Last the week the NSPCC visited our school. The children took part in an assembly where they reflected on the importance of sharing their concerns with their trusted adults. Speak Out Stay Safe!

Next week Year 5 and Year 6 will be taking part in NSPCC led workshops developing the theme of staying safe.


Week 4: 26th January

For this week, we had a German student Tobias in our classroom working alongside the children.  He has been a great asset to the class and loved listening to the children read and chat about their reading books with him.  On Monday, we were treated to a piano concert by some of the children in the class.  It was lovely to see how well their piano skills have developed and their confidence in performing in front of an audience growing too!

Well done to Asher, Giovanna, Luka, Maria, Max and Toni.

On Tuesday, the children continued to look at a scene of a play script from Harry Potter and how to summarise what they had learnt from it.  They looked at sentence structure and did role play.  On Friday, the children wrote their own narratives using the script as a writing stimulus and some wonderful writing pieces were written.

On Wednesday, in RE the children learnt more about the Exodus story and watched parts of the Prince of Egypt film.  With knowledge of what happened, they continued to write up the Exodus story and retell when God spoke to Moses through ‘The Burning Bush.’
















Acting out a scene from Harry Potter and the Cursed Child



On Friday, the children continued their art work with Ms Burgess using their willow designs from last week.

I have only mentioned a few of the learning experiences that the children have had this week.  I’m sure that the children will have told you much more!

The homework has been set and as usual, there is homework club on Monday if your child needs it.

Have a lovely weekend.


Mrs McNamara

Click here to download the power point I used in Maths testing your knowledge of measurement.    Converting QUIZ



Our Wonderful Pianists


Reception- Week 17

Despite a week of terrible weather at times, Reception have still managed to have plenty of outdoor learning time. We have been focussing on the traditional tale ‘The Three Little Pigs’ and have turned our outdoor role play area into a building site for the pigs. This story has proven to be so popular this week, that we have decided to take it over to next week too!

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The children had fun working in pairs or groups, to create their own den that didn’t fall down. During this time there was lots of idea sharing and we witnessed lots of lovely team work.

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Inside, the children used Polydrons or straws to make new homes for the Three Little Pigs.

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In RE, we really enjoyed listening to the children talk about their special objects from home. It was so lovely hearing them explain how their object demonstrated the love they had for a family member. Thank you for helping your child with this home learning.

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Have a wonderful weekend,

The Reception Team

22.1.18 – 26.1.18

The children have immersed themselves in the Exodus story this week, through role play, cooking flat bread and painting our classroom lintel! This has led to some fantastic writing in RE. Well done Y3.

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We also had the opportunity to hear our wonderful pianists play on Monday – what a talented class we are!

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In PE we have focused on accuracy, speed and agility – the children are working hard at improving their performances.



Miss Pringle

Year 5 26/01/18

Our Football coaching continued this week and the focus was on improving turning skills. Scott, our coach, commented on the improvement he saw and how impressed he was with their teamwork. Keep it up year 5.

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In science, our focus has been on comparing insect life cycles. The children had a clear understanding of a butterfly lifecycle from their KS1 learning and they are now able to discuss it using a wider range of technical vocabulary. This knowledge was then applied to a ladybird lifecycle. Many of the children were surprised to know it has a larva state and were interested to see what it looked like. We then made comparisons between the two life cycles by creating fractions of how long they spend in each stage. We used this information to create pie charts by hand and using Excel. This led to some very challenging discussion about how data can be presented and how to interpret it.

In English, we have been building up our writing skills by practising how to write dialogue accurately, using pronouns to add mystery and use of modal verbs and adjectives of possibility. All of these skills have helped the children to show their knowledge of the text and their deepening understanding of the characters.

Our maths learning has focussed on problem solving this week, in particular, modelling the problem using the bar method. To support the children’s understanding in this, they used an online game called thinking blocks. The discussion in the room during this lesson was fantastic and the children demonstrated a rapid improvement in their understanding. This website will form part of the home learning for this week.

In R.E this week, the children took on the roles of Moses and Aaron, writing vital instructions for the Israelites about Passover. They showed a great understanding of events and used their knowledge of instruction writing to make the information clear.

This week, we had a visitor from Germany in our class, Sandra. She supported the children in lessons and it was wonderful to have her.


Have a fantastic weekend


Mrs Lines


Home Learning

Maths– Play thinking blocks for 20 mins. Choose 2 or 3 problems you have modelled to write up in the maths book. The challenge comes from organising the information, not the numbers themselves.


English– Reading comprehension and Spag.com












Year 2 Blog Week 17

It has been another action packed week in Year 2. We continued work on the Exodus story in Religion. We focused on the retelling of the Passover. The children produced some lovely extended pieces of writing.


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In English we have been concentrating on story writing. We have used the story of Hansel and Gretel as our inspiration for our own stories. Watch this space!

Well done to Nichola and Phoebe for sharing their amazing musical talents. Everyone really enjoyed the piano recital!



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This week in Year 2 we had a very special helper in class. Lea came all the way from Germany to spend a week with us. Lea was a wonderful helper and we had lots of fun and we even learnt some German. Danke!



Week 18 Blog

This week the children have been learning about the story of Passover. They were really motivated by the story and showed great understanding in knowing the characters, settings and events. In RE, they ordered the ten picture story parts and matched the words to the picture cards independently. On Friday, they took part in their very first Year 1 assembly about the story of Passover and did an amazing job in learning all their speaking and acting parts. Well done children! Thank you parents for your support.

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Year 6 – 19/01/18

Here are some photos from this week’s PE lesson:

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For this week’s Science lesson in our Evolution and Inheritance topic, the children brought in family photos and observed characteristics that they had inherited from their parents. They then had a go at imagining what the offspring of Mr Men and Little Miss characters might look like!

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This week’s homework letter is here.


Week 3: 19th January

It has been a busy week.

We have continued with our work on measurement and learnt about symmetry in Maths.

Playscript to Narrative: in English, using the play script from ‘Harry Potter and the Cursed Child’, the children have been learning how to write in narrative.  The writing that they have produced has been fabulous to read.  Next week, they will be looking at using techniques to edit and improve it.

In RE we have been talking about epic stories and examining history from the past using timelines.  The book of Exodus is our focus this half term and the children, learning how to read from the bible have started to learn about Moses and how, after the Ten Plagues, Moses led the Exodus of the Israelites out of Egypt and across the Red Sea.

Below is a link that the children watched and sang along with in singing practice this week:




In PE the children continued their PE sessions with Mr Duggan and one of the activities they particularly enjoyed was the standing long jump:  they learnt that the length of the jump is measured from the edge of the takeoff board to the nearest mark in the landing …so we had many eager children measuring the jumps of each class member!


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In Art the children made willow sculptures and have started on their special science project …more news on their developing creations next week!

Homework has been handed out to the children and stuck into their Home Learning books.

Any queries can be discussed at homework club on Monday.

Wishing you a lovely weekend.




Reception- Week 16

Little Red Riding Hood was our learning focus for this week, and the children had lots of fun recreating and deepening their understanding of the story, through role-play and hot seating.


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The children also wrote lists of things to bring to Grandma to make her feel better, made get well soon cards, created 3D mazes to help Red Riding hood get through the forest, sequenced the story, made puppets and retold the tale by drawing story maps.

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In PE, the class were very excited to learn that they were using the large apparatus and balancing equipment to practise travelling over, through and under.

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In Maths, we went on a number hunt around the school and kept a tally of each number that we saw!

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In RE, we learnt that even though we can’t physically see or feel God, we know that he is always there, helping the people in our lives to protect, care and love us. We also thought about the people who have dedicated their lives to serving, helping and protecting us such as doctors, fire fighters, priests, police officers and carers.

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Please remind you child to bring in their special objects for RE by Tuesday, thank you.

Next week, we will be focussing on the story ‘The Three Little Pigs.

Have a lovely weekend,

The Reception Team