Spring 1 Week 5

The mystery has been solved! Year 5 have discovered the whereabouts of the missing child from our class text, ‘The London Eye Mystery’. The children have now set to work on creating their own chapter of the rescue, filled with suspense and tension. In maths, we have completed our learning on mental addition and subtraction. The children enjoyed learning about ‘equal sum’ and ‘equal difference’ in order to calculate mentally.

Over the past few weeks, we have been learning about David Hockney in art. To do this, we spent time understanding colours and their relationship to each other before identifying how Hockney uses them to create striking masterpieces. We have also improved our painting skills by looking at tints, tones and shade. Today we went out into the playground to make sketches of our school landscape, which we will paint next week in the style of Hockney.

Next week we will be creating our class garden. Each class is creating an area to attract a specific animal. Year 5’s garden will be a haven for woodlice. Please donate anything you can to fill our space. We will need logs, bark and pots for the woodlice to hide under. The children could also decorate pebbles and rocks with images of woodlice and it would be wonderful to liven it up with a few plants around the edge to give some colour.


Have a wonderful weekend


Mrs Lines


Home Learning



Readtheory (10 tests)

Spellings: Week 5

Spring 1 Week 4

In Year 5 this week, we have continued to follow the story of ‘The London Eye Mystery’. More clues are being discovered daily and we are deepening our understanding of the characters, and how they are changing over time. The children created their own news reports of the child’s disappearance where they considered the verb forms they used.

On Wednesday, Year 5 took part in an E Safety workshop. The children had a lot of fun creating drama activities to show the positive side of the internet and explore some of the issues it creates. The focus was on being KIND:

K- kindness. Think about how you treat others online and make the internet a safe and happy place to be.

I-Inappropriate. Identify inappropriate content and make sure we are only accessing sites, games and apps designed for our age group.

N- Never over share. Keep your personal information safe. Do not give others your passwords, address or telephone number and think carefully about what photos you put online.

D- Don’t hide away. If something you see online troubles you, report it.

It was wonderful to see the wealth of knowledge the children already have. They spoke maturely about some of the dangers on the internet and what they do in order to keep themselves safe.

The children also touched upon some new concepts, such as digital footprints and how social media can affect mental health, which we will explore further in class. Year 5 also found out about CEOP. They understand this is another place they can report online abuse to police at any time.

Have a great weekend


Mrs Lines


Home Learning:



Readtheory- 10 tests

Spellings- week 4

Spring 1 Week 3

In English this week, Year 5 began our new class text ‘The London Eye Mystery’. We have enjoyed finding out about the main character, Ted, and how he sees the world. Over the coming weeks, we will build up our skills of narrative writing so that we can add another chapter to the mystery.  Today we revised dialogue punctuation and ensured we maintained a balance between narrative and speech.

In Science, we have begun learning about forces. We have investigated how air resistance can affect falling objects and act against gravity. Through investigation, we were able to see the impact of surface area and that by decreasing it our gyros were able to fall faster. During this investigation, Year 5 needed their maths skills, as we used repeated measures and therefore needed to find an average.


Have a wonderful weekend.


Home Learning:


Spellings, week 3

Big Garden Bird watch- A sheet has been provided for the children to tally up the birds they see in their gardens or from their windows. This is due back in on Wednesday.

Spring 1 Week 2

This week, Year 5 have proven themselves to be highly independent learners. In history, they generated their own enquiry question based on the Vikings and used books and the internet to answer it. They then chose how to communicate their findings. It was wonderful to see such a range of ways of showing what they had learnt, such as reports, posters and even a fiction story. In Science, the children used their knowledge of dissolving to create their own fair test investigation based on how long it would take for the colour to dissolve from a skittle. Year 5 considered a range of variables to help them ensure that their test was fair. They then independently ran it and skilfully measured, reported and interpreted the data they received. It was wonderful to watch them complete their learning and show their maturity and show real deep thinking.

In maths, we have come to the end of our mental calculation unit. To conclude, we sorted a range of calculations by the most appropriate strategy.

It was wonderful to receive the result of our RE inspection this week. The children are a huge part of this success as they consistently show great reverence and commitment to learning about their faith. It was an excellent outcome for our whole school community.


Have a restful weekend


Mrs Lines


Home learning:

Mathletics, Spag.com, 10 readtheory.org tests and week 2 spellings.

Spring 1 Week 1

Happy New Year! It has been wonderful to welcome the children back and hear all about their exiting Christmases. In Year 5, we have thrown ourselves back into our learning. In maths we are now focusing on mental calculation methods for multiplication and division, whilst in English we are now studying mystery and suspense.

Today in assembly we listened as the Year 6s spoke about the Magi visiting Jesus after his birth. In the classroom, we built on this learning to understand that this is one of 3 epiphanies that happen over the Christmas season. We considered what each epiphany teaches us about God and the incarnation.

Today, we concluded our Viking learning from last term by generating our own lines of enquiry and researching them. It has been fascinating to see what has taken the children’s interest about this time in British history.

Home Learning:



Readtheory.org. Children must now complete 10 tests per week.

Spellings-Week 1 Spelling sheets were handed out today.

Autumn 2 Week 7

Our final week of the term has been jam-packed with entertainment! On Monday, we were treated to a KS2 music concert. I was so impressed with the quality of the performances and it shows the hard work and dedication the children put in during their spare time. Well done to all performers. Then on Tuesday, we watched the pantomime at the Wyllyotts theatre. It was great fun and the children acted as fantastic role models for the Year 1 children they walked to the theatre with. Wednesday was our annual talent show at Pope Paul. We had a lot of acts to choose from and we were represented by signing and comedy acts. Well done to all children who auditioned and those that took part. Wednesday was also our Christmas lunch day and we enjoyed a delicious meal together.

Thank you all for your generous cards and gifts. It has been a pleasure working with you  and your children this term.I wish you a blessed Christmas and joyous New Year.


Mrs Lines

Autumn 2 Week 6

This week saw Year 5 join years 3, 4 and 6 in creating a beautiful Advent service. It is always a highlight of my year and this one did not disappoint! I was so proud of their retelling of the story of Joseph and his colourful coat. Well done, Year 5.

On Wednesday, we were visited by the Diocese for our Religious Education inspection. Thank you to all parents for your amazing support. The children did a wonderful job and I am looking forward to reading the full report when it comes out.

Thank you to everyone who has contributed to our reverse Advent calendar so far. It is getting bigger everyday! Keep it coming next week!

Have a wonderful weekend


Mrs Lines


Home learning: mathletics, spag.com, spellings and 5 read theory test.


Autumn 2 Week 5

In RE this week, we have looked at how Mathew tells the story of the Nativity. Year 5 made comparisons to Luke’s account and thought about why they were different. With the knowledge that Mathew was writing for a Jewish audience, the children could understand his choices as an author.

In English, the children received a reply from Ernest Shackleton based on their letters of application from last week. The children were assigned a role on the ship and have been given a new name. Year 5 then considered what their character might have been like and who he would have been leaving behind. With a focus of dialogue punctuation, they wrote diary entries based on how they felt to receive their acceptance letter. Next week, we will arrive on Antarctica and will need to explain our new home. In preparation for this, we have been creating word banks.

In PE, Harry visited for his penultimate session. We will have one more but this may be after Christmas.

Year 5 have been busy preparing for the Advent service. I have been really proud of how well they have learnt their lines and remembered their cues. This week for home learning, I am sending home some song words to make sure we are ready.

As Mrs Heymoz mentioned in assembly this morning, we will be supporting Caritas in completing reverse Advent calendars. Your child has been assigned an item to bring in so that we can make a hamper. If your child was absent today, please chose any item from the list.

Have a wonderful weekend


Mrs Lines


Home learning: Song words and spellings

Autumn 2 Week 4

In Year 5 this week, we have begun our new English unit of learning based on Ernest Shackleton’s Endurance journey. We began by unpacking a bag of items linked to Shackleton in order to learn more about this inspiration figure. I was really impressed with the children’s inference skill and how they used our previous geographical learning to inform their thinking. After finding out who he was and what his voyage entailed, Year 5 then wrote applications to join Shackleton on his expedition. In doing so, the children considered what would make them good candidates and it was wonderful to see them identify so many of our learning powers.

In RE, we continued our Advent learning about the ‘O’ Antiphons. We discussed their structure and their link to Isaiah 11:1. Year 5 also thought about the ways in which the are similar and different to a Jesse tree. We ended our week by creating our own Jesse tree symbols, which look amazing on our RE display.

On Wednesday, the children took part in their final swimming lesson of the year. They wore their shorts and T shirts to learn important water skills and it looks like they had a great time!

Home Learning: Mathletics, Spag.com and 5 readtheory tests.

Autumn 2 Week 3

Another week in Year 5 has flown by! In English, we have begun writing our explorers guides, which we will complete next week. I have been really impressed with the vocabulary the children have used and the sense of adventure they have created. I also feel highly informed, as they have taught me how to make fires, find shelter, find food and water, as well as survive the deadly rain forest animals. With all this knowledge, I may turn out to be the next Bear Grylls!

In science, we ran a comparative fair test to find out which material was the best thermal insulator. Bubble wrap came out on top and the children we able to explain why. This knowledge of trapping air to keep warm may come in handy given the cold weather!

In history, we are now learning about the Vikings. We began by creating timelines in order to understand when they occupied England. We also related this to other time periods the children have learnt about to provide context. Then we created a graph to show how much threat the Vikings posed to the Saxons throughout he time they were here by evaluating key events. This gave us an overview of the time period.

In RE, we have been discussing  ‘O’ Antiphons as we continue our learning of Advent. The children read them to identify what was being said about the Messiah and how Jesus fulfills it.



Wishing you a wonderful weekend,


Mrs Lines


Home learning- Mathletics, Spag.com, 5 readtheiry tests and spellings