Spring 2 Week 4

Our focus in Reception this week was The Enormous Turnip. The children acted out the story in groups, trying to pull a big turnip from the ground! They sequenced the story, made tools using boxes to help them pull a turnip out and retold the story by drawing a story map or making a booklet. The children wrote about how they would try to pull a turnip from the ground. Outside the children did observational drawings of a turnip, using water paints and they made their own vegetables  and cut and peeled vegetables.

This week we learnt the last Phase 3 sound, er. Then we went over some of the digraphs and trigraphs that are harder to remember. Please practise all the sounds and tricky words we have learnt this term.

In Maths, we have been learning about the number 9 and 10. The children counted 9 and 10 objects. Then we learnt abut making 9 in different ways with a variety of resources. They made 9 using the cherry model indoors and outside and used tens frames. They compared different amounts by using the vocabulary more and fewer.

On Tuesday, we were all happy to see the sun come out so we spent the afternoon gardening. The children loved weeding the class garden and planting lettuce and tulips. While weeding, the children found snails and worms and were very excited to pick them up and hold them in their hands. The children placed the snails in our bug hotel and found leaves and twigs to keep them comfortable. Each day, the children have been watering our garden. A few weeks ago, we planted beans in the class and many of them have grown very tall, we will be planting them in our garden when they are ready.

In Religion, we listened to the story of The Last Supper and the children made a table for Jesus and his disciples outside. Then they acted out the story.

Have a wonderful weekend.


Mrs Carey and The Early Years Team