Friday, 22nd April 2022
The children in Year 4 looked very well after returning from their holidays. It has been lovely to hear about their trips and experiences during spending time with family and friends.
In Maths, the class moved on to formal written multiplication and division, building physical models and representing their calculations in different ways whilst in English, the children started their new unit of fiction genre; playscripts. They will write their scripts for a series of scenes using Mini Grey’s adaptation of the Adventures of the Dish and the Spoon.
In Re, we looked at the Resurrection according to Luke and drew beliefs from the Gospel, whilst also reading and understanding the post-Resurrection appearances of Jesus. Thank you so much for those who took the time to create their Easter Gardens; they look beautiful!
In Geography, they finished off their unit of the Sunshine State, looking at peninsulas and their features, whilst in Science, the children will carry on investigating electricity, conductors and insulators further this term. We also recorded our observation of our competition sunflowers; thank you again for those children who took care of the plants during the holidays. Our tallest is already 9.9cm!
In PE, the class enjoyed a lovely afternoon in the sunshine introducing their new topic: cricket. The children thoroughly enjoyed the different games and did very well and batting and fielding.
I am delighted to announce that I have managed to secure a class trip for us in the second half of the Summer Term when we are going to visit Waltham Abbey and partake in a whole day Tudor workshop in the Epping Forest District Museum including dressing up, artifact handling, a treasure trail and even using proper quills to create Tudor bookmarks. Details will be shared closer to the date.
Have a lovely weekend and Happy St George’s Day tomorrow,
Ms Varga
Please see your Home Learning below:
Home Learning | Due back by Tuesday, 26th April 2022 |
Spelling | Please log onto Spelling Frame and spend some time practicing this week’s homophones before you test yourselves on them.
Spelling Rule 23 – Homophones and near-homophones (3 of 4) |
Reading | Please log onto ReadTheory and complete two tasks. Please also update your reading records and be prepared to present them on Wednesday. |
Multiplication | Please log onto TT Rockstars and spend some time practicing your mixed facts |
Study Ladder |
Please log onto Study Ladder and complete the assigned tasks in your pod all related to multiplication word problems. |