Week 3

This week we began subtracting in Maths. We discussed how subtraction is not commutative like addition. The children practised taking away a multiple 10 from a 2-digit number using Dienes and drawing pictures. Then they took away a 2-digit number from a 3-digit number without regrouping.

In English, we have continued reading the book The Finger- Eater. The children imagined they were the boy in the story and wrote a letter to explain what had happened. They have ordered the story and then planned their own chapter of the story which they will write next week.

In RE, we thought about where we see God and how people show that they have God’s presence.

In PE, we continued folk dancing, the children have learnt a dance called Pat- a Cake- Polka and are ready to learn a new dance next week.

We continued learning about Stone Age and made splints from soap.

On Monday we are going on our trip to the Temple. Boys wear their full school uniform. Girls must wear their school uniform on the top half and if they have school trousers please wear them or their school tracksuit bottoms. No skirts. Children should wear warm socks because they will take their shoes off. Children will be given food so no packed lunch or school bags needed.

Home Learning

Spellings – calendar, complete, consider, continue, decide, describe, different, difficult, early, earth, exercise, experiment


Please complete the whole school learning that is attached below.

220121 Whole-school RE learning letter – Hinduism

Have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Carey