Week 4

This week was other faith week and we have been learning about Hinduism. On Monday we visited Bhaktivedanta Manor Hindu Temple. The children were extremely respectful throughout and learnt a lot about the Hinduism religion. Thank you to Isabelle’s mum for coming as a parent helper. After our visit the children learnt about the different Gods and Goddesses.

In Maths, we have continued to learn mental strategies to help us when we are subtracting one, two and three digit numbers.

In English, the children wrote an alternative chapter for the story The Finger Eater. The children read their writing to each other and commented on what they liked and helped each other make improvements.  They enjoyed wearing their editing glasses when editing their writing.

In Science the children have been learning about rocks. They dropped water on the rocks to test their permeability.

On Friday, we made cave paintings using paint, chalk and charcoal. We sprayed pain around our hands and then used brown paper to draw pictures and then make a collage.

Home Learning

Spellings – chef, shop, sugar, special, sure, mission, brochure, machine, chalet, chute, parachute, champagne


Mathletics activities

Science- We have been learning about fossils. Please research Mary Anning and make a poster or fact file about her. I have included some links below to help you.

