Autumn 1 Week 5

This week the children wrote, edited and published their final fable. Their fables were enjoyable to read with adverbs, prepositions and their use of inverted commas.

In Maths, the children have been solving problems to demonstrate their understanding of adding and subtracting a multiple of 10 and 100. The wrote clues for different numbers and then challenged their friends to solve them.

In Art, the children made cave art pictures using their hands and charcoal.

 On Tuesday, some children collected apples from our apple tree in the car park. Then we used these apples to make apple crumble.

 In PE, we have been applying the skills we have learnt over the last few weeks to a game of tag rugby. The children worked well in teams and supported each other with the rules.

In Computing, we learnt about pixels. We made picture using a key.

 Home Learning

Read Theory Complete 2 activities
Timetables Rockstars Practise 2, 3, 5 and 10 timetables.
Mathletics Complete activities
Spelling – Spelling shed Actual










Have a wonderful weekend.

Mrs Carey

Autumn Week 4

This week the children planned and wrote the beginning of their own fables. They applied their learning on direct speech, adverbs of time and prepositions to write wonderful fables. They will finish them, edit and publish in their best handwriting next week.

In Maths, we have been adding and subtracting 10 to different numbers and identifying the digit that changes. The children have used dienes and pictures to demonstrate their understanding.

Thank you for the wonderful models of arms to support children with their writing about muscles. The children were proud to show their models to the class and explained how they made them.

In Art the children have been learning about two artists who use charcoal to make pictures. The children then used charcoal to make their own artwork.

In Computing, the children have been learning about animations, they have enjoyed looking at and making their own animations. In Geography they have continued their learning on climates in different countries.

Home Learning

Spelling Spelling shed

Spellings – creature, furniture, picture, nature, adventure, capture, future, sculpture, fracture, mixture

Read theory Complete 2 activities
Mathletics Please complete the activities set
Timetables rockstars Please practise 2, 5 and 10 timetables. If the children are confident with these practise the 3 timetables.


Have a lovely weekend.


Mrs Carey

Autumn 1 Week 3

This morning we had our beginning of the year Mass. The children sang, responded and behaved beautifully.

In Maths, we have continued to develop an understanding of place value of 3 digit numbers. The children have solved problems to demonstrate their understanding.

In English, the children wrote a persuasive speech as one of the characters in the book Wars and Peas. They summarised the story using adverbs of time. Next week, the children will be planning and writing their own fable.

In Science, the children have been learning about why humans and animals have skeletons and naming some of the bones in the human body.

In Religion, we listened to Genesis 1 and Genesis 2 Creation stories and the children make paintings of what they would put in their own gardens.

Home Learning

Spelling shed activities measure, treasure, pleasure, enclosure, displeasure, composure, leisure, exposure, closure.
Science Activity Information was sent home or click here for the information  Home Learning
Read Theory Please complete at least 2 activities.
Timetable Rockstars Please complete the teacher set activities first and then try to do at least 10 minutes a day.

Have a wonderful weekend.

Mrs Carey

Autumn 1 Week 2

We have had a busy week in Year 3. It was lovely to see some of you at the Meet the Teacher talk. If you missed it, all of the information is on the Year 3 blog.

The children had their first karate lesson on Monday. Their focus and concentration was excellent.

In our English lessons, we have continued reading and analysing fables. Our focus was around the book War and Peas. The children became one of the characters in the story, their acting skills were great. This supported their descriptions of the characters. Then they became news reporters and wrote a news report using prepositions about what happened during the fight scene.

In Maths, we have been regrouping three digit numbers in a variety of ways. Children have been using resources, drawing pictures and recording as a number sentence.

In Science, we have been learning about healthy living. We have learnt about the different food groups and how it is important to have a balances, healthy diet.

On Wednesday, we had a road safety talk about how we cross roads safely and how to keep active.

Home Learning

Last week there was an error on spelling shed, another class’ spelling were added to our class.

Spelling shed – This week’s spellings are where the ‘y’ makes an ‘i’ sound



Enjoy the long weekend!

Mrs Carey

Welcome to Year 3!

Year 3 have settled well to their new class and have worked very hard this week. We started our new year with a Liturgy for the new school year. The children shared their fears and hopes for the year. The children thought of ways they could walk with Jesus this year and added their footprint to the display in the hall.

In English, we have been reading Fables and identifying the morals in different fables. The children have been learning the features of a fable to support them when planning and writing their own fable.

In Maths, we have been making, drawing and partitioning 3 digit numbers. They have been learning about the importance of 0 as a place holder. Please practise reading 3 digit numbers.

Lorcan, our new Seminarian visited us on Thursday and the children asked him some fantastic questions to get to know him.

In Religion, we reflected on how we can live out the Mission Prayer in our lives. We began the Year of Pilgrimage by looking at different locations where Christians go on pilgrimage and why some places are special to Christians. Speak to family members who have been on a pilgrimage.

In Geography, we read thermometers to learn about the different climates in the world.

Our PE days are Monday and Wednesday. Children must wear their PE kits on those days.

Home Learning

The children’s passwords and user names are at the front of the children’s reading records. Please do not log on to  read theory until we have completed the assessments.

Spelling Shed – Please complete the activities on Spelling shed and learn this week’s spellings. This week’s spellings are











Mathletics Complete the activities set


Have a wonderful weekend!

Mrs Carey



Summer 2 Week 6

A fun week in Year 3. The highlight of the week was the fun day on Friday. The children had a wonderful time on the go-karts, the bouncy castle, the obstacle course, face paints and glitter tattoos. Click here for photos Fun Day

On Tuesday, we were delighted to have a Tennis lessons with Mr Mills. The children were great in the very hot weather.

To end our Egyptian topic, the children learnt about Canopic jars and made some using clay. I was impressed at how artistic the children were. Next week, they will paint and glaze their jars.

In Religion, the children reflected on the story The Good Samaritan and thought about what we learn from this story. The children role played the story. In Ten Ten, we thought about situations where you feel care for and not cared for and how you can show care for others.

In Maths, we have been learning to tell the time using digital and analogue clocks. We also learnt the Roman numerals to 12 and made a clock with Roman numerals.

In English, we have been looking at advertisements and identifying the features of adverts. Next week the children will be filming their own advert to promote a product.

We have lots of talented musicians in our class. It was wonderful to listen to children sing, play the violin or the piano. Well done!

Please send in all reading books and reading records on Tuesday.

Home Learning – Please complete timetables rockstars for at least 10 minutes a day.

Well done to our top three children this week – Francine, Raylan and Chloe Aqunio who logged on at least 5 times this week. Who will be our champions next week?

Have a lovely weekend in the sunshine!

Mrs Carey

Summer 2 Week 5

A wonderful week in Year 3 with lots of hard work and fun. In Maths, the children have been practising column addition and subtraction and developing their reasoning skills.

In English the children have been learning how to apply prepositions and conjunctions to their writing.

In Science, we have been learning about the functions of different parts of the plants. We learnt that leaves evaporate water but we could not see this when observing leaves. The children thought about how we could find evidence that this happens. They decided to tie a clear bag to a leaf and then observe it to see if the bag collected water. The bag did collect water!

In PE the children have mastered the skill of rounders and have been playing fantastic games where they work well as a team. I was impressed at how well the children worked together.

In D&T the children planned how they are going to make their memory box. They thought about the resources they would use and why. They wrote a step by step by step guide of how to make it.

Well done to Aanay who played the guitar in the KS2 Music concert.

On Wednesday, some of the children sang in the choir or played in the orchestra. They were all wonderful!

On Friday,  we said goodbye to Dale. We were lucky to have him to support the children with their First Holy Communion preparations and their Religion learning.

It has been great to see more children logging into timestables rockstars this week. Our top three children this week are Sophie, Aanay and Nathan. Well done!

Home Learning



Please complete the new activities and the activities your child has not done this year
Timetables Rockstars Can you be our champion next week? Can you log on for 10 minutes every day?
Spelling Frame minute, naughty, notice, occasion, occasionally, often, opposite, ordinary, position, possess, possession, probably

Have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Carey

Friday, 1st July 2022

Yesterday, Year 4 had a fantastic time at the Epping Forest District Museum, where they took part in a Tudor Workshop.  After a short introduction, the children built a physical timeline, placing key events on it from Henry VIII’s reign, including the fate of his 6 unfortunate wives. Shortly after that, they have been told about the family who lived in the house that is the current museum built in 1520. The Tailors have been a well off family with 6 children who may have seen Henry galloping by on his horse, on the way to visit the abbot, living in The Abbey at the time. The children had the opportunity to dress up as Thomas and Constance Tailor, and handled artefacts from their house.

After a short snack break, the children learnt about the Tudor alphabet and tried writing their names using quills and ink. They made Tudor bookmarks, decorating them with their own handmade tassels.

After their lunch in the library, the class went back into the museum, where they looked for clues to answer questions about the Tailors’ household items; looked at wooden panellings and the meaning of each symbol; handles pottery pieces and drew their own Tudor plate design as well as looking at and handling  Tudor toys, cutlery and other items.

They had a lovely time and took away a lot of useful information beyond being very well behaved! Well done Year 4!

I would also like to say a huge thank you to you parents for supporting your children in making their absolutely amazing Tudor house models! They look fantastic and it has been lovely to see the children’s pride in their work! They are a beautiful addition to our classroom!

Have a lovely weekend,

Ms Varga

Please see your home learning bellow

Home Learning Due by Tuesday, 5th June 2022
Spelling Spelling Rule 32 – Word list – years 3 and 4 – or- to pre-


Please complete 2 activities and update your reading log.

Study Ladder

Please log onto Study Ladder and complete the revision activities, assigned to your pod.

Summer 3 Week 4

In Maths, we have been learning to divide by sharing, grouping and using our knowledge of multiplication.

In English, the children wrote their own poems, edited it and wrote them in neat. The poems were excellent! The children applied their learning on expanded noun phrases, prepositional phrases and alliteration. Below are some examples of what the children wrote.

My Dream School

In my dream school I would put

A spectacular ice-cream parlour with the creamiest ice-cream

An amazing, super special swimming spa,

A tricky rock climbing wall going up very tree.

By Sophie


In my dream school I would put

A cute cotton candy cart with a funny cat on it.,

A warm pool with a slippery slide in the pool,

A splendid sweet shop with candy for free

By Sarah


My unique school is covered in bubble gum and chocolate squares.,

With lots of lights out on Arsenal players winning against spurs in the final

It’s covered with huge starry night wallpaper and glistening diamonds and topaz.

Behind the diamonds and topaz, there is vanilla, red velvet, chocolate and lemon cake.

By Filip

In Computing the children created branching databases to sort animals. The children thought of yes/no questions to put the animals into groups.

On Wednesday, we went to church for St Peter and St Paul. The children sang, responded and behaved beautifully.

In Design and Technology, the children continued to develop their understanding of making boxes. They made hexagonal prisms and cuboids.

In Science, we made a booklet to describe the different functions of the parts of plants. Then we learnt about the transportation of water and tested this using coloured water and flowers.

Home Learning

Read Theory Complete two activities
Mathletics Complete activities
Spellings – experience, famous, favourite, guard, guide, height, imagine, knowledge, library, material, medicine, mention


Spelling frame
Times table Rockstars Please complete 10 minutes a day.

Well done to Isabelle, Chloe A and Mya for logging on the most to practise their timetables rock stars. Who will be the top three next week?

Have a lovely weekend.


Mrs Carey

Summer 2 Week 3

In Year 3 this week, the children have been writing their own poems based on The Magic Box by Kit Wright. The children have been using similes, alliteration, adjectives and adverbs to add effect to their poems and to engage the reader.

Following this, the children started their Design and Technology project to design, make and evaluate a box to keep their memories in. They looked at different types of boxes, cut out nets, decorated them and folder them to create a box. Next week, they will design their own boxes.

In Maths, the children have been multiplying 2 digit numbers by a 1 digit number. They started by drawing pictures to support their understanding and then moved onto a formal written method. Please continue to practise recalling 3, 4 and 8 timetables.

In PE, we have been applying the skills that we have learnt over the last few weeks to play rounders. The children worked well as a team to field and to bat. The children encourage and supported their team members.


On Wednesday, Year 3 had their first class mass. The children read, sang and responded brilliantly. They showed reverence throughout. Well done! It was lovely to see some parents there.

In Religion, we have been learning about what a good deed is and role playing good deeds that happen in school and in our community. Can you do a good deed at the weekend?

Home Learning

Mathletics Complete the activities set
Spellings – heel, heal, he’ll, pane, pain, reign, rain, rein, plain, plane, grown, groan


Spelling Frame
Timetables Rockstars Please practise 3, 4 and 8 timetables
Read Theory Complete 2 activities


Have a lovely weekend.


Mrs Carey