Entries by Margaret Joyce

Year 5 – 23/06/23

This has been a special week for Year 5, as we had a class pilgrimage to Aylesford Priory on Wednesday. We were given a tour of the beautiful grounds by Father Jed, one of the five Carmelite Friars that live at the Priory, then had Mass, followed by a picnic lunch on the field. We […]

Summer 2 Week 3

In English, the children continued their adventure stories. They edited them and wrote their stories neatly for the class display. All of the stories are exciting to read and I was impressed with the children’s vocabulary. In Maths, we have been comparing and ordering decimal numbers. The children have been regrouping to make a decimal […]

Friday, 23rd June 2023

The children in Year 4, spent considerable time planning for their big narrative based on our class book Stitch Head. The class recapped the use of expanded noun phrases, similes and metaphors, fronted adverbials and the use of conjunctions. They created a bank of powerful verbs and also planned some short dialogues to practice speech. […]

Friday 23rd June

This week has been filled with many things including having visitors from the NSPCC and Bejiing! On Monday I delivered an assembly on NSPCC’s Speak Out and Stay Safe focus.  In the assembly the children learnt  about who their trusted adults are; what Childline is; and the importance of speaking out if something is wrong.  […]

Summer 2 Week 3

We have been busy honing our estimation and measuring skills in Maths this week – measuring activities have been set on Mathletics to support this learning. After finding a bee and observing them in the school gardens, we have decided to plan non chronological reports about Honey Bees in our English lessons. We are enjoying […]

Friday 16th June 2023

Healthy Eating Week   The big message for this week is Healthy eating for Everyone!! Our sports leaders: Alfie, Kian, Sophie and Vihaan, have been very busy this week assisting all classes with their hydration points in their classes.  They have been preparing each morning water that has contained many different ingredients: strawberry, lemon, lime […]

Year 5 – 16/06/23 | Healthy Eating Week

This week was Healthy Eating Week. Over the course of the week, we have tasted different flavoured waters each day: strawberry on Tuesday, lemon on Wednesday, lime on Thursday and mint today. We also learnt about wholegrains, then tasted wholewheat wraps and wholegrain cereal, which both proved extremely popular! Today was extra exciting because we […]

Summer 2 Week 2

As part of Healthy Eating Week we tasted different flavoured water to encourage us to drink more and stay hydrated. We understand how important it is to stay hydrated and this has been a fun way to make our drinks taste delicious. The most popular flavoured water in Year 2 was mint but the overall […]

Summer 2 Week 2

This week was Healthy Eating Week. Each day, we tasted different flavoured water to encourage us to drink more and stay hydrated. The children made posters to tell others about the importance of drinking. The most popular flavour water in Year 3 was mint and the overall school favourite was strawberry. On Monday, for Design […]