Welcome to Year 3!

Year 3 have settled well to their new class and have worked very hard this week. We started our new year with a Liturgy for the new school year. The children shared their fears and hopes for the year. The children thought of ways they could walk with Jesus this year and added their footprint to the display in the hall.

In English, we have been reading Fables and identifying the morals in different fables. The children have been learning the features of a fable to support them when planning and writing their own fable.

In Maths, we have been making, drawing and partitioning 3 digit numbers. They have been learning about the importance of 0 as a place holder. Please practise reading 3 digit numbers.

Lorcan, our new Seminarian visited us on Thursday and the children asked him some fantastic questions to get to know him.

In Religion, we reflected on how we can live out the Mission Prayer in our lives. We began the Year of Pilgrimage by looking at different locations where Christians go on pilgrimage and why some places are special to Christians. Speak to family members who have been on a pilgrimage.

In Geography, we read thermometers to learn about the different climates in the world.

Our PE days are Monday and Wednesday. Children must wear their PE kits on those days.

Home Learning

The children’s passwords and user names are at the front of the children’s reading records. Please do not log on to  read theory until we have completed the assessments.

Spelling Shed – Please complete the activities on Spelling shed and learn this week’s spellings. This week’s spellings are











Mathletics Complete the activities set


Have a wonderful weekend!

Mrs Carey