Wednesday 25th March

Good Morning Year 4!

We hope that you completed the work yesterday.  Remember, if you have any questions email Miss Dunning and I and we will endeavour to answer your query.  You can keep in contact with Miss Dunning and myself by posting comments to the Year 4 Blog or by sending us an email at Try your best in doing class work each day.

Alice sent this to us: she has designed an invention: an invention to assist with handing out exercise books!  Thank you Alice for this.

Fabian has been busy too: thank you for your photos Fabian.

Children across the UK are putting up homemade rainbow creations in their windows at home, in a bid to spread hope and positivity amid the self-isolation period in support of all the people who are working so hard at this time.  Also on Facebook is a page “Rainbow Trail”.  Ask your parents to have a look!

FREE!!    A new resource that has come to our attention is ‘Audible Stories’. 

For as long as schools are closed, starting today, kids everywhere can instantly stream an incredible collection of stories, including titles across six different languages, that will help them continue dreaming, learning, and just being kids.  All stories are free to stream on your desktop, laptop, phone or tablet.  So Year 4, why don’t you explore the collection, select a title and start listening!!

Before you start today’s work, look over the answers from yesterday’s work.

Day 2 Year 4 Learning answers

Remember, read through each activity for today’s learning and keep your handwriting neatly presented as you complete each task.

Day 3 Year 4 Learning

You need this information today to help you:

Annunciation information sheet            Maths Information Sheet

Have a great day.  Remember, upload photos/messages of what you have been doing today.  We are keen to see what you have been up to!

Resources that you could use today:

Our Lady and Saint Vincent Church are having 10am Mass as it is the Feast of the Annunciation.   Fr Shaun has invited us to join him.  You can access the live streaming via the parish website .


Maths Chase

Hit the Button

Why not try the online books (e-books) from Oxford Owl:  Click on ‘My Class Log in’

Oxford Owl

Username: popepaul2020

Password: Ilovereading2020

Tuesday 24th March

Good Morning Year 4!

We hope that you completed the work yesterday.  Remember, if you have any questions email Miss Dunning and I and we will endeavour to answer your query.  You can keep in contact with Miss Dunning and myself by posting comments to the Year 4 Blog or by sending us an email at Try your best in doing class work each day.

As a warm-up log onto Joe Wick’s Daily Workout for today, Tuesday. 

If you don’t have time now, log onto his workout from yesterday later on today.

Before you start today’s work, look over the answers from yesterday’s work.

Answers of Day 1 Activities

Remember, read through each activity for today’s learning and keep your handwriting neatly presented as you complete each task.

Day 2 Year 4 Learning


Have a great day.  Remember, upload photos/messages of what you have been doing today.

Resources that you could use today:

Our Lady and Saint Vincent Church are having 10am Mass. Fr Shaun has invited us to join him.

You can access the live streaming via the parish website .


Maths Chase

Hit the Button

Why not try the online books (e-books) from Oxford Owl:  Click on ‘My Class Log in’

Oxford Owl

Username: popepaul2020

Password: Ilovereading2020





Monday 23rd March

Dear Parents and Carers,

What follows from today (Monday 23rd March) is a daily blog that Mrs Dunning and I would like the children to complete at home over the coming weeks. We are committed to making sure that your child is still learning as much as possible and endeavour to do our best to keep this happening. We also appreciate that keeping children engaged in their learning whilst at home is not going to be easy and so we have prepared content for your child that we feel can be completed both independently or with adult support.


Good Morning Year 4!

Welcome to our daily class blog.   You can keep in contact with Miss Dunning and myself by posting comments to the Year 4 Blog or by sending us an email at Try your best in doing class work each day.

Click on the link to pick up today’s learning  Website Day 1

Click on the link for your Geography Learning:   Geography Lesson 1

Our Lady and Saint Vincent Church are having 10am Mass. Fr Shaun has invited us to join him.

You can access the live streaming via the parish website .



Useful Links

Year 4 Music at home ideas


Maths Frame – Multiplication Checklist

Maths – Topmarks

You can also access plenty of wonderful books via the Oxford Owl website:

Username: popepaul2020

Password: Ilovereading2020

Log in via the Class Login area.

The Body Coach will be running a 30 minute PE lesson from his YouTube channel

Use this to keep active.



Week 4: 20th March 2020

Thank you for your support in what has been an unusual week in our lives!

This week we continued to write up our final versions of our Tin Forest Story. We are proud of our creative writing.  Also year 2 visited our class and shared their final pieces with us.

In Science we had a lot of fun making electrical circuits that connected and made bulbs light up.



Please read the newsletter from Mrs Heymoz for the latest guidance.

Let us all pray for each other during this difficult time.

St Paul VI pray for us.

Miss Dunning and Mrs McNamara



Week 3: 13th March

To celebrate Science Week, the children have embraced the concept of dunking biscuits with enthusiasm and to see more about what they got up to, click on the link below.

Science Week Celebration Morning final

We met Vicky Dearing, a lady scientist.  It was really interesting to find out about her work on DNA.

Our brainstorming of ideas for possible experiments to carry out.

Doing our experiment! 

Showing our experiment to Mrs Jane Goring, the RE Lead Inspector from the Westminster Diocese who visited our classroom on Wednesday.

Each morning the have had an explorify activity to examine, discuss and feel that these have tested us on our skills of observation and questioning.  It was lovely to see many of you this morning having a go at Creating a Tree for the Set-point challenge which has come from Hertfordshire.

I will send off the photos of the children’s designs and see what awaits us!



In Computing the children have continued with their work on Scratch, developing their understanding of how to programme a sprite to meet another sprite and change colour!

In PE with Coach Duggan this afternoon, the class continued to look at fitness.  We had some very capable children doing five strides very capably!



Mathletics – work on Perimeter

Practise the 7 and 8 timestables.  Use these links to assist you:

Reading: please read for at least 15 minutes a day and update your reading log.

Spellings:    Prefixes ‘anti’ and ‘inter’

international, interrupt, intercept, intervene, interject, antidote, antibiotic, anticlockwise, antiseptic, anti-climax


Have a lovely weekend.

Week 2: 6th March, 2020

This week has been busy with lots happening around us!  Lots of the children spent their time enjoying the cycling workshops on Tuesday and Wednesday.  They came back talking about all the interesting things they did with the cycling trainers.  Well done on to them on achieving their Level 1!  The Level 1 certificates will be awarded to them next week in assembly.  The children in the choir went out on Tuesday afternoon with Miss Donantantonio and enjoyed their afternoon of singing and meeting other children from other schools.

On Thursday, the children looked great for our World Book Day where they and myself came dressed as characters from the Bible.  We listened to Cardinal Vincent’s podcast too and learnt about his favourite story from the bible.

In Maths, the children have continued with their work on measures and fractions.   In our topic of fractions they have begun to learn about how to find a fraction of a quantity and how their times tables assists them in working these fractions out.   The children have also been introduced to another website that aids them in their understanding of timestables.

Please check out the links below:

Maths Chase – Timestables

Maths Frame: Timestables Check 

Home Learning: 

  1.  A short 2 minute radio advertisement

Alongside the theme of persuasion and Fairtrade:

Create a script for a Christian radio advertisement about Fair Trade.  You need to persuade people that Fair Trade is important!  Ensure that you include references to Scripture and explain why this is relevant.

Ideas on references to scripture.  Think about:

Pope Paul VI:  ‘If you want peace, work for justice’

Mark 12:31 – The second is this: ‘Love your neighbour as yourself.’ There is no commandment greater than these.”God’s commandment on Love:

Fair trade is a way for us to show Jesus’ love. It’s a way to live what we believe!

Pope Francis’ message on Laudate Si, caring for our common home, caring for others

2.  Practise your timetables using the links above as an aid.


Have a lovely weekend!

World Book Day

Finding fractions of quantities:


Timestables Practise

Art work for our display on the Tin Forest:

PE on Fitness with Coach Duggan

Spring Term 2: Week 1 28th February

It was lovely for Ms Dunning and I to meet you at the parent consultations this week.  For those parents who could not make those dates, please speak to  Ms Dunning or myself about an appontment.

This week we started on our new writing focus, using the story of The Tin Forest as inspiration.  The children arrived in school on Monday with some lovely home learning about tin. They looked at the setting of the story and using their senses,  spent time developing their understanding of how to write descriptive sentences using them.

In Maths the children have continued to look at how to convert measures: Kg to g, cm to m, mm to cm etc….They have also been working really hard on their 6, 7 and 8 times tables.  A website that they have enjoyed using is:  Please encourage your child to log on and have a go!

On Wednesday, the children walked to Our Lady and St Vincent’s for mass partnered with children from Year 6.  Preparing ourselves for Lent, we had a class act of worship with a focus on praying, fasting and almsgiving and the children wrote their Lenten promises. Their Lenten leaves were added to our Lenten Tree this morning at assembly.

On Thursday, our new Science Topic on Electricity was introduced which was met with excitement.  We have continued with our programming sessions using Scratch Jr.


Home Learning:

Reading and updating Reading Log

Spellings: accident, special, heart, guide, complete, question, ordinary, experience, century, actually, favourite, believe.

Timetable Practice:  log onto and practice 6, 7 and 8 timetables.  Can your child improve on their personal best?

Mathletics:  complete the activities set on conversion, magic symbols (set before the half term).

Have a lovely weekend.

Mrs McNamara      Ms Dunning

Working hard on learning their timetables


Our editing session and final draft of our narratives on Leon and the Place Between

Our Act of Worship on Lent: Display arranged by Elena

PE Lesson with Coach Duggan this afternoon with a focus on fitness.



Week 6: February 14th

This has been another busy week!

On Tuesday the class visited the Watford Central Mosque and the Imam shared information about the mosque, traditions and the Muslim faith.  The children showed great respect in this place of worship and back in class wrote about what they had learnt on The Qur’an and the Five Pillars.

The Lady’s prayer room       Washing Room


The Muslims pray five times a day at these times depending on sunrise and sunset

The Imam showed the children the Qur’an

On Wednesday the class in swimming continued to develop their skills and practised jumping into the water and swimming to the end of the lane!

On Thursday afternoon, the children led a drumming concert to the rest of the school with Caz who has been teaching them composition and performance skills on the djembe drums.  The children looked confident in their performance and showed how much they had learnt from their lessons with Caz since September.

For E-Safety Day, the children discussed the importance of being SMART when accessing the internet and watched an educational video that taught them the importance of staying safe on the internet.

Please click on the link if you would like to see what they discussed and watched.


The disco was enjoyed by all and we even got to join in with some of the moves!

In English the children were publishing their final narratives on Leon and these have been added to their writing portfolios.

This afternoon, the children had another fun session with Coach Duggan and worked in teams using the outdoor environment in their investigative work.


Home Learning is a whole school project on designing information on tin to link with our whole school writing project on The Tin Forest.

Have a lovely half term!

Ms Dunning and Mrs McNamara

Week 5: February 7th

On Monday, the whole school celebrated the Feast of Candlemas and the children showed great reverence.

In English, the children have been busy continuing their writing work on our class book ‘Leon and the place between’ and developing their use of conjunctions, adjectives and prepositions within their writing.

In Maths they were introduced to the use of another tool to aid their understanding – a place value slider and have used this to help them multiply and divide by 10, 100 and 1000.  Some even explored this with decimal numbers!

Image result for photo of place value sliders

Please ask your child how they use this tool to help them.

We continue to practise our times tables and ask that you continue to encourage your child to practise at home as well.

On Wednesday, Deacon Axel visited our class and did an act of worship focusing on this week’s gospel on light and dark.  The children participated well in the discussion and followed the importance of making sure that they show their light (talent) and not hide them.

On Friday afternoon, the children had PE with Coach Dugan and enjoyed the team games that he introduced to them using the outdoor environment.  He and Miss Pringle hid the names of twelve train stations that the children had to find in a particular order solving maths questions about passengers at the stations – they worked really well together.

Home learning this weekend:

Spellingspossessive apostrophe with plurals

boy’s, boys’ girl’s, girls’, teacher’s, teachers’, nurse’s, nurses’, gardener’s, gardeners’, computer’s, computers’

Mathletics and  Read Theory


please bring in wellies or old shoes for gardening this week – we are creating our new class garden next week.  Each class is creating an area to attract a specific animal and our garden will be created a special insect.  We are looking for donations of plants and flowers.

Have a lovely weekend.

Mrs McNamara

Week 4: 31st January

Dear Parents,

My sincere apologies about this blog: Week 4  31st January.  It had been done last Friday but unfortunately it was archived onto the school website instead of appearing on the Year 4 blog.

Mrs McNamara


This week we have been developing our learning in various subjects.  In Science the children investigated the melting times of different solid materials such as ice cream, chocolate, wax, butter etc and placed their results in a graph.

On Wednesday the children took part in a cyber-bullying workshop.  The theme of the workshop was K.I.N.D. and the children learnt the importance of taking the appropriate steps to keep themselves safe online.


Today, the children had their last dance session and showed their Roman dance to the Year 3s. They performed the dance well.

Also this week, the children had a session on computer programming and were introduced to Scratch which they really enjoyed exploring. The explored the programme itself and started devising their own programmes to move their ‘sprites’ on the ‘stage’ using a ‘script’.

This morning at our assembly, the children met some of the Governing Body.  The governors spoke to them about their roles and how they support Mrs Heymoz in her role as the Headteacher.

Mr Lyons

Mrs Alder

Mrs Strange

Fr Shaun

Mr O’Keefe

Mrs Joyce

Thank you also for taking part in the Bird Watch last weekend.  The children’s recordings have been passed on to add to the data gathered.

Have a lovely weekend.

Homework for this weekend:

  1. Mathletics
  2. Revise 6, 7 and 8 timestables.
  3. Reading and updating their reading logs
  4. Spellings:    Homophones    scene, seen, mail, male, bawl, ball, plane, plain, wear, where, some, sum