Healthy Living week

Summer Term 2 Week 3 w.b. 13.06.2022

What a busy Health and Fitness week we have had! Year 1 focussed on the importance of having ‘5-a-day’ in our diets. They all tried to eat a different vegetable for their lunch, had extra snack and designed posters to promote healthy eating.

I was so impressed with the children’s efforts on Sports afternoon on Tuesday. They all tried their best and did not let the heat and sun get in their way.

In maths this week we were learning how to collect and organise data in different ways. We made a tally chart of all the fruits we liked and then answered questions based on a pictogram. We recorded a pictogram on all the fruit and vegetables we had eaten everyday to see if we reached ‘5-a-day’. Then on Friday we voted for our favourite flavour of water and collected the data using tally marks. Our most popular was orange flavour water. Can you find out what is the most popular in your household? Mathletics has been set to support data handling learning.

In English we were set a challenge to write as many fruits as we could think of. Our record was 17! Can you beat us? We recorded our fruits using numbers in a list and then selected the most popular to use in our fruit salads. Before we made our fruit salads we knew we had to write a set of instructions to follow. We know our instructions were successful as we were all able to follow them when we made our fruit salad with the help of Year 5. They were yummy!


This week we have moved onto the end of Phase 5 ‘the alternative sounds’ where children will be taught that the vowels can make their long sounds too. There is no spelling frame to support this so I will find some additional resources to support the learning at home next week as it was a no bag day today.

We finished the week with a walk to Church to join in with The Blessed Sacrament Procession. We walked in silence so we could focus on the procession and then took part in prayers and reflection in the Church.

P.E. kits for Monday (P.E.) and Wednesday (swimming) next week.

Enjoy the beautiful weather this weekend,

Miss Lambie




Summer Term 2 Week 1 w.b. 06.06.2022

It was lovely to welcome the children back after their holiday and was great to see so many had generously collected resources for our busy week based on Pentecost learning. The children had themed days with learning focused on water, wind and rain with the Friday ending in celebrating Pentecost with a visit from Fr Fidelis, a Spiritan chaplain at NBS, and Fr. Shaun who celebrated school mass. Then the children enjoyed an ice lolly and a run around on the field.

I was so amazed at their boat designs and products on Tuesday. Their brief was to create a boat that would float for at least 30 seconds caring mini marshmallows. They all floated safely so there were no soggy marshmallows and very proud children!

The children and Mrs Moccia enjoyed the learning on capacity this week and got a bit wet filling and comparing different containers. Mathletics has been set to support this. We will continue with our ‘measure’ topic next week in maths and would be grateful if anyone can donate any unused ribbons so the children can measure and compare them.

Due to phonics screening and swimming on Wednesday, we were unable to complete our wind chimes so will try to complete next week. Mrs Moccia taught the children about fire safety this week and they have some home learning to support this.

The children did so well in their Phonics Screening this week. They were confident in using their skills to sound out and blend the words together. Results will be sent home with their end of year reports.

Next Tuesday you are invited to join us for Sports Day at 1:45pm and then at 3:15pm you may collect your child to visit their current and then new classrooms. This is not a formal consultation or a book look as the books and reports will be sent home at the end of the term.

P.E. kits for Tuesday (Sports day) and Wednesday (swimming) next week.

Enjoy the weekend,

Miss Lambie

Summer Term Week 6 w.b. 23.05.2022

Year 1 progressed on to counting in multiples of 5’s and 10’s this week. We counted in multiples, matched the total with coins, wrote multiplication number sentences, drew arrays, wrote repeated addition sentences and drew around the coins required to solve multiplication problems. Please continue to support your child to count in 2s, 5s and 10s to build up their fluency. Mathletics has been set to support this learning.

This week was our last week of revision before the phonic screening check w.b. 6th June. We revised all the tricky Ph5 sounds and read lots of real and nonsense words to see if we could spot the sounds.  Please continue to encourage your child to spot the digraphs and then sound the words to blend when reading the lists of words sent home today.

On Friday we met with our Year 4 prayer partners to gift them out prayer cards we made on Spirituality day Thursday 26th. We looked at different representations of the Accession through art and Year 6 led us in prayer circles.

Year 1 are to continue to wear their P.E. kits on Mondays and Wednesdays.

Enjoy the half term and see you all Monday 6th June.

Miss Lambie


Celebrations and Kings and Queens learning:

Here’s to the Queen!

Enjoying cake and drinks

Summer Term Week 5 w.b. 16.05.2022

Year 1 began this week by learning to skip count. They counted in multiples of 2s, matched the total with coins, wrote multiplication number sentences, drew arrays, wrote repeated addition sentences and drew around the 2p coins we used to gain a secure understanding of what multiplication is. Please continue to support your child to count in 2s. Next week we will be counting in 5s and 10s. Mathletics has been set to support this learning.

The children continued to revise Phase 5 alternative sounds to consolidate their learning. Please continue to use Spelling Frame to revise the sounds and we have been ‘phoneme spotters’ this find in seeking out sounds in everything we read.
This week our focus was:
o-e, oa, oe
u-e, ue, ew, oo, ou (group,soup)
ur, er, ir
or, au, aw

Next week will be the last week of revision before the phonic screening check w.b. 5th June. Please continue to encourage your child to spot the digraphs and then sound the words to blend.

Year 1 are to wear their P.E. kits on Monday and Wednesday now.

The children had a rather soggy start to their cricket lesson on Friday but felt better when they returned to class for a warm hot chocolate and marshmallows! They listened and followed instructions well. They warmed up with their favourite ‘domes and dishes’ game, bounced the ball to catch it with the cone, throw it above their heads to catch it in their cones, worked well with partners to throw and catch, and they loved the last game where they tried to bowl the ball to knock the stumps down.

Enjoy the lovely weather this weekend,
Miss Lambie

Summer Term Week 4 w.b. 09.05.2022

The children enjoyed learning about money this week. They were learning how to recognise, order, compare, add and even exchange different amount of coins. Please continue to support your child with exploring money at home and using the Mathletics games.

The children have completed their Phase 5 phonics and are now revising all the alternative sounds to consolidate their learning. Please continue to use Spelling Frame to revise the sounds and we have been ‘phoneme spotters’ this find in seeking out sounds in everything we read.

This week our focus was: e, ee, e-e, ea, ey and i, ie, igh, i-e,

Thank you for attending the Parent Phonic meeting on Monday 9th May. I hope the handouts were useful for when you are supporting the learning at home. Handouts have been sent home with the children for those who were unable to attend.

The children have been recording their incorrect and tricky spellings this week on a blank game board. They are bringing it home today to share it with you and to use those spellings to make their game. Next week we hope to send home their most recent story to share with you.

The children have examples of the Phonic Screening Check words to read with you and tick or colour them when they get them correct. It will be good to add sound buttons to them so you can see if they are identifying the diagraphs and blends. I do not need these back as they are for home use to support your child in revising their sounds for their Phonic Screening Check w/c 6th June. I will continue to send home a different set of words each week.

Year 1 are to wear their P.E. kits on Monday and Wednesday now.

The children enjoyed learning how to control their tennis balls and adjusting their grip on the racket this week.

Thank you for all the birthday messages and gorgeous flowers.

Enjoy the lovely weather this weekend,
Miss Lambie

Summer Term Week 3 w.b. 02.05.2022

I hope you all enjoyed the four-day weekend and the additional Inset this week. We have changed reading books but have not managed to read with every child so will have to play catch up again next week.

On Friday the children showed respect and appreciation as they joined the school in celebrating the life of Mary before joining the procession to honour Mary with flowers.

The children also made a crown to represent Mary Queen of flowers.


The children have completed their Phase 5 phonics and are now revising all the alternative sounds to consolidate their learning. Please continue to use Spelling Frame to revise the sounds and we have been ‘phoneme spotters’ this find in seeking out sounds in everything we read.

This week our focus was: a, ay, ai, a-e

There is a Parent Phonic meeting Monday 9th May in the hall at 2:45pm. I will copy and send out any materials shared for those unable to attend.

Year 1 are to wear their P.E. kits on Mondays and Wednesdays.

Enjoy the lovely weather this weekend,

Miss Lambie

Summer Term Week 1 w.b. 25.04.2022

Summer Term Week 1 w.b. 25.04.2022

Year 1 have had an active week and are ready for their four-day weekend!

On Monday the children enjoyed their first tennis coaching session before their first swimming lesson on Wednesday. I was super impressed about how quickly Year 1 changed and how safely they behaved during their session.

Year 1 are to wear their P.E. kits on Monday and Wednesday now.

They enjoyed an online video call with Alice who is a ‘Doctor’ for crops. Alice showed Year 1 the field where she was looking after bean crops. Year 1 learnt that the beans can take up to six months to fully grow. Alice was kind enough to send us some bean seeds so we can plant them to show her next time. Alice also advised us on how to strengthen our current sunflowers so we can ensure ours is the tallest in the school! Alice suggested re-potting them now they are growing taller, feeding them and supporting them with a stick to stay upright.

That led Year 1 right outside to find a stick they thought would a similar size. When they were back in the classroom they used rulers to measure their stick against the sunflower which was 15cm.

Year 1 and Year 3 came together to explore fields next to the school. They enjoyed seeing and smelling the beautiful yellow rapeseed crops. Year 1 were linking their science learning about plants and Alice’s video call to talk about what the crops needed to grow. Year 1 were able to recall what they had learnt in Geography on their local area and saw that the maps explored in the lesson matched what they observed on their walk. They were surprised to head motorway but mentioned how they can’t hear it in class.

In maths Year 1 have been continuing to learn how to spell and order the days of the week and have moved onto ordering and spelling the months of the year. They will be applying this spelling in their English learning next week. Mathletics has been set to support this.

We have tried to get through the readers and would appreciate if every child has their books in everyday next week so we can catch up with the readers from the days where school is closed.

Have a lovely weekend,

Miss Lambie


*Inset Friday 29th April and Bank Holiday 2nd May*

*School closed on Thursday 5th May*

Summer Term Week 1 w.b. 18.04.2022

Happy Easter! I hope you all had a lovely break and it was lovely to see all the children back and ready for their last term in Year 1.

The children worked well together to transform our Lenten R.E. prayer space to reflect the white, gold and new life of Easter. They completed a retell on The Resurrection and took part in some fantastic role play.

In maths Year 1 have been learning to spell and order the days of the week and our quickest group was 14 seconds! Can you beat 14 seconds? Mathletics learning has been set to support this learning and I have sent home spellings and a prompt sheet for you reference so no need to return.

The children worked hard to  locating the countries and capital cities of The United Kingdom using an Atlas. We will be going on a local area walk next week (week after if weather is not good) so please may sure children come to school with a coat everyday.

Our phonic sounds learnt this week are:

  • Spelling Rule 32 – are ‘care and share’ share, dare, scare, square, bare
  • Spelling Rule 28 – au ‘Paul the Astronaut’ haunt, haunting, haunted, launch, launched, launching, haul
  • Tricky words to read and spell: Mrs, Mrs, here, could, asked, people + their, your

Our new P.E. unit is learning how to strike and field with different equipment and games. The children enjoyed being outside in the nice weather as they competed in groups to begin to learn the idea of striking and then running to score points.

We then had a final with two of the mini teams that won previously.

*Remember swimming starts next Wednesday and information can be found on the letter that was sent from the office. *

*P.E. kits can be worn Tuesday and Wednesdays from next week.*

*Inset Friday 29th April and Bank Holiday 2nd May*

Have a lovely weekend,

Miss Lambie J

Thank you for the Easter Gardens!

Spring Term Week 12 28.03.22

This week Year 1 began their new Geography unit on ‘Where do we live?’ They were surprised to find out that no everyone lives in Potters Bar!

Year 1 learned Luke’s Gospel scriptures for The Last Supper and Good Friday. They were very respectful as we learnt about Holy Week and Easter Sunday and how important this time of year is to our faith.

The children were excited to get to the end of their Phase 5 phonics learning and have been learning what the word ‘revision’ means. We will be revising all of the sounds learned after the Easter holidays.

The children enjoyed setting up their tuff spot for the season of Spring.

Please see today’s newsletter for a Whole School Home learning project for Easter.

Wishing you a restful Easter break and see you all on Tuesday 19th April for the start of our Summer Term!

Miss Lambie

Spring Term Week 11 21.03.22

Spring Term Week 11 21.03.22

In History Year 1 identified older toys, placed them into their relevant decades and ordered them into chronological order. I was very impressed with their group learning and listening to each other before deciding on where to place the toys.

We enjoyed exploring this website on toys: (does not work on tablets)

Year 1 have enjoyed having their toys in this week and are invited to bring the same or different small cuddly in next week.

Year 1 enjoyed learning the story of Palm Sunday this week in Religion. They worked well in their groups to role-play the story but we got a bit stuck when it was time to take their coats off and lay them down as the weather was so warm we didn’t have many coats!

Mathletics to support learning this week:  Please continue to support your child in making numbers with tens and ones and begin adding them together. After Easter we will move onto counting in multiples, money and fractions but will continue to add and subtract.

  • Reading numbers to 30
  • 1 to 30
  • Counting forwards

Our phonic sounds learnt this week are:

  • o-e ‘Phone home!’ stroke, cone, wove, bone, home, hope, spoke, note, broke,
  • u-e ‘huge brute’ flute, mule, cute, cube, fuse, huge, tube, rude, June
  • Tricky words to read and spell: Mrs, Mrs, here, could, asked, people
  • Unfortunately, Spelling Frame does not have these sounds so the children can create their own games/ flash cards or sentences using the words above. They each chose a word search that their friend made last week.

Please can all children have their reading books in everyday next week as I would like to finish their reading assessments before Easter.

Thank you for all the boxes of tissues this week. Hopefully they will last us the rest of the term! I hope you are looking forward to seeing the children’s learning books in the hall next Tuesday 29th March from 3pm.

I hope you have a wonderful Mother’s Day weekend and enjoy the card and flower from the children.

Miss Lambie