Friday 4th March, 2022

This week in Year 5 we have embraced a very busy but exciting week!

We celebrated Shrove Tuesday with our Mardi Gras theme and wow, did our children design wonderful masks that they showed off to the rest of the school during our whole school parade.  Ti was our class winner for the fastest pancake flipper and he joined the rest of the class winners in Key Stage 2 and competed against them in a nail biting final.

We ended the day of celebration with our whole school Mardi Gras dance and ate pancakes.  The Year 5 and 6 Netball Team attended Dame Alice Owen’s School for a netball tournament.  The played together really well as a team and enjoyed the afternoon representing our school alongside other schools.  Well done to them!

On Ash Wednesday, the children watched the mass from the classroom and they sang, listened to Caroline read the First Reading, received ashes on their foreheads and Dale gave us Holy Communion.

On Thursday, it was World Book Day! and again, our class was full of colour and excited children talking about their favourite books.  We logged onto the World Book Day website and joined one of their digital events: log in and have a look.  Click on the photo below for the link.

On top of all the events happening through the week, VJ has written about some of the learning that Year 5 have been doing below:

‘In Maths we have been revisiting our work on multiplication and have now started our work on division.  We have been developing our understanding of  short division for numbers up to 4-digits.  In English we have continued to read The London Eye Mystery and have been writing a diary entry about what happened on the day when Salim went missing using adverbs of possibility and modal verbs. We also wrote a social media post using pronouns to stop writing ‘Salim’ in our writing whilst we wrote the post.  In Science, we continued with our unit using every day items to test if they were insulators or conductors.’

Wishing you and your family a wonderful weekend.
The home learning for the children is below.


Mrs McNamara and Mrs Lines


Home Learning:

Read theory: complete 4 of the activities

Mathletics:  Log on and complete the tasks set.

Times table Rockstars: log on and practise your times tables.  Log on and complete the tasks that have been set.

Weekly Spellings: log onto spelling frame and practise this week’s spellings.

Words from the Year 5/6 list

controversy, controversial, convenience, convenient, correspond, correspondence, criticise, curious, curiosity, definite, desperate, develop

Remember: hand in your research on the Stations of the Cross on Tuesday