Autumn 2 Week 8

Miss Shea and I would like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Thank you for all your cards, gifts and support this Term.

Please bring your holy Christmas cards in to school in January.

See you all in 2023!

Miss Pringle

Autumn 2 Week 7

What a fun filled week we’ve had! On Tuesday we enjoyed playing in the snow together; building snow people, sledging and making snow angels.

We have also enjoyed performing our Wriggly Nativity to the whole school and the parents. I’m sure you’ll agree that the children performed brilliantly.

On Wednesday, we all had Christmas lunch together and sang Christmas carols, which was lovely. We had a wonderful time at the panto yesterday and had a lot of fun today as well – partying, meeting Santa and getting Christmas ‘tattoos!’

Have a lovely weekend

Miss Pringle



KS1 Snow Day Activities

Good morning,

Here are some fun and educational activities that you and your children could carry out on your ‘Snow Day’, should you so wish.

  1. Numeracy: Build a snowman. This is a great opportunity for your child to work as a team and to use problem solving skills. Can you create more than one and order by height? Can you make a repeating pattern using pebbles on your snowman? Can you make a symmetrical snowflake?

  1. Science/ Reversible and Irreversible changes: Experiment with the science of snow. Put some snow in a few bowls and conduct your own melting test. Where does it melt the fastest – on a radiator, in the fridge, under the bed? How long does it take to melt in each location? Once it’s melted, what happens if your put it back outside or in the freezer?

  1. Art: Make some snowmen pictures. Use cotton wool and card, encouraging your child to cut and stick independently. Use food dye to create art on the snow (felt tips work too).

  1. English: Write a poem about the snow. It might be like this:-

Snow is ________________________________________________________________________

Snow is _______________________________________________________________________

It ________________________________________________________________________

Snow is ________________________________________________________________________

Snow is ________________________________________________________________________

It ________________________________________________________________________

Or an acrostic poem, like this:-





  1. Maths/P.E: Draw a chalk target on an outside wall, line up some snowballs and shoot to score. Award different points for hitting different areas and keep tally with a score chart making sure to count in twos, threes, fives or tens.

  1. Numeracy: Make cakes or biscuits. Encourage your child to read the scales when weighing out the ingredients.

  1. Art: Paper snowflakes are easy to make using only white paper and scissors. Cutting helps develop fine motor skills and hand-eye co-ordination.

Or draw a snow globe using this tutorial

Other online learning:

CBeebies also have activities and learning games that your children will enjoy. Enjoy a selection of numeracy and literacy games for KS1 children on resources.html.

Enjoy the snow and wrap up warm

Miss Pringle and Miss Lambie

Autumn 2 Week 6

We have been busy practising our Nativity play and songs this week and we are really looking forward to performing to an audience on Monday and Tuesday.

In English, we have been using contractions, conjunctions and expanded noun phrases to write text messages between The Three Kings.  Next week they will publish these messages about for display.  In Maths we have used our mental maths skills to complete lots of fluency activities.

In Religion, the children have been retelling Matthew’s story of The Birth of Jesus. The Year 6 children and the travelling nativity visited our class to tell us the story of the journey to Bethlehem, which was lovely too.

Well done to all the KS1 children who sang or played in the music concert today – what a talented bunch you all are!

Thank you for your generous donations for the Christmas Fair.

Have a lovely weekend

Miss Pringle

Home learning

Spelling – le 







Autumn 2 Week 5

We enjoyed a visit from Bishop John Sherrington on Thursday and have been preparing for Advent by making Advent promises and making a class wreath.

In English we have been learning to identify and use apostrophes for contractions, while in maths we have been comparing and making different amounts of money.

Have a lovely weekend

Miss Pringle

Home learning

English – Your child has been given a contraction activity to complete at home.

Maths – Mathletic activities have been set to support their learning.

Spelling – apostrophes for contractions.











Autumn 2 Week 3

Today was Odd Sock Day to remind us that we are all different and to help celebrate the end of Anti-Bullying Week. The children worked hard this week to complete kindness challenges, name trusted people and understand that everyone’s differences should be celebrated. Year 2 paired up with Year 5 for ‘Friendship Friday’ and enjoyed a karate session and golden time together.

The children have worked hard to publish three pages of their shark books and create their front covers. Next week they will be finishing these books and sharing them with another class.

In Maths they have been applying their subtraction skills to reason and answer tricky word problems.

Home learning

Spelling – copy these words into your home handwriting books and were necessary highlight the part your child finds tricky to help them remember the spelling.








Reading – Please read over the weekend and ensure your child has their reading books in their bags every day.

Mathletic subtraction and addition word problems have been set.

Polite request – Please can you spare any boxes of tissues.

Have a lovely weekend

Miss Pringle

Autumn 2 Week 2

At the end of the month we will be celebrating Advent. In class we have been learning about the signs and symbols of Advent. Please encourage them to observe the changes in the Church, school and at home during this special season.

Today, we observed two minutes of silence for Armistice Day. Then we went on a special remembrance pilgrimage around the classrooms to see the beautiful displays of poppies and loved ones on the prayer tables.

Home learning

Spelling – suffix ‘ing’

Please learn this word list and copy them into your home handwriting book.








Reading – please read over the weekend and revise any sounds sent home.

Maths – please complete the Mathletic activities set.

Autumn 2 Week 1

Our new English unit is  information texts. The children have been learning about Sharks in class and will be writing their own non fiction books all about these wonderful creatures.  We have also been learning the difference between questions and statements.

In Science, the children have been learning about healthy eating and how exercise makes our heart beat faster. We also investigated whether tall children always have the biggest feet. We measured our foot size and height in cm, then ordered our shoes and made a human graph. We discovered that it isn’t always true as some people had larger feet than taller

In maths we have been subtracting using number lines.

In Art we have used our observational skills to sketch things found in our environment.

Home learning 

Spelling and handwriting – adding ed







Reading – please read daily. We are in the process of checking if children are ready to move book bands.

Maths – subtraction activities have been set on Mathletics. Please also practice the 5 and 3 timetables on the jamming section of timetable rock stars.

Have a lovely weekend

Miss Pringle

Autumn 1 Week 7

Our One World Week country, was Israel. The children located Israel and Jerusalem in the atlases and learnt about the different pilgrimages people make to the Holy Land. They also made flags and created collages of Jerusalem.

Thank you for your generous Harvest Festival donations. Many families are in need at the moment and your food donations will be greatly received. It was also wonderful to see so many of you at parents evening this week and at the celebration morning on Friday. I’m sure you’ll agree that the children have worked very hard this half term. Thank you for your continued support.

I hope you have a restful half term,

Miss Pringle

Autumn 1 Week 6

We had a fantastic time on our trip, to the Natural History Museum, in Tring yesterday. We enjoyed identifying different animals and classifying them into groups. After half term when our science moves onto living things and their habitats  we will identify different habitats and the needs of living things. Thank you to all the staff and parents who accompanied us on our trip as it would not have been possible without you all!

Home learning


Please continue to read with your child and comment in their reading record. After half term, please ensure your child’s reading record and book are in their bag everyday as they will no longer have a set reading day. Children’s books will continue to be changed once a week, when they have read the book fluently. Thank you for your continued support.


Three mathletic activities have been set online.


Please go on an autumnal walk this weekend and list any nouns (names) adjectives (describing words) and verbs (doing words) that you can share in class on Monday. For example; Hungry, squirrels collecting juicy acorns.

Have a lovely weekend

Miss Pringle