Spring 2 week 6


Well done to all the children who played or sang in the music concert – you were fantastic. Please ensure you read over the next two weeks.

Please see Whole School Home Learning Easter Garden Project below.

Wishing you all a lovely holiday!


Spring 2 Week 5

We have had a lovely week in Y3, full of multiplication, division, adverbs, Lenten charity events and forces!

We have also welcomed Miss Rolle into our class, a student teacher from St Mary’s University, who will be with us until the end of June.

The children have been retelling the events of the Last Supper and explaining what beliefs surround it. They have also enjoyed playing on the field and enjoying the new seating in the peace garden.

Home learning:

Spag.com and Mathletics activities have been set – please complete by Wednesday.

Spelling – homophones.

would, wood, your, you’re, some, sum, way, weigh, to, too, pair, pear.

Enjoy your weekend and have a lovely Mothering Sunday,

Miss Pringle

Spring 2 Week 4

Spelling – Homophones 

meat, meet, hear, here, there, their, wear, where, hour, our, knot, not

Please look these words up in the dictionary to check their different meanings.


We are going to 10am Mass on Monday with year 4, it would be lovely to see some friends and family there.

Miss Pringle


Spring 2 Week 3

Our week began with a visit to Church, where we prayed The Stations of the Cross. The children were very respectful and wrote some wonderful reflections in their RE books in class. We are praying The Stations in class together too – please see the photograph below of our RE board.

We were also visited by Mr Friedlander, who teaches science at Dame Alice Owens school, on Wednesday. During his visit the class were challenged to budget, build and test a parachute and capsule that would protect an egg from cracking, when dropped from a height. The children worked brilliantly in teams and learnt a lot about gravity.

It was lovely to see so many of you at the St.Patrick’s Day assembly and celebration morning, I’m sure you’ll agree that the children read, acted and sung beautifully. Well done year 3.

Home Learning:

Spelling –

interest, island, learn, perhaps, popular, quarter, question, reign, remember, straight, strange, promise.

Spag.com activities have been set and please practice the 3, 4 and 8 time tables. 

Miss Pringle





Week 2 Spring 2

What a wonderful week, filled with creative learning. We enjoyed World Book Day in Year 3 by swapping books, dressing up as our favourite characters and talking about what we like about certain stories.

We have also made clay models of the Stations of the Cross and made Lenten Promises. The class were very well behaved at Mass on Wednesday also.

Our writing about The Dish and the Spoon is well underway and the children are trying hard to master their time tables.

Home learning:

Spelling: Spring 2 week 2

autopilot, autograph, automatic, autobiography, autonomy, autofocus, superman, superior, supermarket, superstar, superficial, supernatural.

Mathletic and SPAG.com tasks have also been set.

Enjoy your weekend,

Miss Pringle

Spring 2 Week 1

I hope you had a relaxing half term. The children returned to school with lots of exciting news and were eager to learn. We started the week by reading The Adventures of Dish and Spoon, written by Mini Grey, which the children seem to love. The whole school are reading and writing about this book.

In maths we have been practicing our 3 and 4 times tables and investigation multiplication as repeated addition and in RE we have been learning about Fairtrade.

The children have enjoyed weeding the gardens and spotting signs of spring!

Next Thursday we will be celebrating World Book Day, please ensure your child brings a book with them to share with the class – an online newsletter has been sent out about the day.

Home learning:

SPAG.com  and mathletic activities have been set – please complete by Wednesday.

Spelling list for everyone: Spring 2, week 1

Year 3/4 word list

build, busy, extreme, February, forward, forwards, group, heard, heart, history, important, increase.

Miss Pringle



We’ve had a wonderful week in Y3, filled with diary writing about the Amazon Rainforest and art based on the exotic animals who live there. The children’s diaries are amazing and they really enjoyed sharing them with Y4.

The children have also used their computing skills to create books on book creator about the sacrament of reconciliation – what a talented class.

Swimming will be on as usual next week.

Home learning

Spellings can be found on the class page under resources, spelling – spring 1 week 5

careful, careless, carefully, carelessly, painful, painless, painfully, painlessly, thoughtful, thoughtless, thoughtfulness, thoughtlessness ALL GROUPS TO LEARN THESE PLEASE.

Spag.com – your child has been given their username and password again this evening.