We’ve had a wonderful week in Y3, filled with diary writing about the Amazon Rainforest and art based on the exotic animals who live there. The children’s diaries are amazing and they really enjoyed sharing them with Y4.

The children have also used their computing skills to create books on book creator about the sacrament of reconciliation – what a talented class.

Swimming will be on as usual next week.

Home learning

Spellings can be found on the class page under resources, spelling – spring 1 week 5

careful, careless, carefully, carelessly, painful, painless, painfully, painlessly, thoughtful, thoughtless, thoughtfulness, thoughtlessness ALL GROUPS TO LEARN THESE PLEASE.

Spag.com – your child has been given their username and password again this evening.






Week 3 and 4

Year 3 have been learning about the Rainforest and investigating the exotic animals and flowers that grow there. Next week, they will be writing diaries and fact files based on this topic.  In maths they have been learning about right angles as well as parallel and perpendicular lines. In RE the children have been learning about the 7 sacraments, sharing their excitement about receiving reconciliation this weekend. We have had an amazing time playing in the snow this morning, making snowmen and building igloos! Have a wonderful weekend. Miss Pringle.


Home Learning this weekend: week 4 Spring 1 list and spag.com activities online. 


Week 2 Spring Term

The class have been very sacramental this week – showing gentleness, kindness and patience towards one another. They enjoyed sharing their home learning with one another and have reflected on where they see God in the world.

The children have also been developing a deeper understanding of how to collect, interpret and present data (statistics) – this week’s mathletics home learning tasks will reflect this learning. Our new English topic is based on the book Atlas Adventures. The children seem to be enjoying learning about different countries and using prepositions and adjectives to describe what they’ve learnt.

As well as mathletic home learning the children have been set a spag.com activity.


Group 1: actual, actually, accident, accidentally, business, caught, centre, century, certain, certainly, circle, disappear.

Group 2 : under, up, use, very, walk. Please challenge yourself by choosing 3 of the group 1 spellings. 

Communion lessons start again this weekend.

Miss Pringle

Spring Week 1

Happy New Year, I hope you had a wonderful Christmas and wish you every blessing for this new year ahead.

We have been busy celebrating the Epiphany story from Marks Gospel this week and the children have reflected on the gifts that they will offer to their families and schools this year.

We have a trainee teacher in Y3 until half term called Miss Francios, whom the children have made feel very welcome.

New PE days

We will have PE on Mondays this term and Swimming starts next Wednesday – please see the letter that was sent home today for more information about swimming.

Home learning – please see your child’s home learning pack for details about their home learning

RE  – sacramental people writing activity.

Spelling revision


Enjoy your weekend

Miss Pringle

Last Week of Autumn Term

What a wonderful week we’ve had. On Monday we were treated to the KS1 Nativity play, which was fantastic, we loved joining in with the songs and seeing our friends/siblings perform. This was followed by a trip to the Panto -Jack and the Beanstalk was excellent – who knew Y3 knew all the songs to Greatest Showman and could dance so well!

We have also enjoyed finishing our Newspaper reports and solving Christmas themed maths activities. There have been many cards, decorations and gifts made also. Well done to all of the children who took part in the Y3 &4 music concert – we were all in awe of your talents.

On Wednesday we enjoyed a delicious Christmas dinner followed by the famous Pope Paul Talent show. Everyone who auditioned and went through to the final did brilliantly, however a special mention must go to William G and Joseph who won the year group category and to Lottie and Oliver who came third in the sibling category. How talented!

Please read and practice your 3, 4 and 8 timetables over the Christmas break.

Thank you for your lovely cards and generous gifts, I wish you all a restful and happy Christmas. It has been a wonderful term.

Miss Pringle.

Week 3

We’ve had a lot of fun during our learning this week. From becoming newspaper reporters to gymnastics superstars – Year 3 really have got talent!

The children were extremely reflective during Adoration on Wednesday and thoroughly enjoyed their Spanish lesson about Advent with Michael. They have also made thoughtful cards for Francesca and have been working hard to solve tricky money and mental maths questions.

We were treated to Dame Alice Owen’s Gym and Dance dress rehearsal on Monday – which i’m sure inspired some of the fantastic counter balances produced in PE this week. The children also tested their scientific skills by conducting their own experiments on permeability! We have also researched the different trees in our school grounds as part of National Tree Week.

Don’t forget to look out for our British Values poster in the dining hall about discrimination.

Home Learning this week is to read with and adult and learn the words to the Advent Service songs – the children were given two song sheets. Please revise spelling list : Autumn Term 2 Week 4


Autumn 2 Week 2

We have had a wonderful day at Celtic Harmony today, where we learnt how to become a Celtic Warrior.

We had a fantastic time learning how to fire an arrow and solve warrior riddles. The children were great at hunting for clues in the woodlands and proved themselves to be very fierce.


We also learnt how to weave reeds and how to work together in battle  – we even managed to defeat some wicked Romans! It was also great to hear the Myth of Finn MacCool and the Giant Causeway.

Thank you Miss Lawlor, Mrs Pinto and Mrs Lyons for helping us today – we hope you enjoyed it as much as we did.

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We have also learnt about the UK Paraliment and what the role of the House of Lords and House of Commons is. We will be voting for or against the schools name change on Monday.

To celebrate anti-bullying week we took part in a workshop about respect and explored how we could make kind choices and respect both ourselves and others.

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Home learning

Please read and complete the Spag.com activities that have been set. Please refer to the Autumn 2 week 2 spelling list.

Enjoy your weekend

Miss Pringle

Autumn 2 Week 1

It has been lovely to welcome the children back after the half term. They have worked well together and enjoyed sharing their news.

In RE we have focused on the Jewish day of rest – Shabbat. The children were fascinated with the celebration and enjoyed taking part in the sharing of wine (apple juice) and challah (bread).

We have also looked closely at Remembrance day and why people wear poppies. I was very proud of how confidently all the children read in assembly today – well done Y3.

In maths we have been investigating how partitioning and place value can help us with column addition and subtraction and in English we are starting a recount based on the story Weslandia by Paul Fleischman.

Home learning 

Spelling – Autumn 2 week 1 list (please look at the resources section on our class page).

Spag.com and Mathletic tasks have been set.

Please continue to hear your child read and sign their reading record.

Please check your child’s bag for more information.

Have a lovely weekend,

Miss Pringle


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Pilgrimage To Rome and St Paul VI Celebration Day

Today the school has been filled with excitement and joy as we celebrated the canonization of Pope Paul VI. We started the day with an assembly where everyone was presented with a St Paul VI prayer card. The children then enjoyed an extra break and Fairtrade treat in the sunshine. Following the theme of peace, the children spent the morning creating flags, designs, sketches and mosaics as well as continuing their research on Pope Paul VI. This afternoon we released doves of peace in the playground as a symbol of our continuing mission, following the charism of Pope Paul, to support peace and justice for all. Our pilgrimage to Rome to share in this very special moment was inspiring and uplifting. We felt privileged to be able to represent our school community in this important event. Father Shaun also attended the Mass in St Peter’s Square and we were all invited by Alex (our Seminarian)to visit the English College for Mass and then refreshments, enjoying the view of Rome from the rooftop terrace! Throughout the weekend we remembered our Pope Paul School Community and prayed for the continuing success of our school. We are very fortunate to have a wonderful group of staff who are happy to make a financial and time commitment in support of our community. Thank you ladies!








Week 7

Year three have written some wonderful prayers to Saint Paul VI this week and created some beautiful art work based on peace. Pope Paul’s canonization has been a fantastic celebration for the whole school – the children really enjoyed hearing about the teachers’ trip to Rome and were delighted to see the doves (symbols of peace) being released this afternoon.

The children have also finished their Stone Age adventure stories and are looking forward to sharing them with you next Friday at our celebration morning. In art we have made Autumnal collages. The children have also enjoyed sharing their Mary Anning posters in science.

Home learning
Please check your child’s bag as they have spelling, handwriting and comprehension tasks to complete.

Have a lovely weekend
Miss Pringle

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