Spring 2 – Week 2
We have had a busy and fun week in school!
On Tuesday, we celebrated Mardi Gras by taking part in pancake races, dancing, making masks and eating pancakes.
On Thursday we celebrated World Book Day by dressing up as characters from our favourite books. The children were able to discuss their characters and name their favourite. Then we had book tasting in class. The children read a few pages of lots of books and decided whether they would like to continue reading the book and wrote short reviews of what they thought.
In Maths, we have continued learning column addition with regrouping. Next week we will move onto column subtraction.
In English, we started a new unit of work on instructions and explanations. The children have been playing games and writing instructions. They have learnt about the features of instructions.
In RE, the children made their Lenten promises and added them to the display in the hall. Thank you for the beautiful decorated stones that the children made for the class display. Please send in your stone next week. We have also been learning about the history of the Stations of the Cross.
Have a lovely weekend.
Mrs Carey
Home learning – to be completed by Wednesday
autopilot, autograph, automatic, autobiography, autonomy, autofocus, superman, superior, supermarket, superstar, superficial, supernatural |
Timetables Rockstars
Please login and complete the studio game. This should be complete 10 times so the children’s time can be recorded.
English | Please play your favourite game at home then write instructions to tell someone else how to play. Remember a title, the aim of the game, a list of what you need and then numbers before each instruction. |
Mathletics | Complete the activities |