Spring 2 Week 6

The end of another term! The children have worked hard this term and should be proud of themselves.

This week Year 3 took part in their first Stations of the Cross Service. The children sang beautifully.

In Religion, we listened to the story from Luke’s Gospel on the crucifixion and discussed what Luke wanted us to know about Jesus.

In Maths, the children have been using objects and drawing pictures to solve division calculations. In English, the children have been reading poems and identifying adverbs and prepositions. They wrote their own stanzas including adverbs and prepositions.

In PE, we have continued to move in different ways and balance on a variety of equipment.

Home Learning – See Whole School Home Learning

Have a wonderful holiday!

Mrs Carey

Spring 2 Week 5

Today is the Feast of the Annunciation, Year 3 and 4 went to church and sang and responded beautifully.

In PE, we continued practising balancing. The children were excited to demonstrate their balances on the equipment.

In RE the children reflected on the story of the Last Supper and what Luke was telling us about Jesus.

In English the children edited their explanation texts. Then we started our new topic poetry. The children who learnt the poem at home performed it beautifully to the class. Our focus has been powerful verbs and the children used the verbs they found to write another stanza.

In Maths, we have been solving problems involving addition and subtraction. The children have been using written methods to solve the problems.

In Science we have been looking at objects that are reflective. We tested different objects to test our predictions.

Home Learning

Learn the songs for Stations of the Cross so the children are able to sing them without the words. All of the song are on a link on the blog.

Spelling Frame – would, wood, your, you’re, some, sum, way, weigh, to, too, pair, pear


Have a wonderful Mother’s Day and enjoy the fantastic weather.

Spring 2 Week 4

This week was Science week so we started the week thinking about what scientists do and naming famous scientist. Each class are part of a competition to grow the tallest sunflower. Year 3’s question was Does the size of the pot effect how the sunflower grows? The children planned their own investigation to answer the question. They thought of how they could make it a fair test and how they would record their results. The children have been taking part in different discussions including the odd one out and zoom in zoom out activities to develop their observation skills.

In Maths the children have been solving problems using the skills they have learnt using column addition and subtraction.

In Religion we looked an another picture to build a better world and discussed what we could see.

Our D&T topic is making healthy sandwiches so the children tested different types of bread and described their taste, texture, appearance and smell. Next week the children will be planning their own healthy sandwiches.

On Thursday, we celebrated St Patrick’s Day by making green cakes and watching Irish dancing. Emily, Sienna, Phoebe and Sofia’s dancing was amazing!

In PE, the children were fantastic completing different balances with partners.

It was lovely to speak to parents for parent’s consultation this week and last week. If you did not make an appointment, I will contact you.

Home Learning


English Please learn the poem sent home with the children. I have also attached it here.
Spellings Spelling frame

meat, meet, hear, here, there, their, wear, where, hour, our, knot, not


Maths Timetable Rock Star and sheet sent home (show their workings out on the back of the paper)

Please also practise the songs for the Way of the Cross Service, by clicking here.

Have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Carey

Spring 2 Week 3

We have had a fun and busy week in Year 3.

We have lots of amazing singers and musicians in Year 3, it was lovely to see so many of them taking part in the music concert. All of them were fantastic!

On Tuesday we had a talk about Road Safety where we learnt about all the safe places to cross roads.

In Maths we have been subtracting 2 and 3 digit numbers with and without regrouping. We used diennes and place value counters to understand how we regroup the tens and hundreds.

In English, we have been following instructions to play games and writing our own instructions using adverbs, prepositions and conjunctions. Next week the children will be using the instructions that wrote for their homework to write an explanation so please complete this if you have not.

In Religion we spoke about picture and how the people in the picture were building a better world. Then we retold the stations of the cross using our computing skills.

In Science, we completed an activity to see how difficult it is to see things without light and how light makes objects clearer to see.

On Friday, we began our Science Week activities. Professor Bubbleworks took our assembly and we learnt about how important water is. He showed us lots of interesting investigations. Then we took part in a workshop where we held a bubble in our hand with a glove on and we went inside a bubble.

This week was Fairtrade Fortnight, so we learnt about why buying Fairtrade foods is important and we ate bananas!

Home Learning-

Spellings – https://spellingframe.co.uk/


Complete spelling frame activities.

Practise the following spellings

interest, island, learn, perhaps, popular, quarter, question, reign, remember, straight, strange, promise


Read Theory https://readtheory.org/auth/login


Complete two activities
Timetable Rockstars – https://ttrockstars.com/


Complete a range of different activities



Complete the activities set

Have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Carey

Spring 2 – Week 2

We have had a busy and fun week in school!

On Tuesday, we celebrated Mardi Gras by taking part in pancake races, dancing, making masks and eating pancakes.

On Thursday we celebrated World Book Day by dressing up as characters from our favourite books. The children were able to discuss their characters and name their favourite. Then we had book tasting in class. The children read a few pages of lots of books and decided whether they would like to continue reading the book and wrote short reviews of what they thought.


In Maths, we have continued learning column addition with regrouping. Next week we will move onto column subtraction.

In English, we started a new unit of work on instructions and explanations. The children have been playing games and writing instructions. They have learnt about the features of instructions.

In RE, the children made their Lenten promises and added them to the display in the hall. Thank you for the beautiful decorated stones that the children made for the class display. Please send in your stone next week. We have also been learning about the history of the Stations of the Cross.

Have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Carey

Home learning – to be completed by Wednesday




autopilot, autograph, automatic, autobiography, autonomy, autofocus, superman, superior, supermarket, superstar, superficial, supernatural
Timetables Rockstars



Please login and complete the studio game. This should be complete 10 times so the children’s time can be recorded.


English Please play your favourite game at home then write instructions to tell someone else how to play. Remember a title, the aim of the game, a list of what you need and then numbers before each instruction.
Mathletics Complete the activities



Spring 2 – Week 1

I have missed the children this week but have heard that they have been working very hard.

In Maths they have been learning to use column addition with and without regrouping.

In English, the children have been researching an unusual sport and writing a non-chronological report. I am looking forward to reading them all!

In Science, they have been collecting and observing different samples of soils.


In our daily worship the children have been examining the prayer of St Teresa Avila . As part of Religion, the children looked closely at a painting by Peter Brueghel (1617,) called the Seven Acts of Mercy and thinking about how the painting showed people building a better world.

On Friday, the school had a wellbeing afternoon where the children could choose two activities to take part in. They has a great time!

Next week

Tuesday – Mardi Gras Celebration – Wear the colours yellow, gold, purple or green

Thursday – World Book Day- Dress as a character from a book and bring the book in to share with the class.

Home Learning

Read theory- complete two activities.

Spelling frame – complete the activities.

Mathletics and Timetables Rock – complete the activities set

Religion – Please find a stone and decorate it using paint or stickers to use as part of our preparation for Lent. Please bring it into school by Wednesday 2nd March.

Have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Carey

Week 6

Year 3 have had a wonderful week. On Tuesday we had a great day as Iron Age Farmers at Celtic Harmony Camp. The children helped out to make soup with herbs, learn how to make flour and bread. Then they made bracelets dipped in dye and learnt how to weave. Following the trip, the children wrote diary entries about their day. Thank you to Raylan’s dad and Chloe Pinto’s mum for your help on the trip. Click here for photos – Celtic Harmony

In Maths, the children have been using and applying their subtraction strategies when solving problems. In English we have been continuing to learn about the features on non-chronological reports using non-fiction books.

This week was esafety week so the children have been learning about how to stay safe online and what they should do if they feel unsafe. They have made posters to help others to stay safe.

The children have had an amazing half term and worked extremely hard!

Home Learning

Timestables rockstars

Spellings -slowly, quickly, roughly, suddenly, sadly, loudly, quietly, badly, rapidly, happily, hungrily, strangely

If your child has not completed the posters on Mary Anning and Queen Elizabeth please send them in after the holiday.

Have a lovely holiday.

Mrs Carey


Week 5

Another busy week in Year 3. In Maths, we have continued learning and applying mental strategies for subtracting.

In English we have begun learning about non-chronological reports and using non-fiction books to research different sports. We have been learning about the features of a non-fiction text.

On Wednesday, it was  the feast day Candlemas. We made candles to remember Jesus is the light of the world.

In Science, we have been learning about fossils and the children made their own fossils using salt dough and shells. Then we printed fossils using cardboard and paint.

In Music the children learnt to sing a song called Banana Mango and make music on different parts of their body.

On Tuesday we are going to Celtic Harmony. Children should wear their school PE Kit. They need to bring a packed lunch or contact the office if you need a school packed lunch. Please be in school on time.

Home Learning

Complete 2 read theory activities.

The children have been given a username and password for timetables rock. Please login and try to complete at least half an hour a week of time tables.

Spellings – https://spellingframe.co.uk/

careful, careless, carefully, carelessly, painful, painless, painfully, painlessly, thoughtful, thoughtless, thoughtfulness, thoughtlessness

To celebrate the Queens Platinum Anniversary please create a learning poster on A4 paper, that includes facts and pictures about the Queen and her reign.

Have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Carey

Week 4

This week was other faith week and we have been learning about Hinduism. On Monday we visited Bhaktivedanta Manor Hindu Temple. The children were extremely respectful throughout and learnt a lot about the Hinduism religion. Thank you to Isabelle’s mum for coming as a parent helper. After our visit the children learnt about the different Gods and Goddesses.

In Maths, we have continued to learn mental strategies to help us when we are subtracting one, two and three digit numbers.

In English, the children wrote an alternative chapter for the story The Finger Eater. The children read their writing to each other and commented on what they liked and helped each other make improvements.  They enjoyed wearing their editing glasses when editing their writing.

In Science the children have been learning about rocks. They dropped water on the rocks to test their permeability.

On Friday, we made cave paintings using paint, chalk and charcoal. We sprayed pain around our hands and then used brown paper to draw pictures and then make a collage.

Home Learning

Spellings – chef, shop, sugar, special, sure, mission, brochure, machine, chalet, chute, parachute, champagne


Mathletics activities

Science- We have been learning about fossils. Please research Mary Anning and make a poster or fact file about her. I have included some links below to help you.






Week 3

This week we began subtracting in Maths. We discussed how subtraction is not commutative like addition. The children practised taking away a multiple 10 from a 2-digit number using Dienes and drawing pictures. Then they took away a 2-digit number from a 3-digit number without regrouping.

In English, we have continued reading the book The Finger- Eater. The children imagined they were the boy in the story and wrote a letter to explain what had happened. They have ordered the story and then planned their own chapter of the story which they will write next week.

In RE, we thought about where we see God and how people show that they have God’s presence.

In PE, we continued folk dancing, the children have learnt a dance called Pat- a Cake- Polka and are ready to learn a new dance next week.

We continued learning about Stone Age and made splints from soap.

On Monday we are going on our trip to the Temple. Boys wear their full school uniform. Girls must wear their school uniform on the top half and if they have school trousers please wear them or their school tracksuit bottoms. No skirts. Children should wear warm socks because they will take their shoes off. Children will be given food so no packed lunch or school bags needed.

Home Learning

Spellings – calendar, complete, consider, continue, decide, describe, different, difficult, early, earth, exercise, experiment


Please complete the whole school learning that is attached below.

220121 Whole-school RE learning letter – Hinduism

Have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Carey