Last Week of Autumn Term
What a wonderful week we’ve had. On Monday we were treated to the KS1 Nativity play, which was fantastic, we loved joining in with the songs and seeing our friends/siblings perform. This was followed by a trip to the Panto -Jack and the Beanstalk was excellent – who knew Y3 knew all the songs to Greatest Showman and could dance so well!
We have also enjoyed finishing our Newspaper reports and solving Christmas themed maths activities. There have been many cards, decorations and gifts made also. Well done to all of the children who took part in the Y3 &4 music concert – we were all in awe of your talents.
On Wednesday we enjoyed a delicious Christmas dinner followed by the famous Pope Paul Talent show. Everyone who auditioned and went through to the final did brilliantly, however a special mention must go to William G and Joseph who won the year group category and to Lottie and Oliver who came third in the sibling category. How talented!
Please read and practice your 3, 4 and 8 timetables over the Christmas break.
Thank you for your lovely cards and generous gifts, I wish you all a restful and happy Christmas. It has been a wonderful term.
Miss Pringle.