Friday 23rd June

This week has been filled with many things including having visitors from the NSPCC and Bejiing!

On Monday I delivered an assembly on NSPCC’s Speak Out and Stay Safe focus.  In the assembly the children learnt  about who their trusted adults are; what Childline is; and the importance of speaking out if something is wrong.  On Tuesday morning, Year 6 had a workshop delivered by two of the NSPCC Team about their Speak Out and Stay Safe Programme and the children felt empowered and enlightened because of this powerful message.

On Wednesday a group of children from Beijing, China visited our school and Year 6 spent time with them during breaktime and lunchtime and in the afternoon.  During the afternoon session, they paired up with a student and asked them questions about themselves, their school in Beijing and their life there. Our visitors also found out about Year 6.  They then took part in a maths reasoning and problem solving activity and it was lovely to see our Year 6 children work alongside them on a subject and language they both know so well.

Our children are growing up in a world where they are global citizens and it’s important for them to learn about life beyond Potters Bar and the experience of this visit has given them a taster of this!  The children were a credit to the school;  they were welcoming, engaging, enthusiastic and active participants. The Chinese students gave the children some gifts to thank them for their friendship shown to them on this day.

NSPCC Workshop

On Wednesday afternoon,eight children went and took part in a Netball Tournament.  Miss Pringle said that the children played well as a team in ALL their matches. Their primary objective was to shoot a ball through the defender’s goal ring while preventing the opposing team from shooting through their own goal ring and Caroline, Ela-Maria, Elle, Kian, Max, Sophie, Violet and VJ did just that!!  They returned to school the following day buzzing, coming 4th in the overall competition. Well done!

We have continued with our rehearsals for the production and the children are working on their dances for the songs. There are still some children who have not brought n their costumes.  Please send them into school by Tuesday.  In PE, we have been practising for the Sports Day races. Sports Day is on  Wednesday 28th June  (AM).  Please see more details on sports day arrangements in the newsletter. All children must have a sunhat and a bottle of water.

Today our Year 6 took part in the first of two transition (Year 6 to Year 7) workshops led by the
Hertsmere Schools Partnership. This provision forms an important part of our Year 6’s preparation for
secondary school and the children participated fully in the workshop activities.

Have a lovely weekend.

Mrs McNamara and Mrs Lines


Home Learning:

Please encourage your child to learn their lines for the play.

  1. Click here to listen to some of the songs we are singing.    Songs
  2. Log onto Mathletics (work on problem solving has been set).