Spring 2 Week 4 w.b 18.3.24

In Re this week the children retold the story of The Last Supper. They were split into two groups and went off to set their own tables, including unleavened bread, cups and plates. The children then re-enacted the events of the story.

Year one started their week with their second visit from the Hertfordshire Mental support team. This week. the children continued to learn how to recognise and name a range of emotions. They were introduced to the Zones of regulation and talked about how they were feeling. They discussed which colour zone they were feeling they were in on that day. The children were asked to draw how they were feeling and how this would show to other people. Next, the children drew around their hands and wrote down the people who are important to them in their lives and who helps them in their everyday lives.


In Maths this week, the children worked on subtracting by counting back using a number line. They used the words first, then and now to help them to subtract by counting back using a number line as a guide. We will be continuing subtraction activities next week.

In English, Year one sequenced pictures from the story of The Last Noo- Noo and retold the story in groups using the pictures to help them.

In PE, the children practised bouncing and retrieving a ball with a partner. The children practised using one and two bounces to pass the ball to each other. It was a very enjoyable lesson, with the children working together and enjoying practising together.

Home Learning – Due Friday.

Mathletics – please complete the activities set.

Handwriting sheet – practice letters sent home. You do not need to send this back as they are also practised daily in school.

Spellings – please practice the spellings with your child for a spelling test next Friday. This also does not need to be sent back.

Reading – 5/10 minutes daily.

Reminder – school finishes at 1pm next Thursday.

Wishing you all a restful weekend.

Mrs Poyiadzis and Mrs Barnes

Friday, 22nd March 2024

The children in Year 4 had yet another busy week with some practical tasks in Art and D&T.

In Maths, the class moved on to formal division with chunking whilst in English, they have written an accurate recount of the events of the ‘Journey’ by Aaron Becker, focusing on action sequences punctuated by commas and fronted adverbials. Later in the week, they also planned their own continuation of the story coming up with ideas as to where the 2 main characters could go next and what adversities they will overcome with the help of their magic crayons. The children will write their narrative based on these plans next week.

In RE, the class discussed the next Catholic Social Teaching principle of ‘Human Dignity’ and prayed the Stations of the Cross. The class then used maps and images to discuss how Jerusalem looked like at the time of Jesus’ death, focusing on important characters from Mark’s Gospel, such as Caiaphas, the Sanhedrin and Pontius Pilate. We also walked down to the church on Tuesday to rehearse for our Way of the Cross service next week.

We baked cakes to support our Lenten Charity cause on Thursday…

and later painted fruit composition inspired by Paul Cezanne.

I would like to thank the children as they showed amazing patience and respect after I’ve lost my voice on Tuesday and were brilliant throughout the rest of the week, helping me with all aspects of classwork! Thank you Year 4!

Next week, we are walking down to the church on Monday morning, so the children will need hooded coats in case it rains.

On Tuesday, we are off tour our Year 3-4 charity walk, therefore they will need wellington boots or old trainers (that you don’t mind getting dirty) that day. In the evening, we will also participate in the KS2 Way of the Cross at Church. Children should wear normal uniforms for that with a tie.

Wednesday, is the children’s last swimming, whilst Thursday is our last day of the term. Please remember, it is early pick up time at 1pm, followed by the Easter Egg Hunt organised by FOPPS. Make sure you buy your entry for that through School Gateway.

Have a lovely weekend,

Ms Varga

Home Learning Due back on Tuesday, 26th March 2024
Spelling https://www.edshed.com/en-gb

Challenge words

After half term: scene, who’s, affect, hear, whose, heal, effect, here, heel, seen

Reading https://readtheory.org/auth/login
Multiplication https://ttrockstars.com/



Whole school Please use the links on our blog page to practice the songs and lyrics for our Way of the Cross Service.



Spring 2 Week 4

Our focus in Reception this week was The Enormous Turnip. The children acted out the story in groups, trying to pull a big turnip from the ground! They sequenced the story, made tools using boxes to help them pull a turnip out and retold the story by drawing a story map or making a booklet. The children wrote about how they would try to pull a turnip from the ground. Outside the children did observational drawings of a turnip, using water paints and they made their own vegetables  and cut and peeled vegetables.

This week we learnt the last Phase 3 sound, er. Then we went over some of the digraphs and trigraphs that are harder to remember. Please practise all the sounds and tricky words we have learnt this term.

In Maths, we have been learning about the number 9 and 10. The children counted 9 and 10 objects. Then we learnt abut making 9 in different ways with a variety of resources. They made 9 using the cherry model indoors and outside and used tens frames. They compared different amounts by using the vocabulary more and fewer.

On Tuesday, we were all happy to see the sun come out so we spent the afternoon gardening. The children loved weeding the class garden and planting lettuce and tulips. While weeding, the children found snails and worms and were very excited to pick them up and hold them in their hands. The children placed the snails in our bug hotel and found leaves and twigs to keep them comfortable. Each day, the children have been watering our garden. A few weeks ago, we planted beans in the class and many of them have grown very tall, we will be planting them in our garden when they are ready.

In Religion, we listened to the story of The Last Supper and the children made a table for Jesus and his disciples outside. Then they acted out the story.

Have a wonderful weekend.


Mrs Carey and The Early Years Team

Spring 2 Week 4

This week the class have been learning about Holy Week. They have retold The Last Supper and created collages about Palm Sunday.

In Maths this week, they have been learning to tell the time. They have revisited o’clock and half past and begun focusing on quarter to, quarter past and intervals of 5 minutes.

In English, they have identified and used different sentence types.

Our new Science topic is Plants and I have been very impressed with the classes plant knowledge and their enthusiasm for gardening. Please send shoes/boots in on Monday that are suitable for a muddy walk and gardening. 

Home Learning – Due Wednesday

Mathletics – please complete the time activities set.

Spelling – please practice this list of homophones on spelling shed.


Reading – please read daily and send your child’s reading book and record in on Wednesday.

Reminder – school finishes at 1pm next Thursday.

Wishing you all a restful weekend.

Miss Pringle


Friday 15th March 2024

We’ve been keeping ourselves busy again in Year 3 this week. Not only did the children manage to practise for and put on a fabulous St Patrick’s Day assembly, we have been taking part in Science Week. This included having a lesson taught by a teacher from Nicholas Breakspear, learning about a scientist called Brianna Green and running an investigation to answer the question given to everyone by Mrs Carey: Does having longer legs mean you can run faster? Our findings showed that it was certainly not true.

Following our assembly today, we had a wonderful time making soda bread and enjoyed an extra play for winning the attendance award. We also had an unsuccessful attempt at making our own butter!

Although we’re sure you have your own, here are some pictures of our assembly today. Well done to the children for working so hard and putting on such a great show.

Have a great weekend!

Mrs Lines and Mrs McNamara

Home learning

Spellings on spelling shed

Science whole school home learning as detailed in the newsletter

Please also practise the songs for The Way of the Cross here, which will need to be learnt off by heart by the service (Tuesday 26th March).

Year 6 Week Beginning 11.3.24

This week, Year 6 joined the rest of the school in celebrating British Science Week; the theme this year was ‘Time’.

To kick start the week off, the children were asked the BIG QUESTION-

Does taller mean faster?

Initially, and after much debate, the children decided that they thought that taller did in fact mean that you would be quicker, due to your legs being longer and therefore covering more ground, more quickly. They were asked to put the question to the test.

First, they planned their test, thinking carefully about how they were going to ensure that it was fair.  They then measured one another’s legs from hip to ankle and plotted the measurements on a table.

Then the class went outside onto the playground and began their tests, recording results as they happened!

Back in class, the children reflected on their results and represented these on a dual bar chart.

Upon finishing,  Year 6 came to the conclusion that taller DID NOT mean faster!!!

Continuing with British Science Week, on Wednesday, Pope Paul were joined by Mr Kelly, one of the science teachers from Nicholas Breakspear, who delivered a special science lesson about dinosaurs, and how paleontologists are able to know about how life on our planet used to be, because of their work with fossils. The class then enjoyed a fun, practical activity, where they dug around for bones in layers of jelly and sand!

On Wednesday, Year 5 and 6 represented Pope Paul School at OLASV, where they attended mass to celebrate the feast day of St Louise de Marillac. As usual, the children made staff proud with their reverence and beautiful singing.

Today, the whole school were treated to a wonderful St Patrick’s Day assembly by Year 3. Fern , Caitlin and Lucy also took part in the assembly, wowing the audience with their amazing Irish dancing. Well done girls!!

Well done to Christoph and Eliana, who sent pictures of themselves with fairtrade products, this week!

Well done for today’s brilliant rehearsal with Year 5, for the upcoming Way of the Cross. For your home learning, please practise your words if you are reading: if you have left them at school, you can also find a copy here:

The Way Of The Cross – 2024 parts

Please also practise the songs here, which will need to be learnt off by heart by the service (Tuesday 26th March).

Science Whole School Home Learning

Take a Science Selfie! Can you complete a science experiment at home and take a selfie of you and your family? Below are some websites with some ideas. Please bring in a photo to your class teacher.



Spelling Shed

  • Words with an /oa/ sound spelled ‘ou’ or ‘ow’
  • Using hyphens to avoid ambiguity

Daily reading

TT Rockstars


Year 5 – 15/03/24 | Science Week

This week, we’ve been fully immersed in British Science Week, exploring the theme of Time with great enthusiasm!

We started off on Monday by pondering the question, ‘What if there were no clocks?’ This sparked an intriguing discussion. Following that, we delved into the mechanics of pendulums, investigating how factors like string length and pendulum mass influence their swing.

Tuesday saw us investigating reaction times. We compared our own reaction times and explored whether there was a difference between dominant and weak hand reactions. Surprisingly, the results were not unanimously conclusive!

Midweek, we were fortunate to have a workshop with Mr. Kelly, a science teacher from Nicholas Breakspear School. He enlightened us about fossils and how they offer glimpses into the past. The session concluded with a fun task, turning us into palaeontologists as we uncovered and pieced together fossils.

On Thursday, we were treated to a demonstration by scientist Dr. Alan Greig from University College London. He shared insights into his work using microscopes, particularly utilising light and fluorescence to study biology. Witnessing UV light transform tonic water and turmeric extract was fascinating. Dr. Alan also showcased how his microscopes refract white light to create rainbows. The children’s brilliant questions left him impressed.

Wrapping up the week on Thursday and Friday, we tackled the Big Question set by Mrs. Carey: Does taller mean faster? Making predictions and ensuring a fair test, we ventured outside to investigate the correlation between leg length and sprinting speed. Our findings, presented in a scatter graph, led us to conclude that leg length does not determine running speed.

Well done, Year 5, for your enthusiastic engagement with this week’s science activities!

Home learning for this week:

Science Take a Science Selfie! Can you complete a science experiment at home and take a selfie of you and your family? Below are some websites with some ideas. Please send in a photo of you carrying out the experiment to admin@popepaul.herts.sch.uk

Kitchen Science

Science Fun at Home


Log on to Spelling Shed using your EdShed login, and play a variety of games to practise this week’s spelling rule: Words with silent first letters

·         knight

·         knowledge

·         knife

·         knuckle

·         wrestler

·         writer

·         pterodactyl

·         wreath

·         wreckage

·         mnemonic

KS2 Way of the Cross Service Please learn your lines that you were given on Tuesday (script here as well) and practise the songs, which will need to be learnt off by heart by the service (Tuesday 26th March).

Year 1: Spring Term- Week 3

What a wonderful week of leaning we have had in Year One! This week was Science week and as a school we all had an investigation to undertake! Our question to investigate  was ‘Does taller mean faster?’

The children made their own predictions and talked about the various ways they could answer this question. As a class, we made our predictions and then planned how we could work out who the tallest children in our class were.  Year one decided  that it would be sensible to measure each child in the class and record our results. The children brainstormed ideas on how to measure each other and it was decided it would be best to use a metre stick, as rulers and measuring tapes were deemed too small to measure the height of the children.

The children worked in groups to measure each other’s heights and record their results in a chart. Next, we would need to race each other to see if the tallest children were the fastest! In PE, we raced individually to record our fastest speed and then raced each of the fastest children against each other. After this, the children were able to compare and discuss their results and noted lots of comparisons. Due to the results, Year one concluded that tallest, was in fact not the fastest.


On Tuesday, we were very fortunate to have a parent scientist join us in leading a morning of fun experiments. These experiments ranged from making rainbows with skittles, floating and sinking and investigating mixing liquids in water with other materials. eg oil/ food colouring and Alka- Seltzer to see what happened to them! We would like to say a big thank you to Dr Holly for organising this marvellous experience for everyone.


On Monday, we had our first workshop from the Hertsmere Mental Support team. In this first session, the children learned about Emotions and expressing their feelings. They talked about the range of emotions they know about including happy, sad, angry, scared and how these may show in our actions. Over the next few weeks, the children will be learning how to express their emotions and will develop a ‘backpack of skills’ to help them with this.

On Thursday morning, we had an online Road Safety talk. The children learnt some very important lessons about what they could wear to make sure they’re easily spotted when walking. They also learnt some rules about crossing the road.

On Thursday morning we also took a walk to Dame Alice Owens school. When we arrived we were greeted by the Science teacher, Mr Friedlander who took us to their Science lab. The children were very impressed with the lab and even more impressed by the height of the stools! We did an investigation to find out who had drawn a picture of him and all the children were very engaged in trying to work out who the suspect was. Thank you to Bethany’s mum, Freddie’s dad and Anna-Maria’s mum for walking with us.

Well done to Harvey, Amelia and Joshua for finding Fairtrade items!

Home Learning – due Friday
Take a Science Selfie! Can you complete a science experiment at home and take a selfie of you and your family? Below are some websites with some ideas. Please bring in a photo to your class teacher.

Mathletics – please complete the activities set.

Handwriting sheet – practice letters sent home. You do not need to send this back as they are also practised daily in school.

Spellings – please practice the spellings with your child for a spelling test next Friday. This also does not need to be sent back.

Reading – 5/10 minutes daily.

Have a lovely weekend!

Mrs Poyiadzis & Mrs Barnes

Spring 2 Week 3

This week has been full of Science!

On Monday, we planned an investigation to see if  the tallest people in our class were the fastest runners. In groups, we organised ourselves in to height order then measured ourselves. After this, we made predictions about who we thought would be the fastest and why.

Later in the week, we raced each other and checked our predictions and height order. We found that although some tall people won their races, it wasn’t always the case.  Some shorter people in our class were very fast and powerful, which helped them run faster than some taller people.

On Tuesday we were visited by Mrs Holly, who is a Scientist at GSK. Mrs Holly, Mr Holly and Mrs Harrington, lead different science experiments with us, which were all a lot of fun. Thank you all for helping us learn about dissolving, forces, chemical reactions and diffusion.

First, we poured water onto skittles, and as the water touched the sugar coating on the skittles, their colour and sugar started to dissolve.

Next, we pushed the pencil through the plastic bag full of water, the force of the pencil closed the hole in the bag and the water did not leak until we added a second pencil!

Then, we poured oil, water, food colouring and Alka-Seltzer into a cup. The oil and water didn’t mix but created different layers. The Alka-Seltzer made tiny gas bubbles that turned green with the food colouring and then the liquid bubbled over the top of the cup!

Later, we predicted and tested, which items would float and which would sink.

Lastly, we used coloured pens to draw on to kitchen towel. Then we put the kitchen towel in to water and watched the colours diffuse (spread out) through the water.

On Thursday, we were had an exciting trip to Dame Alice Owen School, where Mr Friedlander,  taught us about Chromatography. This is a technique used to separate a mixture into its different parts, based on the chemical properties of each component. In this experiment, we tested different pens, then used our detective skills to match a particular pen to a ‘crime!’

We have also learnt about Tanesha Allen, a zoologist based in Oxford, who studies badgers. We have enjoyed learning about her job and how she helps teach others about animals.

Home learning


Please read daily and complete the comprehension booklet sent home today.


Take a Science Selfie! Can you complete a science experiment at home and take a selfie of you and your family? Below are some websites with some ideas. Please bring in a photo to your class teacher.



Have a lovely weekend

Miss Pringle


Friday, 15th March 2024

This week in Year 4, we celebrated National Science Week by becoming Scientists ourselves; planning and carrying out some practical investigations, listening to guest speakers and learning about famous scientists.

Throughout the week, we reflected on the lives and work of famous female Scientists from around the world, including Katherine Johnson-American mathematician, Mae C. Jemison-American engineer, Marie Curie-Polish-French physicist and chemist and Janaki Ammal-Indian plant biologist. We talked about how these remarkable women overcame discrimination and prejudice to achieve greatness in their field of Science and how their work has changed the world for the better. We also discussed the future of Science and looked at new discoveries in renewable energy and AI technology in Computer Science and engineering. We also talked about future Space programmes that can impact our lives soon.

We also worked on our whole school big question: ‘Is taller faster?’ The children planned their investigation in groups before measuring their heights and recording their speed using a stopwatch app. We later plotted our results on a graph and drew conclusions, analysing the data and discussing discrepancies.

On Wednesday, we also had the pleasure of  participating in Mr Kelly’s (NBS School) brilliant workshop about fossils and after learning about fossils and handling some ourselves, the class turned into paleontologists to recover and reconstruct some dinosaur remains.

In Maths, we consolidated formal written multiplication with regrouping whilst in English, we wrote descriptive paragraphs based on one of the settings of our beautiful class book, ‘Journey’. In Re, we researched Mark’s Gospel before comparing all 4 Gospel writers’ version of Jesus’ crucifixion. We also prayed the Stations of the Cross and reflected on our third Catholic Social Teaching principle, ‘Solidarity’. In Art, we completed our fruit themed collage still life pieces, whilst in PE we finalised our whole class Roman dance routine.

Next week, we are walking down to the church to practice for our Way of the Cross service. Please make sure the children have hooded coats every day in case it rains. Thank you!

Have a lovely weekend,

Ms Varga

Home Learning Due back on Tuesday, 19th March 2024
Spelling Words that are adverbs of manner


Next week’s words: surprise, separate, group, height, potatoes, though, particular, through, caught, woman

Reading https://readtheory.org/auth/login

or alternatively download the attached comprehension documents:




Multiplication https://ttrockstars.com/


Mathletics https://login.mathletics.com/

Science Home Learning

Take a Science Selfie! Can you complete a science experiment at home and take a selfie of you and your family? Below are some websites with some ideas. Please bring in a photo to your class teacher.


KS2 Way of the Cross Service
Please also practise the songs for The Way of the Cross here, which will need to be learnt off by heart by the service (Tuesday 26th March).