Spring 1 Week 5

The mystery has been solved! Year 5 have discovered the whereabouts of the missing child from our class text, ‘The London Eye Mystery’. The children have now set to work on creating their own chapter of the rescue, filled with suspense and tension. In maths, we have completed our learning on mental addition and subtraction. The children enjoyed learning about ‘equal sum’ and ‘equal difference’ in order to calculate mentally.

Over the past few weeks, we have been learning about David Hockney in art. To do this, we spent time understanding colours and their relationship to each other before identifying how Hockney uses them to create striking masterpieces. We have also improved our painting skills by looking at tints, tones and shade. Today we went out into the playground to make sketches of our school landscape, which we will paint next week in the style of Hockney.

Next week we will be creating our class garden. Each class is creating an area to attract a specific animal. Year 5’s garden will be a haven for woodlice. Please donate anything you can to fill our space. We will need logs, bark and pots for the woodlice to hide under. The children could also decorate pebbles and rocks with images of woodlice and it would be wonderful to liven it up with a few plants around the edge to give some colour.


Have a wonderful weekend


Mrs Lines


Home Learning



Readtheory (10 tests)

Spellings: Week 5