Friday 17th June, 2022

This week in Year 5 we have approached our Heathy Eating week with such energy!

Thank you to all the children in the class who brought into school a sample of their favourite fruits.  Once cut up, the class spent time tasting the wonderful colourful array of vegetables and fruit and alongside their prayer partners from Year One on Thursday afternoon, produced fruit kebabs to sample!

Sports Day, one of the most exciting days of the school year, took place on Tuesday afternoon.  After a successful warm up led by some of the children in Year 6, the children took part in the various sporting events ranging from running to shot put activities.  The class had fun and engaged in this physical activity experience.  Thank you to all the parents who came along to support them.


Home Learning:
Times table Rockstars

Friday 27th May 2022

We have come to the end of our half term and what a final day we had! The children looked wonderful in their Jubilee outfits and had a great day taking part in activities to celebrate. Thank you to Lisa, our school cook, for baking cakes for us all to share at the end of the day.

On Tuesday, Charlie Max, Monica and Sophie  took part in the Oakmere Mini Marathon.  Miss Pringle praised the children for their efforts.  Well done!

Our History focus for this week was to learn about how jubilees were different in the past. Year 5 were able to identify ways that celebrations are the same and how they have changed.

This week was also our annual Spirituality Focus and on Thursday after the Ascension Day Mass at Our Lady and St Vincent’s Church, the children took part in the stations that had been set up for them in the Main Hall. Well done to the class who were very respectful and involved in Fr Shaun’s homily…answering his questions and telling the congregation about the Ascension and other things.  A number of the parishioners came up to us after the mass to compliment the children on how they showed such reverence in Mass.  Well done Year 5! Thank you also to Macy and Finn who read for the mass clearly and articulately.  Thank you to Year 6 for leading the stations and helping Year 5 pray and reflect. Next year, Year 5 will be the ones to take on this role of responsibility and we can’t wait to see them rise to the occasion. We also created prayer cards for a Year 2 child. It was wonderful to meet with them and exchange our cards earlier today.

Click here to see photos from this week.

Have a wonderful half term

Mrs Lines and Mrs McNamara


Home Learning

Please see the details of our whole school home learning in the newsletter.

Summer 1 Week 6

What a wonderful end to this half term we have had! The children looked fantastic in their Jubilee outfits and had a great day taking part in activities to celebrate.

Our History focus for this week was to learn who the Queen is, what her roles are and why we are having a jubilee celebration. In PE have learnt to serve in tennis and practised bowling and throwing accurately at the stumps in cricket. At the end of our swimming lesson on Wednesday we enjoyed a ‘fun swim!’

As part of Spirituality Week we planted wild flower seeds and created prayer cards for a Year 5 child. It was wonderful to meet with them and exchange our cards earlier today.  Click here for some photos of this special time with Year 5.

Have a wonderful half term

Miss Pringle

Home learning 

Please read over the holiday and collect small objects that could be used to make a wind chime.


Friday, 27th May 2022

Year 4 had yet another busy week to finish off this half term with.

Our main focus for the week was the Platinum Jubilee and children completed learning not only in History but through art and music. The class looked at 12 events from the Queen’s reign of 70 years and put them on a diamond sheet according to their significance. They thought about personal, local, national and global significance and argued how some of these events affected their own life. We also painted celebratory Jubilee plates as well as decorating Union Jack pinwheels. We learnt ‘Here’s to the Queen’- a celebratory song dedicated to the Platinum Jubilee, which the children performed beautifully during assembly.

On Thursday, 4 children from the class represented our school during the Oakmere Mini Marathon. Well done for Elsa, Lucy Lines, Eraldo and Panayiotis. We are proud of you!

The rest of the class attended Ascension Day Mass in the morning, where they sang beautifully and participated in the Service with great reverence and respect. Well done!

On Thursday, the children also participated in a Cricket Workshop where they tried ‘3 ball cricket’- a fast and very competitive game. What fun! After their session, the class took part in a lovely reflection as part of their Spirituality activities. The children also wrote prayers to a prayer partner in Year 1, which they gave out Friday afternoon.

They finished the week with a fantastic Jubilee day, dressing up to the theme of ‘Queens and Kings’, whilst eating their lunch in the decorated hall and having an afternoon snack on the field.

The children deserve a break now as they worked very hard this half term and again I couldn’t be more proud of their achievements! I wish you all a wonderful half term,

Ms Varga

Please see your Home Learning below:

Home Learning Due by Monday, 4th July 2022
Reading Please keep up your reading over the half term and update your reading record when you have a chance.
Project Over the next 5 weeks, I would like the children to research Tudor housing and build a 3D model of a Tudor building. It doesn’t need to be big and all materials are allowed however I would encourage using ones that are recycled.

Please see below a few examples:



Year 4 Maths Division

Click on the link  to see the maths task for today.

Extra challenge:  click here






Friday, 20th May 2022

It has been another busy and interesting week in Year 4.

In Maths, the children extended their understanding of the long division through open ended problem solving activities whilst in English, they have written their final, extended, pieces in our playscripts unit. In RE, the class learnt about Shavu’ot, an ancient Jewish festival which they will link with Pentecost later in the term. In Science, the children read Topical Science articles whilst also completing their bedside lamps. At the moment we are experiencing some difficulties with our circuits, so I apologise in advance if the lamps will need some further support at home.

In History, the children drew conclusions of Tudor times using different portraits of Henry VIII, whilst in Computing they used new formulae to calculate mean average and sum in Spreadsheets whilst also formatting their graphs from the previous week. In PE, the children further consolidated their bawling, fielding and batting skills by playing short cricket games. In Art, the class used their drawing and shading skills to create Tudor themed symmetry portraits. On Wednesday, the class celebrated National Numeracy Day by participating in a Guinness World Record attempt of the highest number of participant in a live multiplication recital as well as completing a budgeting exercise (a challenge of surviving one day on £20 with NO support from home at all). Fantastic conversation about needs and wants!

Next week, the children will participate in a Multiplication Table Check ‘simulation’ to gain some practice before the actual event next month. The simulation will involve practicing logging on and running the test -all in a separate room in groups of 5. The purpose of this simulation is to allow the children to experience exam settings and to eliminate stress or anxiety so on the day, they be familiar with the surroundings and feel confident.

I wish you a lovely weekend,

Ms Varga

Please see your Home Learning below:

Home Learning Due by Tuesday, 24th May 2022
Spelling Spelling Rule 27 – Word list – years 3 and 4 – ci- to ea-


Please update your reading logs and be ready to present them on Wednesday

English Please be ready to present your A4 research based on some interesting, ‘crazy’ inventions on Monday. (See last week’s blog for details)

Summer 2 – Week 5

Year 3 have lots of amazing authors. This week the children have been writing the beginning of their adventure stories based on The Iron Man. The children applied what they have been learning about the features of adventures. They included similes, adverbs, adjectives and prepositions to make their stories enjoyable to read.

In Maths, we have been solving problems involving fractions. The children have developed strategies to help them calculate the answer. The children then made fraction flowers for our class display.

This week was Walk to School Week. Each day the children Have added to the class ladder how they travelled to school. On Friday we added happy faces to our display, to celebrate cleaner air.

Over the last few weeks we have been learning different skills to help us to play rounders. The children applied their skills to play the game and did very well. On Friday, we had a cricket coach teach us some cricket games. The children enjoyed the activities and worked well as a team.

Congratulations to the children who made their First Holy Communion last weekend, it was wonderful to see them all looking lovely. Good luck to the children who are making it this weekend.

Have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Carey

Home Learning

Timetables Rock Please complete 10 minutes a day
Maths Practise 4 x tables and complete the sheet sent home
Read Theory Complete 2 activities
Spelling Frame Shirt, first, third, turn, hurt, church, clue, true, rescue, flew, grew


Year 6 – PGL Day 3

Today has been the day for challenging fears, encouraging classmates, and displaying fantastic team spirit!

We all started with Passport to the World, which was a country and flag-themed scavenger hunt around the PGL site. Team Spain were the winners!

Groups 1 and 2 then had Jacob’s Ladder, buggy building and rock climbing, whilst group 3 had abseiling, rock climbing and Jacob’s Ladder.

After chicken and curly fries for dinner, the day ended with a campfire, which entailed lots of singing with actions!


Friday, 13th May 2022

This week, the children in Year 4 used their artistic skills to complete creative learning pieces.

First and foremost, they added their final touches to their bedside lamps and attached any last details, such as paws, ears, etc. They then built their own simple series circuits with 2 light bulbs and a handmade switch securing the wires with insulation tape. They will test their circuits on Monday and insert them into their models to complete this long but enjoyable D&T/Science project.

During the week, they applied their learning of tints, shades and tones in painting as well, when they created pieces based on the ‘Adventures of the Dish and the Spoon’- our playscript Writing unit.

In Science, extending their plant learning, the children had planted mung beans which, over the last two weeks, grew large enough to be planted into soil.

In Maths, the class moved on to long written division-chunking- using place value counters and familiarising themselves with the new layout, whilst in English they finished their planning, finalising all dialogues for next week’s big writing.

In RE, the class explained the meaning of the Ascension story according to Luke and in Topic moved away from Geography to introduce their new unit-The Tudors.

The children also completed tests to support the Multiplication Table Check- which is approaching fast. I am very pleased with their results and how well they cope with the time limit and the pressure of such formal tests. Well done!

I wish you all a lovely and sunny weekend,

Ms Varga

See Home Learning below:

Home Learning Due by Tuesday, 17th May 2022
Spelling Please log onto Spellingframe and practice this week’s spelling words.

Spelling Rule 26 – Word list – years 3 and 4 – br- to ce-

Reading Please log onto Read Theory and complete 2 activities. Please also update your Reading logs.

Multiplication Please log onto TT Rockstars and spend some time practicing your mixed facts.

Very well done for Panayiotis and Eliana for their amazing progress and scores!!!

Research- for Monday, 23rd May In support of our next English unit-Explanation text- I would like the children to research some interesting inventions from around the world. In this unit of work, the children will design their own ‘crazy’ invention (based on a short extract from Wallace and Gromit’s Cracking Contraptions) and write a detailed explanation of their use.

To help the children come up with inventive and engaging ideas, I would like them to research a few interesting or revolutionising inventions. They can print a picture of them or draw them. add labels or captions. Maybe explain what they do in a few bullet point.

This is a planning activity, so just as before, I would like an A4 piece of paper with some invention ideas and bullet points so the children have some background facts and ideas to rely on when designing their own inventions.


Revision Aids SATs Wednesday

Below are some revision aids to assist you in Using calculations/Metric units/Line symmetry/Translation/Time


Using Calculations Revision

Using Calculations


Metric Units  Revision 

Metric Units

Metric Unit Answers


Translations                  Translations-answers



line symmetry answers


Time         Time-answers


Click on the CGP link for three 10 minute tests.   All the answers are explained at the end of each test, so it’s easy to    spot any areas that need a little extra work.

10 minute tests