Week 7 w/b 18.10.2021
What a busy half term! Year 1 have settled into their new classroom and routines well and are showing amazing efforts in their learning.
Year 1 joined the whole school this week in exploring the big question:
The children worked well to come up with lots of ideas and concluded the world belongs to all living things and we are all responsible for it.
Thank you to the Liturgy leaders who led us in a class worship. We enjoyed drawing pictures of what we want the world to look like.
The children made their own pledges on about how to look after the world and presented them during Friday’s assembly.
The children enjoyed learning about their wider world this week and worked well to locate the Amazon Rainforest from an atlas. They were great at quizzing each other on which flag belonged to which country.
We finished our first half term with guided meditation in Religion this week. We reflected on peaceful places where we can be calm and present with God. The children were so respectful and peaceful as they shared their ideas.
The children enjoyed their last week of the Doctor’s Surgery role play area and were very inventive when creating new resources for our Vet role play for after half term. They collected all the patients and gave them their name tags, used pompoms to create food and medicine trays and even made a pet ambulance! Although they chose a monkey as the driver so they are not sure how reliable it will be…
The children are continuing to explore the season of autumn and have made autumn crowns with their collection of leaves.
Home learning
- Please see the latest newsletter for the R.E. school learning project
I wish you all a safe and happy half term and look forward to seeing you again on Tuesday 2nd November.
Miss Lambie