Summer 2 Week 3

In Year 3 this week, the children have been writing their own poems based on The Magic Box by Kit Wright. The children have been using similes, alliteration, adjectives and adverbs to add effect to their poems and to engage the reader.

Following this, the children started their Design and Technology project to design, make and evaluate a box to keep their memories in. They looked at different types of boxes, cut out nets, decorated them and folder them to create a box. Next week, they will design their own boxes.

In Maths, the children have been multiplying 2 digit numbers by a 1 digit number. They started by drawing pictures to support their understanding and then moved onto a formal written method. Please continue to practise recalling 3, 4 and 8 timetables.

In PE, we have been applying the skills that we have learnt over the last few weeks to play rounders. The children worked well as a team to field and to bat. The children encourage and supported their team members.


On Wednesday, Year 3 had their first class mass. The children read, sang and responded brilliantly. They showed reverence throughout. Well done! It was lovely to see some parents there.

In Religion, we have been learning about what a good deed is and role playing good deeds that happen in school and in our community. Can you do a good deed at the weekend?

Home Learning

Mathletics Complete the activities set
Spellings – heel, heal, he’ll, pane, pain, reign, rain, rein, plain, plane, grown, groan


Spelling Frame
Timetables Rockstars Please practise 3, 4 and 8 timetables
Read Theory Complete 2 activities


Have a lovely weekend.


Mrs Carey