Year 1 Week 6 w/b 11.10.2021

Week 6 w/b 11.10.2021

Year 1 would like to thank Year 3 for leading assembly this morning.

In Religion this week we were learning about God the Trinity and how he is just one God but we can represent him in different ways. We have been learning the Hail Mary prayer this week and the children have a copy home to learn and decorate at home.

In P.E. the children enjoyed learning to jump with two feet in different ways. Look at their arms that are powering their jumps.

In science we have been exploring our sense of taste. We tasted lots of different food items and predicted what we thought they were from their taste. The marshmallows were our favourite and we were not keen on the lemon…

We continued our learning on humans by having a visit from a Dentist and two Dental Nurses. They taught us how to care for our teeth and gums.

Home learning

  • Thank you to those who completes the Mathletics games with their children last week. I have set some other activities for this week. Please keep the account information in their reading record so they can locate it anytime..
  • The children each have a phonic activity sheet on ‘ee’ to complete and return next Wednesday please.
  • The children have been learning the Hail Mary prayer and have a copy to decorate and read at home.

Have a good weekend,

Miss Lambie


The Hail Mary

Hail, Mary, full of grace,
the Lord is with thee.
Blessed art thou amongst women
and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus.
Holy Mary, Mother of God,
pray for us sinners,
now and at the hour of our death.


Year 1 Week 5 w.b. 4th October

Week 5 w/b 04.10.2021

Thank you to Year 4 who led assembly this morning on St. Francis. Year 1 really enjoyed it and learned a lot.

The children have been challenging themselves in P.E. with their balance and movement skills. They decided to try to balance with their hands out, on their heads, on their shoulders, behind their backs and they even tried to walk on the beam and balance beanbags on their heads at the same time to see the impact it had on their balance. Their balance and strength is really improving.


The children has been revising the Phase 3 phonemes and been applying their knowledge through different phonic activities. They are being resourceful and changing the rules of the games or equipment and are beginning to create their own phonic games.

In maths this week Year 1 have been re-arrange their resources to represent number in different ways.

Home learning

  • Your child’s Mathletics account information has been glued to the inside of their reading record. Please log on to see if their account works and if you can access the assigned home learning activities. Please let me know on Monday if there are any problems with the log-ins.
  • The children each have a phonic activity sheet to complete and return next Wednesday please.

Please ensure your child has their reading book in school daily.

Thank you to those who were able to attend the Math workshop this week. The presentation is now on the Year 1 web page under maths.

Have a good weekend,

Miss Lambie



Year 1 Week 4 w/b 27.09.2021

This week Year 1 joined in the whole school celebrations and learning on St. Vincent de Paul. The feast day was on Monday so the children attended an assembly before the St. Vincent team enjoyed an extra treat. During the week we learnt about St. Vincent, his life and his work. The children knew that he was a Saint but by the end of the week we had learnt 15 facts on him. I wonder how many they will be able to tell you at the weekend. The children learned that cameras were not invented when he was alive so they had a go at an observational portrait drawing of St. Vincent.

The weather was rather unpredictable this week but Year 1 managed to enjoy the outside environment and explore what the season of autumn has to offer. Year 1 created framed autumn artwork and continued to develop their motor skills in retrieving autumn leaves.

The Fairy Garden was blooming this week!

The mud kitchen was busy with preparations underway for a pop up café. The children enjoyed making ‘lunch’ for the adults- dried pasta and rice, yummy! We even had a table cloth, candle and flowers because they said it needs to be ‘a fancy place!’

The children enjoyed being creative when exploring how 2-D shapes appear in 3-D shapes.

We found a playdough recipe that worked- thanks!

Our Tricky word for this week was ‘when’. The children learnt that the wh is a digraph but also we can break it up to w-hen and they enjoyed clucking around the classroom like hens. They all seemed very intrigued by the stamping activity.

Home learning

  • A phonics activity and spellings have been sent home today. Please may you return this by next Wednesday.
  • The children enjoyed creating their own finger space lolly pop stick in school and wanted to take it home but then we wouldn’t have anything to use in class! Therefore, I have given every child a lolly pop stick that they can decorate and keep at home to encourage their use of finger spaces in any home learning.
  • Please remember the children still have their online access to their book library which can be used alongside the reading book that is sent home.
  • Please see your child’s bag for information about how to view the individual photos that were taken today.

*Please ensure your child’s reading book and record are in school every day so we can read with them as frequently as we can.*

Please can children only bring the navy book bags to school and not rucksacks.

Have a good weekend,

Miss Lambie


Year 1 week 3 w.b. 18.09.2021

Week 3 w/b 20.09.2021

Today and this weekend is very special for all at Pope Paul and the Parish as we share in celebrations for the Feast of St. Vincent de Paul. Fr Shaun celebrated our Welcome mass today and the children joined in and sang beautifully- well done.

We have had a fantastic week learning through our outside and natural environment and enjoying what God has gifted us. The trees proved to be the perfect texture for rubbings to create our tree trunk to our autumn display wall.


We were designing another tree this week- a birthday tree! We decorated leaves and added our names and birthdays to the display as we celebrate growing together in our Year of Growth.

Our role play represents our learning in Science as we have converted it into a doctor’s surgery so we have opportunities to develop our knowledge of the human body and how to care for it. We have created eye charts and even an X-ray machine!

Our big question in Science this week-

‘Does the tallest person have the largest feet?’ We worked well in partners to explore this question and structured our answers using scientific vocabulary as we learnt about predictions and then recording results.

We had a go at making playdough this week so we can use it to create shapes in maths but it didn’t end up lasting. If anyone wants to give it a go at home and has a successful playdough recipe, then please feel free to share! Luckily Ms Gymer came to our rescue with a ‘here’s one I made earlier!’ Phew!

Thank you for your generous contributions to our class garden. It took lots of energy and muscles to weed the garden and the next day we planted our new winter bedding plants.

We started work on our Fairy Garden area which is now waiting on a few stones for a path and some furniture. Hopefully the fairies will visit soon!

Home learning

  • To enjoy the natural environment and notice how it is changing as we begin our autumn season. Can you collect autumn objects from your environment for our nature table? Perhaps you would like to create a piece of art based on autumn and bring it to show us and hang on our new display tree.
  • A number formation sheet was sent home with your child today to see which digits they are forming. Please encourage one digit per square and this is how they will be writing it in their books.
  • We have now read a new book with every child in class and they will be coming home today with their books. We will aim to change books on your child’s reading day but there may be times where we could be running a day ahead or behind due to potential changes in the school day so please ensure the book is in your child’s bag every day so we can get ahead or catch up when needed.

*Photos next Friday so please wear the correct full school uniform.*

Have a restful weekend,

Miss Lambie



Year 1 Week 2 w/b 13.09.2021

Week 2 w/b 13.09.2021

Welcome to our learning round up of week two!

Our class worship sessions this week have centred around ‘The Year of Growth’ where we wrote our own message on how we will grow closer to God in faith and added them to our new tree display.


In Science we enjoyed learning about our body parts, drawing, naming and identifying their purpose. We found some ticklish  children as we drew around them!



We then used different materials and resources to build models of bodies and body parts.


In maths we learnt how squares can be rotated and still remain squares through the Nrich game ‘Seeing Squares for Two.’ I have attached the link below so the children can teach you how to play it. Be careful as we found it rather addictive once we got the hang of it!

Our second football lesson with coach Joe on Wednesday was just as great as the first and he finished by teaching us a new game called Bulldog. We learnt four warm up games in P.E. on Thursday and are going to take turns in voting which ones to play next lesson. All the games needed concentration, balance and control. Check out our solo and partner balances!



Home learning

  • Please continue to use the online eBook service via Collins that you used in Reception. Children logins are the same as last year and can be found on each child’s Google Classroom if you are unsure. We have finished the phonic assessments and next week we will be selecting individual reading books to send home. Reading books should match your child’s reading ability. The books being sent home are books that have been read in class so the child should be consolidating their sounds and developing their fluency further at home.  Please use the reading diary to comment on any challenging words or comprehension of the texts.
  • We have been securing our knowledge of the alphabet and our letter formation. Please check your child’s bag for their current sheet with their recordings on. Please continue to work on learning the alphabet and the correct letter formation on the reverse side. We have been using these websites  and this song  to support our learning this week.

Thank you to those parents who attended the Year 1 Meet the Teacher meeting on Thursday. For those unable to attend, the presentation is on the Year 1 website page and the handouts are in your child’s bag.

Thank you to all those that have donated bedding plants so far. If anyone has spare compost or top soil, it would be greatly appreciated as we turned the soil ready to plant next week and it needs a bit of a top up.

Enjoy the weekend and see you on Monday,

Miss Lambie

Year 1 first week of term

Week 1 w/b 06.09.2021

First day

Year 1 have had a lovely start to the new school year and have been so excited to share all our news with our friends again. We went to our first ever school assembly where we were presented with our prayer cloth and candle which we used to dress our prayer table and reflection space in class. We have been enjoying the peaceful class worships in the mornings of our first week with our new candle. We had special prayer stones that we used to make prayer promises to our class before presenting the stone into our basket. We promised to be kind, caring, loving towards everyone and to treat others how we wish to be treated.

First Week of Year 1

Our second ever whole school assembly on Monday introduced us to Pope Paul’s ‘Year of Growth’. It made us think how we could design and make a tree display in our class that would grow throughout the year just like us.

Year 1 had an amazing day for Mary’s Birthday on Wednesday. I was very impressed with how the children worked together to share their knowledge when explore our big question ‘Who is Mary?’ Our cards tried to blow away in the wind, but we managed to display them before they tangled too much. Keep an eye out and Church this weekend and see if you can spot our birthday cards.


As we continue with our transition from Reception to Year 1 we have been focusing on our thoughts and feelings through ‘The Colour Monster’ story and looked so relaxed during our deep breathing exercise as we tried to understand the feeling of ‘calm’. The children created the features of a front cover and designed their own in our first English lesson.  You can listen to the story from home here


Year 1 are exploring common 2Dshapes in their first math topic and worked amazingly in groups to fix a 2D shape puzzle problem. We will be learning all about 3D shapes next week.


Our PE days are Wednesdays (Football on the field) and Thursdays (movement skills on the field, playground, or hall if weather permits.) Children should wear their full Pope Paul PE kits to school on those days, including sweatshirts rather than school jumpers or cardigans for colder weather. We loved our first football lesson with coach Joe on Wednesday and enjoyed learning four new warm up games for future P.E. lessons.

Home learning

We will continue to assess the children in phonics and reading over the next two weeks before sending reading books home. This will ensure that we are accurately sending books with sounds in that the children can read and enjoy with you at home. In the meantime, you may continue to use the online eBook service via Collins that you used in Reception. Please use the texts from Reception that are on the eBook bookshelf. Children logins are the same as last year and can be found on each child’s Google Classroom if you are unsure. Home learning will be sent home from next Friday and every Friday thereafter and is due the following Wednesdays. More details will be shared next Thursday 16th September for Year 1 Meet the Teacher meeting at 2:30pm in the school hall.

Please ensure that all belongings are named clearly. I have one size 26 cardigan left from Tuesday and I know some parents have said that they are missing some items. Please check the school bags to make sure that nothing belonging to someone else has accidentally been taken home. Children need a water bottle and hat in school everyday as the weather is still unpredictable.

Have a safe and happy weekend,

Miss Lambie

Week 12

Our last full week in Year 1! We have had a busy week, making clay sea animals and a paper mache fish.

In Maths, we have been finding a quarter of a number or an amount. We used resources to share between four and we drew bar models to show our learning in pictures.

In Literacy/Geography, we wrote a recount about our day at the seaside and we made leaflets to tell people who to keep the seaside clean and litter free.

Our last tennis lesson was fun, we played lots of exciting games. In cricket, the children enjoyed playing a game where they applied the skills they have learnt over the last few weeks.

On Thursday, we were delighted to have a visit from Oliver’s mum and brother Teddy. The children asked lots of interesting questions.

No home learning.

Have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Carey

Week 12

Year 1 have had a fun busy week.

In Literacy the children have been reading and solving riddles and then they wrote their own.

In Maths we have been finding quarters of shapes.

On Wednesday, we had a party day! The children loved dancing, going on the bouncy castle, go-karts and making and decorating cakes. Then we had their first sports day! They were amazing and worked very well in their teams. Well done to St Vincent who won.

On Thursday, Jake’s dad performed an amazing magic show!

On Friday, we went to Southend on Sea. I was so proud of the way the children behaved. They enjoyed the coach, the train on the pier, playing in the sand and in the sea.  I will put a powerpoint of photos on google classroom. Thank you to our parent helpers.

Home Learning

Draw a picture and write some sentences about  your day at the beach!

Enjoy the England game.

Have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Carey

Week 11

In Maths, the children have been finding a half of a shape and of a number. They started by folding shapes and writing half as a fraction. Then they used resources to find half of different numbers and then they drew pictures to show their answers.

In Literacy, we have been reading poems about the sea. Then the children described the sea and how the sea makes them feel. They used these descriptions to write their own poems.

In Geography, the children have been learning about different habitats and the different animals who live in rockpools. They learnt about a food chain of animals in a rockpool.


In Art, we made crabs, sharks and octopuses out of plates and bowls and decorated them to add them to our seaside area.

The children are loving the cricket and tennis lessons each week.

Next Friday we are going to the seaside! The children are very excited.  We aim to leave school at 8.30am. Please be at school by 8.15am with a backpack, their lunch, two drinks and a small towel. No lunch boxes. Children to wear PE kit with trainers, remember a sunhat,  and apply suncream before school.

Home Learning




Mrs Carey

Week 10

Another busy week in Year 1. In Maths we have been sharing equally using manipulatives and drawing pictures. Then the children solved problems involving division.

In RE we have been learning about how we can be a follower of Jesus in class, in school, at home and in the community.

Some different looking fruits were in our curiosity cube so the children observed closely and predicted what they thought they were. Children can research different fruits to see if the can find the name of the fruits we have in class.

In Geography and English, we have been describing beaches and making lists of the things we do at the beach. The children then imagined they were at a seaside in Devon and wrote a postcard to describe it.

On Friday, the children were excellent when walking to the church in the procession. I was proud of them all. Thank you to the parents who helped.


Home Learning


Research Skills

Can you find pictures of these fruits and write their names?

Find different leaves, stick them to some paper then compare the leaves to pictures and find the name of the tree they come from.



Have a lovely weekend.



Mrs Carey