Year 6 – 25/02/22
This Lent, the whole school is trying to answer the question: ‘How can we build a better world?’. To do this, we will look at a painting or an image each week to inspire us. This week, we have been discussing a painting called The Seven Acts of Mercy by Pieter Brueghel. I was blown away by the observations and inferences Year 6 were making from the image. Here are some of their comments:
“I think this painting represents humility and compassion.”
“The plaque above the door of the brick house looks like it is depicting a scene where Jesus is helping someone or feeding them. It’s as if all the people in the painting are living out the message shown in that plaque.”
“What struck me when looking at the painting was that so many of the people within it have smiles on their faces, whether they are helping others or whether they are the poor/homeless/sick/imprisoned who are being shown mercy.”
“I can see a village working together to bring happiness and help stop hunger. By lending one little hand you can make a big difference.”
On Wednesday, Year 6 had the privilege of taking part in a palm burning ceremony to generate the ashes that will be used in next week’s Ash Wednesday Masses within the parish. We reflected on the significance of the palms and ashes, and the words spoken when the ashes are placed on our foreheads.
This week’s home learning, due Wednesday 2nd March:
Maths | Mathletics assignments:
· Multiply Fraction by Fraction · Multiply Two Fractions 1 |
Times Tables | This week, we are battling against Year 5 on
Let’s work together to win! |
Reading | Please complete 5 passages on |
Spelling | To be tested: 04/03/22
Words containing the letter-string ough ought bought thought nought brought fought rough tough enough dough through thorough borough plough bough though
Practise on |
Have a wonderful weekend.
Miss Donatantonio