Autumn 2 Week 3

Today was Odd Sock Day to remind us that we are all different and to help celebrate the end of Anti-Bullying Week. The children worked hard this week to complete kindness challenges, name trusted people and understand that everyone’s differences should be celebrated. Year 2 paired up with Year 5 for ‘Friendship Friday’ and enjoyed a karate session and golden time together.

The children have worked hard to publish three pages of their shark books and create their front covers. Next week they will be finishing these books and sharing them with another class.

In Maths they have been applying their subtraction skills to reason and answer tricky word problems.

Home learning

Spelling – copy these words into your home handwriting books and were necessary highlight the part your child finds tricky to help them remember the spelling.








Reading – Please read over the weekend and ensure your child has their reading books in their bags every day.

Mathletic subtraction and addition word problems have been set.

Polite request – Please can you spare any boxes of tissues.

Have a lovely weekend

Miss Pringle