Week 4: 26th January
For this week, we had a German student Tobias in our classroom working alongside the children. He has been a great asset to the class and loved listening to the children read and chat about their reading books with him. On Monday, we were treated to a piano concert by some of the children in the class. It was lovely to see how well their piano skills have developed and their confidence in performing in front of an audience growing too!
Well done to Asher, Giovanna, Luka, Maria, Max and Toni.
On Tuesday, the children continued to look at a scene of a play script from Harry Potter and how to summarise what they had learnt from it. They looked at sentence structure and did role play. On Friday, the children wrote their own narratives using the script as a writing stimulus and some wonderful writing pieces were written.
On Wednesday, in RE the children learnt more about the Exodus story and watched parts of the Prince of Egypt film. With knowledge of what happened, they continued to write up the Exodus story and retell when God spoke to Moses through ‘The Burning Bush.’
Acting out a scene from Harry Potter and the Cursed Child
On Friday, the children continued their art work with Ms Burgess using their willow designs from last week.
I have only mentioned a few of the learning experiences that the children have had this week. I’m sure that the children will have told you much more!
The homework has been set and as usual, there is homework club on Monday if your child needs it.
Have a lovely weekend.
Mrs McNamara
Click here to download the power point I used in Maths testing your knowledge of measurement. Converting QUIZ
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