Week 9 w/b 8th November

Week 9 w/b 08.11.2021

Thank you to Year 5 who led the school in an assembly all about kindness today. It has prepared us well for anti-bullying week next week.

We continued our learning on Remembrance to understand the significance of marking Remembrance Day. We learnt about the signs and symbols we might see, what happens at the Cenotaph in London and then finished our learning by making our very own poppies.

We really enjoyed our first Karate lesson this week! We learnt four different poses and are looking forward to our next session.


As our new Religion topic is titled ‘Advent to Christmas’ we decided to record what we already knew about Advent before we start our preparations next week. We came up with lots of ideas!

This week we were revising the ‘oi’ (Spoil the boy) and ‘ow’ (brown cow) phonemes. The children enjoyed teaching each other the sounds and some were really challenging the other children by seeing if they could spot the sound upside down!

Enjoy the weekend,

Miss Lambie


Home learning

  • I have set Mathletics activities to complete.
  • www.spellingframe.co.uk
    -The phonemes we have been revising this week:
    oi, ow (cow not the vowel sound in snow)
    -Tricky words for this week: are, all