Snow Day

Happy Snow Day!

Today’s learning.

Write an acrostic poem with the word Snowman or Snowflake

Write in out and decorate it.


Complete the Reading Comprehension




Make some snake flake decorations to hang in our class.


Make a snowman picture using cotton wool.

Snowman Mandala Christmas Colouring Card

Reindeer Mandala Christmas Colouring Card



Bake some cookies/ cakes. Can you add snowflakes on them? Use your maths skills to measure and weigh.

Complete the maths activities


Science – Try one of the experiments below!


Build a snowman, make snow angels and have fun!

Have a great day in the snow!

Mrs Carey

Autumn 2 Week 6

The highlight of the week was the Advent Service on Wednesday evening. I was so proud of the children’s reading, singing and dancing.

The children have been learning different strategies to subtract 2 and 3 digit numbers.

In English, we have been reading clerihews, comparing them with limericks and identifying their features. The children planned their own clerihews on a book character or a famous person and will write one next week. They have worked hard to find rhyming words and to remember the pattern of a clerihew.

In Religion, the children have been retelling Matthew’s story of The Birth of Jesus. The Year 6 children and the travelling nativity visited our class to tell us the story of the journey to Bethlehem.

Home Learning

Timetables Sheet Please complete the sheet that the children took home
Study ladder Complete the activities
Spellings  Revise all the spellings from this half term
Reading Children to write some sentences about their reading book  in their reading record.


Have a lovely weekend.


Mrs Carey

Week 5 Autumn 2

A wonderful week in Year 3! The highlight of the week was travelling by train to Westminster Cathedral to take part in the Nativity Service. The children sang beautifully and looked wonderful in their costumes. The behaviour of the children travelling to and from the Cathedral was excellent. The Cathedral was full of excitement when a real donkey and sheep arrived!

This week was the beginning of Advent. Each day we learn about someone who was part of Jesus’ family by listening to stories on the Jesse Tree. The children have listen to Matthew and Luke’s recounts of the Nativity story and have identified the similarities and differences.

In Science, we investigated whether different objects were magnetic through sand and soil. We found that metal objects were magnetic through sand but not through soil because it is too thick.

On Thursday Bishop John Sherrington visited our school. We had a lovely assembly and then he visited our classrooms to answer some of our questions.

Ten children from our class competed against other schools in different sporting activities. The children displayed fantastic team work skills. Pope Paul came second overall. Well done to the children who took part.

This week the children planned and wrote their own limericks. They worked hard to follow the correct pattern of writing limericks. I was impressed by how well they did. Below are some examples of their wonderful learning.

There once was girl called Claire.

Who especially loved to go to the funfair.

Then she lost her underpants,

And then came lots of ants.

After she pulled out most of her hair.

By Emily


There once was a boy called Jack.

Who wanted to eat a big mac.

By the horror of his sight,

Someone bit the last bite.

Then he hit himself in the back.

By Jack F


There once was a girl called Claire.

Who made good friends with a bear.

But she didn’t like to dance,

But she loved to prance.

And got a sock that only came in pairs.

By Emilia

Everyone’s hair looked great today!

Remember the Advent Service on Wednesday 7th December at 7pm at OLASV Church. Children should be there by 6.45pm. All children should attend but please let me know if your child cannot attend.

Home Learning

Advent Songs Please learn the songs on the blog for the Advent Service on Wednesday
Studyladder Please log on to study ladder and complete the activities. Passwords are in reading records
Timestables Please practice. Can you improve your speed?
Spellings Complete the activities on spelling shed

centre, decide, disappear, early, heart, learn, minute, notice, regular, therefore


Have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Carey

Week 4 Autumn 2

Another a busy week in Year 3. The children have been learning another strategy when adding called compensation. Then they applied all the strategies they have learnt over the last few weeks to solving different calculations. The children were able to explain the strategy they used and why they thought that was the best strategy.

Our new writing topic is limericks. The children have enjoyed reading limericks, they have been identifying the features of a limerick and editing limericks that do not follow the correct pattern. Next week they will plan and write their own limericks. I look forward to sharing them with you.


In Science the children planned and did an investigation  to find the answer to the question How does the type of surface on the table affect the speed of the tub travelling on it? We used smooth wood, a towel, bubble wrap, net and felt. We found out that the tub moved quicker on smooth wood and moved the slowest on a towel. They explained their results by comparing the amount of friction each material has.

Well done to the children who are practising the songs for the Advent Service. Please continue to practise and if your child has a reading, please practise at home.

On Friday, the children added their Advent Promise on a star to the hall display.

Well done to the footballers who played in the tournament this week.

On Wednesday, we are going to the Annual Diocese of Westminster Schools Advent Service in Westminster Cathedral. If the children have a Nativity costume, please send it in a bag. We have a few costumes at school for children who do not have one. Please be at school by 8.30am as we will have to leave on time to get our train.

Home Learning

Spelling shed forgetting, forgotten, beginning, preferred, permitted, regretting, committed, forbidden, propelled, equipped


Timetables Please practise timetables on   Timestables Rockstars
Advent Service Songs and Christmas Songs Please learn the Advent Service song and the Christmas songs for Westminster on the blog.



Have a wonderful weekend.

Mrs Carey


Week 3

This week the children have planned and written their own newspaper report based on The True Story of the Three Little Pigs. The children focused on using prepositions, conjunctions and adverbs to make their report interesting to read. They have demonstrated their understanding of the features of newspaper reports.

In Maths, the children have been learning how we reorder and find complements when adding to help them to be more efficient and accurate.

In preparation for Advent, the children have been learning about the Jesse Tree. They have learnt about some of the members of Jesus’ family. We made a Jesse Tree for our class.

On Friday, we had a wonderful day at Celtic Harmony. The children had fun learning about flint knapping, they built dens, they made soup, hunted animals and listened to a story around the fire. I was impressed with their behaviour and their enthusiasm throughout the day.  Thank you to Jack Flatley and April’s mum for coming with us.

Click here for the phots. Celtic Harmony Trip


Home Learning

Advent Service Songs Please practise the songs on the blog for the Advent Service.
Timetables rockstars Please try to improve your speed
Spellings – spelling shed gardening










Have a lovely weekend

Mrs Carey

Autumn 2 Week 2

In Maths, we have continued learning different strategies to add. The children have been applying Think 10 and Think 100 to solve problems. Practise number bonds to 10, 20 and 100 to support the children’s learning further.

We read The True Story of the Three Little Pigs. The children acted out a scene then they retold it as a news reporter using prepositions and conjunctions. The children used the text to write direct speech and applied their knowledge of adding inverted commas.

In History, the children have been learning about Stone Age houses and how they were built then compared them with houses today.

In a few weeks we will be celebrating Advent, the children have been learning about the signs and symbols of Advent. They will be observing the changing in the church, school and at home during this special season. This week four children planned and led a Liturgical Prayer. They chose the activities, prayers and resources and set up an altar in the middle of the circle. Well done Oliver, Emilia, Leo B and Connor!

On Friday, we observed two minutes of silence for Armistice Day. Then we went on a pilgrimage around the classrooms to see the beautiful displays of poppies and photos of people we want to remember. Well done to all the children who made amazing poppies for our class.

Home Learning

Maths Complete Mathletics activities

Hit the Button – Practise number bonds to 10, 20 and 100


Spellings Practise spellings and activities on spelling shed

misbehave, mislead, misspell, mistake, misplace, misread, mistrust, misunderstanding, misuse, mislaid


Religion Complete the family tree sheet



Have a lovely weekend


Mrs Carey

Autumn 2

In November, we remember people who have died. The children wrote prayers for people who have died. On Tuesday, the children celebrated Mass for All Saint’s Day. The children sang and responded beautifully.

In Maths, we have been revisiting ‘Think 10’ to help when adding 1, 2 and 3 digit numbers.  They practised these concepts practically and in written form. Over the next few weeks, the children will be learning many strategies to add and subtract numbers.

In English, our new unit is recounts. They children have been reading, summarising and analysing newspaper reports. The children have learnt the features of newspaper reports and have been identifying the different features in different reports they have read.

In Science, the children began a new topic about forces and they planned an investigation to test how objects move on different surfaces. They thought about how they could make their investigation a fair test. In History, we started our new topic on Stone Age. We looked at the different periods in the Stone Age.

In PE, we learnt how to play Tag Rugby. The children worked well in teams to score a try, remembering the rules of the game.

Home Learning

Art Make a poppy to add to our display. How creative can you be?
Spellings- Complete Spelling shed activities.


disappoint, disagree, disobey, disable, dislike, dislocate, disappear, disadvantage, disapprove, dislodge
Timetables Rockstars Practise timetables
Mathletics Complete the activities
Read Theory Complete 2 activities


Have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Carey

Autumn 1 Week 7

This week was One World Week and the country we have learnt about is Mexico. The classroom looks wonderful with the Mexican flags that the children made at home. First we learnt about the pilgrimage in Mexico that millions of people visit each year. Our Lady of Guadalupe is the second largest pilgrimage in the world. The children learnt about Our Lady appearing to Juan Diego. The children located Mexico on a map and researched how we would travel to Guadalupe from England. We also looked at some Mexican art mirrors and the children made their own. The children learnt a Mexican hat dance and made and ate Mexican Sweet Bread.

In Maths, the children have been rounding 2 and 3 digit numbers to the nearest ten. The children have been drawing rounding mountains to support them with their learning.

To end our Geography topic about rainforests, the children used pastels to drew pictures of rainforests.

It was lovely to see so many of you at the Harvest assembly and Celebration morning. Thank you for your donations. Well done to the mums and dads who joined in with our Mexican Hat dance.

Home Learning

Spellings – redo, refresh, reappear, redecorate, revenge, review, replay, reaction, rebound

Complete activities on spelling shed.

Have a wonderful holiday!

Mrs Carey

Autumn 1 Week 6

It was lovely to see a lot of you at the Year 3 assembly this morning. The children were amazing!  They read, acted and sang beautifully.

In Maths, the children have been comparing and ordering 3 digit numbers using <, > and = signs. Then they have been leaning about number magnitude by finding the middle of a number line by halving and finding a quarter and three quarters. Once they have found these points, they estimated where other numbers should go and explained their reasons.

Last week in Science the children planned an investigation about the question ‘Do children with the longest legs jump the furthest?’ They thought carefully about how to plan a fair test. This week the children measured their legs and measured their jump. In four groups, the answer to the question was no and in one group they found that the answer to the question is yes.

In English, we have been reading the poem The Spider and the Fly. The children have been acting out the different parts, focusing on the expression and tone they use when they are reading. They took on the role of the fly and wrote a letter to ask for advice, using evidence from the text.


Home Learning


Spelling Practise all of the spelling that the children have learnt this term.
Maths –





 Practise halving numbers to 200 on hit the button.

Click on play game and then choose halves.

Timetable Rockstars

Practise 2, 3, 5 and 10 timetables.

Reading Children to write sentences in their reading record about their book.
One World Week Make a flag of Mexican and being it in on Monday to display in the class.




Have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Carey

Autumn 1 Week 5

This week the children wrote, edited and published their final fable. Their fables were enjoyable to read with adverbs, prepositions and their use of inverted commas.

In Maths, the children have been solving problems to demonstrate their understanding of adding and subtracting a multiple of 10 and 100. The wrote clues for different numbers and then challenged their friends to solve them.

In Art, the children made cave art pictures using their hands and charcoal.

 On Tuesday, some children collected apples from our apple tree in the car park. Then we used these apples to make apple crumble.

 In PE, we have been applying the skills we have learnt over the last few weeks to a game of tag rugby. The children worked well in teams and supported each other with the rules.

In Computing, we learnt about pixels. We made picture using a key.

 Home Learning

Read Theory Complete 2 activities
Timetables Rockstars Practise 2, 3, 5 and 10 timetables.
Mathletics Complete activities
Spelling – Spelling shed Actual










Have a wonderful weekend.

Mrs Carey