
Week 3: 19th January

It has been a busy week.

We have continued with our work on measurement and learnt about symmetry in Maths.

Playscript to Narrative: in English, using the play script from ‘Harry Potter and the Cursed Child’, the children have been learning how to write in narrative.  The writing that they have produced has been fabulous to read.  Next week, they will be looking at using techniques to edit and improve it.

In RE we have been talking about epic stories and examining history from the past using timelines.  The book of Exodus is our focus this half term and the children, learning how to read from the bible have started to learn about Moses and how, after the Ten Plagues, Moses led the Exodus of the Israelites out of Egypt and across the Red Sea.

Below is a link that the children watched and sang along with in singing practice this week:



In PE the children continued their PE sessions with Mr Duggan and one of the activities they particularly enjoyed was the standing long jump:  they learnt that the length of the jump is measured from the edge of the takeoff board to the nearest mark in the landing …so we had many eager children measuring the jumps of each class member!


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In Art the children made willow sculptures and have started on their special science project …more news on their developing creations next week!

Homework has been handed out to the children and stuck into their Home Learning books.

Any queries can be discussed at homework club on Monday.

Wishing you a lovely weekend.