Thursday, 21st May, 2020

Good Morning Year 4.

It has been wonderful to see what you have been up to!  Today is the Feast of the Ascension and as part of Spirituality Week, we have been asked to join mass at 10am with Fr Shaun and Deacon Axcel.  Yesterday,we were invited to examine the God who speaks through scripture. Reading biblical stories about Jesus’ power to heal can hearten and encourage us. Stories can offer hope. Today, you are being asked to think about the artist Giotto.

Let’s see what some of you got up to yesterday:

Keep up the good work.

We heard some sad news from Megan and Fabian whose pets have recently passed away. As part of out prayer time today, let us think of them at this sad time and offer them and their families comfort.

Click here for today’s learning.

Click here for yesterday’s answers.



Activity One:      click here for the worksheet              click here for the answers


Activity Two:     Click here for the worksheet            click here for the answers