Year 5 26/01/18

Our Football coaching continued this week and the focus was on improving turning skills. Scott, our coach, commented on the improvement he saw and how impressed he was with their teamwork. Keep it up year 5.

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In science, our focus has been on comparing insect life cycles. The children had a clear understanding of a butterfly lifecycle from their KS1 learning and they are now able to discuss it using a wider range of technical vocabulary. This knowledge was then applied to a ladybird lifecycle. Many of the children were surprised to know it has a larva state and were interested to see what it looked like. We then made comparisons between the two life cycles by creating fractions of how long they spend in each stage. We used this information to create pie charts by hand and using Excel. This led to some very challenging discussion about how data can be presented and how to interpret it.

In English, we have been building up our writing skills by practising how to write dialogue accurately, using pronouns to add mystery and use of modal verbs and adjectives of possibility. All of these skills have helped the children to show their knowledge of the text and their deepening understanding of the characters.

Our maths learning has focussed on problem solving this week, in particular, modelling the problem using the bar method. To support the children’s understanding in this, they used an online game called thinking blocks. The discussion in the room during this lesson was fantastic and the children demonstrated a rapid improvement in their understanding. This website will form part of the home learning for this week.

In R.E this week, the children took on the roles of Moses and Aaron, writing vital instructions for the Israelites about Passover. They showed a great understanding of events and used their knowledge of instruction writing to make the information clear.

This week, we had a visitor from Germany in our class, Sandra. She supported the children in lessons and it was wonderful to have her.


Have a fantastic weekend


Mrs Lines


Home Learning

Maths– Play thinking blocks for 20 mins. Choose 2 or 3 problems you have modelled to write up in the maths book. The challenge comes from organising the information, not the numbers themselves.

English– Reading comprehension and










