Spring 2 Week 5

Today is the Feast of the Annunciation, Year 3 and 4 went to church and sang and responded beautifully.

In PE, we continued practising balancing. The children were excited to demonstrate their balances on the equipment.

In RE the children reflected on the story of the Last Supper and what Luke was telling us about Jesus.

In English the children edited their explanation texts. Then we started our new topic poetry. The children who learnt the poem at home performed it beautifully to the class. Our focus has been powerful verbs and the children used the verbs they found to write another stanza.

In Maths, we have been solving problems involving addition and subtraction. The children have been using written methods to solve the problems.

In Science we have been looking at objects that are reflective. We tested different objects to test our predictions.

Home Learning

Learn the songs for Stations of the Cross so the children are able to sing them without the words. All of the song are on a link on the blog.

Spelling Frame – would, wood, your, you’re, some, sum, way, weigh, to, too, pair, pear


Have a wonderful Mother’s Day and enjoy the fantastic weather.