups to complete different activities to apply their knowledge. We even had a mini school going on using the resources to teach the other children and I even caught them on the teacher chair! Farmer Duck was also keen to learn his phonics.
The children continued to explore colour in their art learning and used their skills to produced some fantastic displays of fireworks.
Thank you for attending the parent consultations this week. Your continued support is greatly appreciated. I will be sending home the photocopied notes and any other resources requested next week.
Enjoy the weekend and stay safe at any firework celebrations.
Miss Lambie and Farmer Duck
Home learning
- I have set Mathletics activities to complete.
- From Monday your child will have an individual user for www.spellingframe.co.uk so please log on check it all works. You can play the games for: ar, or and ur. We have used this resource in school and the children are very keen to try at home.
- For now, I have included some phonics links below to try at home this weekend until you get the log on on Monday.
- Any R.E. learning projects- they are looking amazing!
Additional links to support your child with their phonics: