Welcome back!
I hope that you all had a lovely half-term break.
It has been lovely to chat with many parents during the Year 5 Consultations. For those parents who had technical problems etc…please get in touch via the school office.
It has been a busy week in Year 5 this week. The children have come into school ready for learning and their hard work and efforts have not gone unnoticed. We spent some days this week revisiting multiplication in Maths and started work on division. The children have worked extremely hard on developing their understanding of multiple strategies in multiplication and this week’s homework is revisiting those. In English, using a picture to prompt our writing, the children worked hard on developing a story start to their ‘Mysterious Door’ narratives. Alongside selecting appropriate grammar and vocabulary, they edited their work to ensure their choices enhanced meaning and these wonderful pieces have been added to their portfolios.
In our daily worship the children have been examining the prayer of St Teresa Avila and how they can use their bodies to be Christ like people on earth. They have been very prayerful and reflective and I want to thank those children who have added their thoughts that have enriched our daily discussions. We examined a painting by Peter Brueghel (1617,) called the Seven Acts of Mercy and the children made observations and reflected upon it. We chatted about our Lenten focus question: How can we build a better world?
In RE we have started preparing for our topic from Lent to Easter and examined the three practices of Lent – prayer, fasting and giving. In their RE lessons the children have recalled the importance of Lent in the liturgical year, the practises within the church and the purpose and history of the Traditional Stations of the Cross.
Yesterday, alongside the cold weather, Ti discovered some ice in the KS2 Playground during morning break and made a mini snowman.
Remember, we have a Mardi Gras celebration next week on Tuesday 1st March!
Please could your child wear the Mardi Gras colours of yellow, gold, purple or green to school on
Tuesday 1st March to add to the celebration.
Wishing you and your families a wonderful weekend.
Mrs McNamara
Home Learning this week: Logins have been sent home with your child today
- Spellings: words from the Year5/6 Statutory Word List Please log onto Spelling Frame
and complete the spelling activities assigned to help you learn the spellings below.
awkward, bargain, category, cemetery, committee, communicate, communication, competition, competitive, conscience, conscious, consciousness
2. Research: Find out about the Stations of the Cross and present your findings in written and picture form. Click here about the research.
3. Maths: Following on from the work we have been doing in class, complete at least four of the following calculations using the multiple-strategies-sheet attached.
27 x 46 64 x 56 75 x 35 345 x 28 546 x 18 667 x .23
Timetables: Log onto your Times tables Rockstar account and try to beat your personal best! This week, we are also battling against Year 6!! RockStars.com Let’s work together to win!
4. Read daily and update your reading record.
5. Log onto SPAG. com
Complete the tasks that have been set on apostrophes and plurals.