Autumn 2 Week 1
It has been lovely to welcome the children back after the half term. They have worked well together and enjoyed sharing their news.
In RE we have focused on the Jewish day of rest – Shabbat. The children were fascinated with the celebration and enjoyed taking part in the sharing of wine (apple juice) and challah (bread).
We have also looked closely at Remembrance day and why people wear poppies. I was very proud of how confidently all the children read in assembly today – well done Y3.
In maths we have been investigating how partitioning and place value can help us with column addition and subtraction and in English we are starting a recount based on the story Weslandia by Paul Fleischman.
Home learning
Spelling – Autumn 2 week 1 list (please look at the resources section on our class page). and Mathletic tasks have been set.
Please continue to hear your child read and sign their reading record.
Please check your child’s bag for more information.
Have a lovely weekend,
Miss Pringle