Autumn 2 Week 3

Another week in Year 5 has flown by! In English, we have begun writing our explorers guides, which we will complete next week. I have been really impressed with the vocabulary the children have used and the sense of adventure they have created. I also feel highly informed, as they have taught me how to make fires, find shelter, find food and water, as well as survive the deadly rain forest animals. With all this knowledge, I may turn out to be the next Bear Grylls!

In science, we ran a comparative fair test to find out which material was the best thermal insulator. Bubble wrap came out on top and the children we able to explain why. This knowledge of trapping air to keep warm may come in handy given the cold weather!

In history, we are now learning about the Vikings. We began by creating timelines in order to understand when they occupied England. We also related this to other time periods the children have learnt about to provide context. Then we created a graph to show how much threat the Vikings posed to the Saxons throughout he time they were here by evaluating key events. This gave us an overview of the time period.

In RE, we have been discussing  ‘O’ Antiphons as we continue our learning of Advent. The children read them to identify what was being said about the Messiah and how Jesus fulfills it.



Wishing you a wonderful weekend,


Mrs Lines


Home learning- Mathletics,, 5 readtheiry tests and spellings