Summer Term Week 1: 22nd April

It’s been a busy first week back.

Welcome back after the Easter Holidays. We hope you all enjoyed your break and did lots of enjoyable things. The Summer term is always a busy term and there was plenty going on in Year 5 this week.  The first day back was a buzz of excitement for many children taking part in the FOPPS Easter Egg Hunt! 

Year 5 began the first of their sessions with the Mini Police this week which is being run through the Hertfordshire Constabulary’s Mini Police scheme.  Anti-social behaviour, road safety, bullying and cyber safety are some of the focus’ the class will cover during the programme. Mini Police is a fun and interactive programme designed for children aged between 9 and 11. It aims to build trust with communities, promote responsible citizenship and help young people establish an interest and understanding in policing and community safety.  We look forward to our next session with Cheryl and Chris.

In RE the children have been looking at explaining how the Resurrection shows the belief in the divinity of Christ and developing their understanding of the post-resurrection appearances of Jesus.  Thank you to the families who created their Easter gardens …they look lovely -Mrs Heymoz has visited our classroom to admire them.  Click here to see them.

A number of children have been taking part in Bikeability this week.  The feedback from the children has been really positive as Bikeability cycle training equips them with vital life skills. Pupils not only learn to cycle, they gain independence, social skills and a sense of wellbeing. The instructors have been very complimentary about how the children have been great listeners and attentive during the traning…we are so proud of them!  Click here to see some photos of our keen cyclists!

On Wednesday our Year 5 Maths Challenge team took part in the Final.  The team were Elle, Finn, Hebe and Kian.  Out of over 260 schools, we were one of twenty seven schools in the Final.  The rounds were tricky ones and although we were alert and ready for the challenges set, we did not make it to the top four places.  I want to congratulate the team and thank Elle for standing in for Vihaan who was unable to join us.

We have begun our new English unit on Macbeth, which will be our focus for the this half term. The children have been gripped by this tale of a man consumed by ambition to take the Scottish throne.  If your child was at bikeablity, and missed some our lessons, use the following link to watch the story:

In History, we have started our new topic on Ancient Greece. As an introduction, the children created their own timelines of all the time periods they have studied, so that they could see where the Ancient Greek civilisation fit in with this.

Have a lovely weekend.

Mrs McNamara and Mrs Lines

Home Learning:

Timestable Rockstars – please make sure that you log on each day for 10 minutes to practise your timestables!  Can you beat your personal best?

Spelling: Spellingframe rule 57


History: Create a poster about Ancient Greek Gods and Goddesses. This poster should include:

  • At least 3 gods or goddesses.
  • What they are the god or goddess of.
  • Do they have any special items or powers.
  • Who are their parents and siblings?

The deadline for this is Tuesday 3rd May.


Friday, 22nd April 2022

The children in Year 4 looked very well after returning from their holidays. It has been lovely to hear about their trips and experiences during spending time with family and friends.

In Maths, the class moved on to formal written multiplication and division, building physical models and representing their calculations in different ways whilst in English, the children started their new unit of fiction genre; playscripts. They will write their scripts for a series of scenes using Mini Grey’s adaptation of the Adventures of the Dish and the Spoon.

In Re, we looked at the Resurrection according to Luke and drew beliefs from the Gospel, whilst also reading and understanding the post-Resurrection appearances of Jesus. Thank you so much for those who took the time to create their Easter Gardens; they look beautiful!

In Geography, they finished off their unit of the Sunshine State, looking at peninsulas and their features, whilst in Science, the children will carry on investigating electricity, conductors and insulators further this term. We also recorded our observation of our competition sunflowers; thank you again for those children who took care of the plants during the holidays. Our tallest is already 9.9cm!

In PE, the class enjoyed a lovely afternoon in the sunshine introducing their new topic: cricket. The children thoroughly enjoyed the different games and did very well and batting and fielding.

I am delighted to announce that I have managed to secure a class trip for us in the second half of the Summer Term when we are going to visit Waltham Abbey and partake in a whole day Tudor workshop in the Epping Forest District Museum including dressing up, artifact handling, a treasure trail and even using proper quills to create Tudor bookmarks. Details will be shared closer to the date.

Have a lovely weekend and Happy St George’s Day tomorrow,

Ms Varga

Please see your Home Learning below:

Home Learning Due back by Tuesday, 26th April 2022
Spelling Please log onto Spelling Frame and spend some time practicing this week’s homophones before you test yourselves on them.

Spelling Rule 23 – Homophones and near-homophones (3 of 4)

Reading Please log onto ReadTheory and complete two tasks. Please also update your reading records and be prepared to present them on Wednesday.

Multiplication Please log onto TT Rockstars and spend some time practicing your mixed facts

Study Ladder

Please log onto Study Ladder and complete the assigned tasks in your pod all related to multiplication word problems.

Friday, 1st April 2022

Year 4 have had a busy last week to the end of the  Spring term and even in my absence, I know that they have worked very hard in class.

In Maths, they completed their fraction learning by applying all that they have learned in problem solving situations, using bar models to help them identify calculations. In English, they have used picture prompts to work on aspects of writing such as using conjunctions, adverbials and speech. In RE, they looked at St Luke’s Gospel and interpreted the meaning of the events of Good Friday whilst also concluding their Lenten reflections.

In Science, they investigated conductors and insulators to ‘fix’ simple series circuits whilst partaking in some fun pre-Easter activities, including card making.

On Tuesday evening, the children sang beautifully during the Stations of the Cross Service, elevating the serene and reverent atmosphere with their voices. A wonderful performance!

On Wednesday, after a lovely guitar concert led by our talented musicians Samuel and Panayiotis, the children received the Sacrament of Reconciliation from Fr Shaun and a visiting priest whilst reflecting on their ‘journeys’ as God’s Children.  Click here for some photo highlights from this week.

I am so proud of the class for their hard work and dedication this Term. They have achieved so many goals and matured even more in their independence and attitude towards their learning. Well done!

Wishing you all a blessed Easter and a well-deserved, restful holiday,

Ms Varga

Please keep up your reading during the holiday and complete your Whole School Home Learning set by Miss Donatantonio (see link below).

220401 Whole-school RE learning letter – Easter Garden


Friday 1st April, 2022

This week, Year 5 have shone tremendously!  After working so hard on their readings for the Stations of the Cross service on Tuesday evening, they spoke so well at the church and many parents and parishioners praised them for their reverence and confidence.  Well done to all the children and thank you to parents for preparing them for this special service.  They worked hard during the practises in school and down at the church.

This morning for our whole school assembly, a group of the children read again to retell the story of the Last Supper.

On Wednesday some of the guitarists from the class – Albion, Eric, Finn, Leon and Max performed to the children in Years 3, 4 and 5 and the parents.  Click here to see photos of this. They performed with confidence and the children were really impressed watching them. Well done boys!

Following the guitar concert, the children received the sacrament of reconciliation after a class service led by Fr Shaun and a visiting priest.

This morning, the children also took part in an Easter Egg Hunt…click here to see how they found the hidden eggs!!

RE  Whole School Home learning project for Easter – Click here


Wishing you a happy and Holy Easter.

God Bless,

Mrs McNamara and Mrs Lines

Friday, 25th March 2022

The children in Year 4 this week, moved on with their fraction learning in Maths and started working on adding and subtracting fractions with the same denominator. In English, they carried on with the publishing process of their Non-chronological reports, as well some basic sentence work to prepare them for the next unit of work. In Science, the class constructed simple series circuits and thought about how to make the shortest and longest functioning loop as well as evaluating circuits for their function and repairing them when necessary. In Geography, they compared the climate in Florida with the UK, looking at climate graphs and interpreting data. In RE, the children reflected on the deeper meaning of the Last Supper according to Luke and drew beliefs from the Gospel relevant to their lives now. They also participated in Mass this morning; well done for Eraldo for his lovely reading.


I hope you have a lovely and sunny weekend to celebrate Mother’s Day with your families,

Ms Varga

Home Learning

Your Home Learning this week is to learn the lyrics of our Stations of the Cross Service hymns. The children had opportunity to practise them in class and in the hall this week, as well as at the Church but it was evident that they need more time to learn them by heart.

We will have a practice again on Monday, before the Service on Tuesday.



Spring 2 Week 4

It was lovely to return to school on Thursday. Thank you for your well wishes.

As part of Science week we thought about what scientists do. We took part in a Science workshop and observed what was growing in the school grounds. Each class are going to take part in a competition to grow the tallest sunflower, wish us luck.

In Maths the children have been solving problems using their addition and subtraction skills. Next week we will be using our multiplication skills to count in 2s, 5s and 10s before dividing by 2, 5 and 10.

On Thursday, we celebrated St Patrick’s Day by watching and taking part in Irish dancing at lunchtime. Clodagh and Eloise were fantastic in the whole school display!

In computing we have been predicting and planning the outcome of a program and following sequences.

Have a lovely weekend

Miss Pringle











Please also read and complete the Mathletics activities set.


Friday, 18th March 2022


It has been another busy week in Year 4 with Science week and St Patrick’s day just to mention a few.

In English, the class started their final writing pieces of non-chronological reports and wrote lengthy paragraphs based on their plant and animal species. They will write further paragraphs next week about their inhabitants and a conclusion before publishing their reports with diagrams, maps and keys using a book proforma. In Maths, the children investigated equivalent fractions; ordered and compared fractions and applied their understanding when solving one and multi-step problems using bar-models.

In Science this week, following the theme of British Science Week- Growth, we looked at some important questions, like what would happen if we stopped planting trees. We also participated in a school challenge of growing the tallest sunflower simultaneously investigating conditions attributed to plant growth such as temperature. The class discussed ideas then designed individually possible animal species that could live and grow on Mars whilst also completing observations around the school grounds. We tidied our class gardens as well and planting tulips as an addition to our already blooming flower bed.

On St. Patrick’s day we had the chance to applaud our fantastic talents who  performed amazing routines of Irish dancing. It has been a real pleasure watching them in their elements!

In RE, we read Luke’s Gospel of Palm Sunday and drew beliefs from the Scripture whilst in PE we carried on with our Roman themed dance choreography.

Next week, Mrs Carrey and myself would like to lead a crystal growing workshop in class. To support this, please may you send a clean, small (300ml or 500ml) plastic bottle in, labelled.  Thank you for your support with this.

Have a safe and lovely weekend;I hope you can enjoy the sunshine with your families!

Ms Varga

Please see your Home Learning below:

Home Learning Due by Tuesday, 22nd March 2022
Spelling Spelling Rule 20 – Possessive apostrophe with plural words

Please practice this week’s spelling words before testing yourselves on them.


Please log onto Read Theory and complete two activities. Please update your reading log and be ready to p[resent it on Wednesday.


Please log onto your account and spend time practicing your mixed facts. Well done for Eliana, our overall leader! Also well done for everyone who improved on their scores and the number of days played. We shall check again on Tuesday!

Study Ladder

Please complete the activities assigned to your pod. They consolidate our learning of mixed factions and equivalent fraction.

Please also practise the songs for the Way of the Cross Service, by clicking here.

Friday 11th March 2022

We’ve had another busy week in Year 5.

Today we kicked off Science Week by taking part in a whole school assembly and then a class workshop this afternoon.  This Year, the theme is ‘Growth’ and we will be completing learning based on this throughout next week. Take a look at some of the things we got up to day.  Click here to see the photos that were captured of the children.   I think you may have very eager children wanting to buy washing up liquid and glycerine this weekend!!

This morning, our Fairtrade leaders delivered fairtrade bananas to the children and the class were also reminded to bring in tombola donations for the Toy Tombola taking place on the 25th March.

In Maths, the children have continued with division with remainders and converting the remainders to fractions and decimals.  We will be starting our new maths learning sequence on Fractions next week.

Yesterday, Hebe, Finn, Vihaan and Kian took part in the Year 5 Maths Challenge, an event run by the Hertfordshire Maths Team.  Elle assisted with the timings and equipment that was needed to run the event.  The team worked really hard together to answer some very tricky questions which were allocated into four rounds.  We heard today that out of the 88 schools that took art in the Heat yesterday evening after school, our team came in 2nd place!!  We are waiting to hear if we scored enough points to enter into the final.

As part of our Science curriculum learning, on Monday we explored solutions and ran a fair test investigation to see which temperature dissolved sugar the fastest. Year 5 had to be precise in their methodology. They got water to the right temperature, measured in millilitres and timed with accuracy. Well done, Year 5.

In English, we have continued our London Eye Mystery learning. Next week we will be completing our final write and so we have been preparing by improving our writing skills. To do this, we have varied our sentence length, identified ways of creating suspense and used a range of present tense verb forms. As part of home learning, the children will need to listen to chapters of the text on YouTube for our Monday lesson. This will be in place of their read theory home learning.

We were very lucky to be entertained by our musicians on Thursday. It was a real treat for all of us. Well done to our pianists, violinists, singers and the members of the choir; you performed beautifully.

Photos of this event will be uploaded soon!

Have a lovely weekend,

Mrs Lines and Mrs McNamara


Home Learning:

Log onto your timestable Rockstars account and practice your tables….as many times as you can!!

Mathletics:  complete the activities on division.– log on to complete the task on verb forms. Watch the link to refresh your memory if you need to.

Spellings-  word roots ‘fin’ and ‘tach’

define, refine, infinite, finished, finishing, finally, attach, attached, attachment, detach, detachable, reattached.

Reading– Please listen to chapters 29- 36 using these two links. For the first video, start at 15:10 to hear chapters 29-31, then the second link to hear 32-36



Friday, 11th March 2022

The children in Year 4 had opportunities this week to live out their Mission statement of using their talents to the full. During Tuesday’s music concert, they showed off their beautiful skills playing the piano or the violin. Well done!

The class carried on extending their understanding of fractions in Maths calculating unit and non-unit fractions of different wholes, whilst in English they learnt to apply a specific set of conjunctions, openers and expanded noun phrases to use in their non-chronological reports. In Science, they evaluated common appliances to see what electricity generates/changes in them (like sound, heat, light or movement). In RE, we looked at symbols, words and actions that show we are a Catholic school and linked it with why we Pray the Stations of the Cross today. The children also discussed the third Lenten picture, titled the Dignity of Human Life. They then wrote heartfelt prayers to offer for the people of Ukraine. In D&T, the class painted their shells in preparation for next week’s task- building the simple series circuit.

Today the class took part in an exciting science workshop!


Have a lovely and safe weekend,

Ms Varga

See your Home Learning below:

Home Learning Due by Tuesday, 15th March 2022
Spelling Spelling Rule 19 – Words with the /eɪ/ sound spelt ei, eigh, or ey (e.g. eight, they… etc.)

Please practice this week’s spelling words before testing yourselves on them.


Please log onto Read Theory and complete 2 activities.


Please log onto your account and practice your allocated tables. Based on your test results from Thursday, your account will change and new/different tables might appear.

Study Ladder

Please log onto Study Ladder and complete the activities in your assigned pod. They are all tasks that will help you consolidate your fraction learning so far.


Friday 4th March, 2022

This week in Year 5 we have embraced a very busy but exciting week!

We celebrated Shrove Tuesday with our Mardi Gras theme and wow, did our children design wonderful masks that they showed off to the rest of the school during our whole school parade.  Ti was our class winner for the fastest pancake flipper and he joined the rest of the class winners in Key Stage 2 and competed against them in a nail biting final.

We ended the day of celebration with our whole school Mardi Gras dance and ate pancakes.  The Year 5 and 6 Netball Team attended Dame Alice Owen’s School for a netball tournament.  The played together really well as a team and enjoyed the afternoon representing our school alongside other schools.  Well done to them!

On Ash Wednesday, the children watched the mass from the classroom and they sang, listened to Caroline read the First Reading, received ashes on their foreheads and Dale gave us Holy Communion.

On Thursday, it was World Book Day! and again, our class was full of colour and excited children talking about their favourite books.  We logged onto the World Book Day website and joined one of their digital events: log in and have a look.  Click on the photo below for the link.

On top of all the events happening through the week, VJ has written about some of the learning that Year 5 have been doing below:

‘In Maths we have been revisiting our work on multiplication and have now started our work on division.  We have been developing our understanding of  short division for numbers up to 4-digits.  In English we have continued to read The London Eye Mystery and have been writing a diary entry about what happened on the day when Salim went missing using adverbs of possibility and modal verbs. We also wrote a social media post using pronouns to stop writing ‘Salim’ in our writing whilst we wrote the post.  In Science, we continued with our unit using every day items to test if they were insulators or conductors.’

Wishing you and your family a wonderful weekend.
The home learning for the children is below.


Mrs McNamara and Mrs Lines


Home Learning:

Read theory: complete 4 of the activities

Mathletics:  Log on and complete the tasks set.

Times table Rockstars: log on and practise your times tables.  Log on and complete the tasks that have been set.

Weekly Spellings: log onto spelling frame and practise this week’s spellings.

Words from the Year 5/6 list

controversy, controversial, convenience, convenient, correspond, correspondence, criticise, curious, curiosity, definite, desperate, develop

Remember: hand in your research on the Stations of the Cross on Tuesday