Happy New Year!

Welcome Back! I hope you had a wonderful Christmas. The children have enjoyed telling me about their holidays.

On Thursday, we celebrated the Epiphany by learning about the meanings of the gifts that the wise men took to Jesus.  The children thought of gifts that they will bring to 2022. They thought of the gifts of kindness, friendship, listening, patience and love. Then the children made pictures of the three wise men following the star using water paints. The children also made a collage of the three kings for our class display.

We have been learning the rule of adding the suffix ing to the end of words to support us when learning this week’s spellings.

In Maths we have been revising think 10 and think 100 to support us when adding mentally.

Swimming begins on Wednesday, children should wear their PE kits. Our other PE day is Tuesday.

Home Learning

Spellings – hoping, smiling, waving, baking, liking, running, skipping, chatting, clapping, walking, singing, reading

I have given the children their usernames and passwords for Spelling Frame. Please complete the activities. https://spellingframe.co.uk/

Have a wonderful weekend.

Mrs Carey

Merry Christmas!

A great last week filled with joy in Year 3! The children have been making Christmas cards and calendars.

In Science, we have been learning about magnets and investigating what objects are magnetic and what materials magnets can still attract magnetic objects through. The children planned, recorded their results and wrote a conclusion for each of their investigations. Can you find objects at home that have a magnet in?


In PE the children used the skills they have learnt to play tag rugby.

On Wednesday, we had a lovely time eating our Christmas lunch together.

On Friday, we made and decorated Christmas biscuits.

Following our virtual assembly, Maddie, Phoebe, Aanay and Raylan received Gold Awards from Mrs Heymoz. Chloe P received a Headteacher’s Award.

To end our week, we performed some songs on the recorder. We hope you enjoyed it. It is lovely to hear that children have their own recorders at home so they can play Jingle Bells  over Christmas to their family and friends.

Thank you for the generous presents given to all the adults in the class.

Have a peaceful and happy Christmas.

Mrs Carey, Mrs Vierya, Mrs Pandeli and Mrs McNamara

Autumn 2 Week 7

This week we enjoyed watching the KS1 nativities. I was proud of all of the children who took part in the Advent service on Wednesday night. They read, sang and danced beautifully.

In Maths, we have continued to work on mental calculations using think 10 and think 100.

In Religion, the children have been comparing Matthew and Luke’s accounts of the birth of Jesus. They have also been linking the Luke’s story to their beliefs.

On Friday, there was lots of excitement in assembly when we saw Father Christmas on the big screen. He was on Mrs Heymoz’s computer in the staff room. The children had a great time at our Christmas party. We had fun dancing, singing, visiting Father Christmas and eating party food.

Isabelle, Sophie, Emily, Sienna and Julia sang at church this afternoon to the over 50s.

Home Learning

Complete two read theory activities.

Practise 2, 3 and 5 timetables on https://www.mathschase.com/

Have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Carey

Autumn Term Week 6

Year 3 have been busy learning the songs, readings and dances for the Advent Service.  The children drew beautiful pictures to show God’s creation.

In Maths we have been adding by using our number bonds to ten to help. We been using the Think 10 strategy to add 1, 2 and 3 digit numbers.

In English, the children finished their newspaper report, edited it and wrote their final piece.  The children remembered to include direct speech, conjunctions and prepositions to engage the reader.

In Religion we read Matthew and Luke’s accounts of the birth of Jesus and identified the similarities and differences. The children wrote their litany on an angel to display in the class.

Home Learning – Please practise singing the Advent songs.

Read Theory – Complete two read theory activities.

Spellings – fatigue, catalogue, league, tongue, antique, unique, mosque, plaque, cheque, grotesque, picturesque, boutique

Autumn 2 Week 4

Another busy week in Year 3.

In Religion, we made a class Advent calendar. Behind each door is a prayer written by the children. The children painted pictures after reading the story of Mary visiting Elizabeth and they wrote their own litany. We have been practising our songs for the Advent service.  Children’s readings have been sent home so please practise them.

In Science, we planned and did an investigation to find out the best surface to move a plastic tub across. The children predicted, observed and recorded their results.

I have been impressed with the children’s newspaper reports this week. They have written their first two paragraphs using speech, conjunctions and prepositions. I look forward to reading their final reports.

In Maths, we have been explaining how some number facts can help us to solve others. The children have been developing their explaining and reasoning skills.

In History, we have continued our learning on Stone Age. The children used a picture and a story to describe what they have learn from it.

In PE, we took part in karate and building our skills for tag rugby.

Thank you to all the parents that supported their children making the rainforests, the class looks fantastic! If your child has not made one, please complete as we would like to add a photo to their topic books.

Home Learning

Learn readings and songs for the Advent service. Song words attached – Advent Service 2021 – lyric sheet

Spellings – taller, smaller, rougher, smoother, fitter, hotter, bigger, madder, angrier, earlier, hairier, dirtier

Have a wonderful weekend.

Mrs Carey

Autumn 2 Week 3

Another busy week of learning in Year 3. Thank you to the parents who came to look at the children’s learning.
This week was Anti-bullying week. Following on from the workshop last week, the children have been listening to different scenarios and explaining how they could show courage and kindness. The theme this year is one kind word. The children have been nominating other children who have been kind during the week. They wrote letters to each other to spread kindness. We made the word kind with our bodies.

In Maths, we have been rounding numbers to the nearest 10 and 100. They have been drawing rounding mountains to show what multiples of 10 the numbers are between. We played a game where they had to add numbers to the rounding mountains and round them to the nearest ten.

In English, we read The True Story of the Three Little Pigs and have been writing news reports on the story. The children have been learning to use inverted commas correctly when writing direct speech. We acted out different scenes from the story. The children made excellent freeze frames.

In Religion, we have made a class Advent calendars with a prayer inside each door. Then they retold the story of the Annunciation as a diary recount.

In PE the children have been learning skills to support them when playing tag rugby. They learnt a game called Shadow Shaker to develop their dogging ad marking skills.

Thank you for the creative rainforests! The children were delighted to show their art work to the class and they all look wonderful on display.

Home Learning

Read Theory – complete 2 activities.
Mathletics – activities set
Hit the button – 3 times tables and division facts  www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/hit-the-button

Have a lovely weekend
Mrs Carey

Autumn 2 Week 2

In preparation for Anti Bullying Week, the children took part in a workshop to understand how to recognise bullying and how to show kindness to people who are being bullied. The children acted out lots of scenarios to show their understanding. Next week we will complete different activities about bullying and being kind.

In Maths, we have been learning about the magnitude of number. The children have been filling in missing numbers on a number line by finding a halve and a quarter to help justify their answers. Then they have been explaining why they have chosen a number. Please continue halving numbers.

In English, we have been reading newspaper reports and identifying the features. We have been comparing facts and opinions. We made a list of facts about our school and opinions about the school. Next week, the children will be using the skill they have learnt to plan and write their newspaper reports.

In PE, we took part in our first karate session. The children’s focus and participation was excellent. We also learnt how to put tags on in preparation for learning about tag rugby next week.

In Religion, we have been identifying the symbols of Advent. The children made their own Advent wreath and explained what each candle is.

In Science, the children have been learning about how muscles work. The children had the question ‘Do people with longer legs jump the furthest?’ They planned their own investigation to find the answer.

In Geography, we made graphs to show temperatures and described the amount of rainfall.  We also continued learning to play the recorders.


Home Learning

Hit the button – halving, 5 times tables and dividing by 5.  https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/hit-the-button

Read theory – complete 2 activities.

Continue making a rainforest. Thank you to the wonderful projects already completed.

Have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Carey

Autumn 2nd Week 1

It was lovely to meet most of you for parent’s consultations this week.

In Maths we have been learning about the magnitude of number. The children have to add different numbers to an empty number line using their halving and estimating skills. Please practising halving numbers.

In English we have been listening and reading newspaper reports. After that, we thought of the main parts, what, where, when, why, who and how. Then we used this information to write a summary the report.

In PE, the children have been using the skills they learnt last half term to play netball. Each time they play they are improving their footwork skills.

In Geography, we have continued to learn about climate change and how important the Amazon Rainforest is to the whole world. We had a meeting online with a farmer who spoke to the children about how climate change is affecting his job.

In Computing, we played the game hit the button to practise times tables and division facts.

On Friday, we had a practise of the recorders where the children played hot cross buns beautifully.

Have a wonderful weekend.

Home Learning

Complete 2 read theories.

Play hit the button for the 2 and 5 timetables, division facts and halving.

Our Geography topic is looking at rainforests over the next few weeks. Please make a rainforest using lots of different materials in a shoe/cupboard box.  See some examples attached. Please send in by Wednesday 17th November.




Week 7

On Monday, we had a tour of the church. The children learnt about the signs and symbols in the church. The children shared their wonderful knowledge of stories in the Bible. The children were extremely respectful while walking around the church.

In Maths, we have been ordering 3 digit numbers. The children played a game to develop their thinking of where different digits go in order to make it a largest number or a smaller number.

In English, the children made a story board to plan their own playscript based on the story The Adventures of the Dish and the Spoon. Then they wrote a playscript and edited it. The children applied their learning on adverbs and stage directions.

This week was One World Week. We have been learning about COP26 and what we can to do to protect our world. The children wrote a letter to a Boris Johnson to tell him their thoughts on how we can work together to protect our world. The children grew cress seeds to encourage people to grow their own food. We made posters to encourage people to make good choices in their lives to help protect our world.

On Friday, we had a harvest assembly where we added a lea with our promises to help to protect our world. Today we said goodbye to Anna, we will miss her and look forward to hearing from her. We wish you luck in your new home and school. Thank you for the cakes Anna!

Have a wonderful holiday.

Home Learning

Spellings – nicer, nicest, later, writer, playful, hopeful, careful, hopeless, careless, kindness, sadness, happiness

Whole School Home Learning. here

Year 3 were fantastic today at their class assembly! They read their lines clearly, acted well and their singing was beautiful.

In Maths, we have been adding and subtracting 1, 10 and 100 to and from a 3-digit number. We have been using equipment and drawing pictures to regroup when we cross a hundred.

We have continued our learning on play scripts. The children have been reading poems and rewriting them as play scripts. Next week the children will plan and write a play script from a story.

In Geography, the children looked at climate graphs and explained what information the graphs were giving them.

In PE, we focused on the bounce catch and thought of sports we would use it in. The children played a game using the skill that they had learnt.

In Science, we have been looking at skeletons and the functions of a skeleton. The children were excellent at explaining what we would be like without a skeleton.

In Religion, we have been learning about the trinity. We made triangles and wrote God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit on each side.

In Art, we used our observational drawing skills to draw a plant.

Today we said goodbye to Mr Reid. We will miss him lots and wish him well in his new job.

Home Learning

Spellings – tale, tail, prey, pray, weight, wait, which, witch, waste, waist, son, sun

Read Theory – Complete two read theory activities.

Mathletics activities.

Science – Make a picture of a skeleton. How creative can you be? I have given the children black paper. Can they make a skeleton using white paper cut up, pictures of bones or other types of materials?

Have a lovely weekend.
Mrs Carey